Provide a detailed explanation of the effects of obesity on macronutrient metabolism (carbohydrate, lipid and protein) during pregnancy and the resulting effects on fetal growth and development.
In: Biology
1) Why are quantum dots generally created for biological use having a core-shell design?
2) Design a probe and experiment where you could monitor the endogenous in vivo activity of a particular protease that cleaves the peptide sequence DEVD. Assume this protease is present at extremely low levels in the body.
In: Biology
1) What properties would you consider important for designing a fluorescent probe that could be used in vivo to study an enzyme activity found in blood vessels?
2) What is the difference between an epitope tag and a fusion protein? Describe how you might image dynamics of centrioles in live cells during cell division assuming you use a genetic approach involving creating a fusion protein. Use diagrams and words to explain what proteins you would use to do this and how you would design your experiment.
3) Show two different chemical labeling methods you could use to label high quality antibodies you have obtained from a company by using small organic fluorophores purchased from a chemical supplier. Draw the chemistry occurring on the antibody.
In: Biology
There are techniques in biotechnology that can create genetically engineered babies.
This technology can cure genetic diseases, such as Multiple Sclerosis, Hodgkin’s Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Alzheimer’s, or Sickle Cell Anemia. However, it can also be used to give cosmetic characteristics or traits that would result in an unfair advantage, such as creating better athletes by giving them incredible strength. Write a 250-word Essay on how this technology should be used in the future. Should limits be placed on what can be done with this technology? How can such regulations be enforced?
1) How should this technology be used in the future? - To prevent genetic diseases and assist the child in living a healthy life.
2) Should limits be placed on what can be done with this technology? - YES. This technology should not be used for superficial purposes, such as appearance concerns, building better athletes, and selecting the sex of the child.
3)How can such regulations be enforced? - By setting laws that require the procedures to only be used for health concerns and the prevention of genetic diseases.
In: Biology
Which of the following occurs in cellular respiration but NOT in photosynthesis?
oxygen is consumed
water is split
electrons pass through an electron transport chain
protons are pumped across the inner mitochondrial membrane
there is a negative free energy change
redox reactions are aided by enzymes
In: Biology
6) a) Why does the chick embryo form as a blastoderm and not as a blastula? (4 %)
b) Where are the 2 chick early organisers and what are they called? (5 %)
c) How are new somites specified in chick? (3%)
7) a) What is the difference between the mammalian early blastula and other vertebrate embryos and what is the significance of the differences? (5%)
b) How do homeotic genes in mice differ from those in flies? (4%)
c) What is the role of retinoic acid in mouse determination (3%)
In: Biology
What are the main concerns with the dietary protein choices and why?
What recommendations, given many suffer from chronic diseases, would you give re: protein sources? (perhaps a ratio of animal protein to plant protein).
In: Biology
4) a) What is the cavity inside the blastula called and how does it form? (3%)
b) What happens during gastrulation in the amphibian embryo? (3 %)
c) What are the tissue layers and the cavities present in the amphibian embryo after end of gastrula? (6 %)
d) How does the neural tube form and what does it become in the adult? (4%)
5) a) How are axes determined in the amphibian embryo? (10%)
b) Describe an experiment that can reveal the function of the Nieuwkoop centre. (5%)
c) How and where is the Spemann organiser induced? (3%)
In: Biology
Describe the general physiological characteristics of the archaic forms of H. sapiens. How do these hominins physically differ from the Neandertal?
In: Biology
In: Biology
Discuss the importance of amphioxus and ammocoete larvae and how they are different from each other.
In: Biology
What would each of the following be predicted to achieve regarding cancer development?Explain you answer.
A patient takes low dose aspiring for many years.
An individual inherits a defective version of the XPA gene, a component of the nucleotide excision repair pathway, from each of his parents.
A low grade tumor cell hypermethylates the promoter for Mad2, a component of the spindle assembly checkpoint.
A patient with a rapidly growing tumor receives an experimental treatment consisting of a potentangiogenesis inhibitor.
In: Biology
Describe the steps or features of wound healing that have counterparts in the development of a tumor. How does each feature contribute to tumor formation?
In: Biology
Identify and briefly describe the three stages of tumor development. Include a description of the types of factors that contribute to each stage.
In: Biology
a) Diagram and explain the biological carbon pump.
b) Diagram and eplain the microbial carbon pump.
In: Biology