An insulated beaker with negligible mass contains liquid water with a mass of 0.235 kg and...

An insulated beaker with negligible mass contains liquid water with a mass of 0.235 kg and a temperature of 79.0 ∘C
How much ice at a temperature of -24.2 ∘C must be dropped into the water so that the final temperature of the system will be 30.0 ∘C ?

Take the specific heat of liquid water to be 4190 J/kg⋅K , the specific heat of ice to be 2100 KJ/kg⋅K , and the heat of fusion for water to be 3.34×105 J/kg

M ice = ?

In: Physics

The iodine isotope 13153I is used in hospitals for diagnosis of thyroid function. 822 μg are...

The iodine isotope 13153I is used in hospitals for diagnosis of thyroid function. 822 μg are ingested by a patient. The half-life the iodine isotope 13153I is 8.0207 days and mass is 130.906 u.

Determine the activity immediately after ingestion.

Determine the activity 1.00 h later when the thyroid is being tested.

Determine the activity 3.0 months later. Suppose that each month has 30 days.

In: Physics

Three small spheres, each with charge 4.00  mC , are arranged in a line, with sphere 2...

Three small spheres, each with charge 4.00  mC , are arranged in a line, with sphere 2 in the middle. Adjacent spheres are initially 7.50  cm apart. The spheres have masses m1= 10.0  g , m2= 95.0  g , and  m3= 10.0  g , and their radii are much smaller than their separation. The three spheres are released from rest. Ignore gravity and any possible friction.


What is the magnitude of the acceleration of sphere 1 just after it is released? m/s^2

What is the speed of sphere 1 when the spheres are far apart? m/s

In: Physics

Entropy: A) for the universe never decreases B)has its change defined by Q/T for reversible processes...


A) for the universe never decreases

B)has its change defined by Q/T for reversible processes

C)is measured of how much energy is not availiable to do work

D)includes all of these

E) none of these

2)If the low temperature reservoir is at 300 K and the Carnot efficency is at 40%, what is Th?

A)Below 300 K

B)500 K

C)750 K

D)1200 K

E) none of these

3)A sample of gas has an absolute pressure of 2.00 atmospheres, a volume of 3.00 L and is at a temperature of 400 K. If this gas sample temerpature is changed so its pressure is now 5.00atms while its volume is 6.00 L, what is its new tempertature?






In: Physics

1) The light shining on a diffraction grating has a wavelength of 477 nm (in vacuum)....

1) The light shining on a diffraction grating has a wavelength of 477 nm (in vacuum). The grating produces a second-order bright fringe whose position is defined by an angle of 9.71°. How many lines per centimeter does the grating have?

2) The wavelength of the laser beam used in a compact disc player is 566 nm. Suppose that a diffraction grating produces first-order tracking beams that are 1.1 mm apart at a distance of 3.1 mm from the grating. Estimate the spacing between the slits of the grating.

In: Physics

Derive an expression for the instantaneous voltage across the capacitor. Express your answer in terms of...

Derive an expression for the instantaneous voltage across the capacitor. Express your answer in terms of the variables C, R, I0, and t.

My previous answers that were incorrect: 1) VC=I0*Cos(omega*t)*R (Response was that the answer doesn't depend on (omega*t) 2)Vc=I0*Cos((1/RC)*t)*R (Response was Incorrect; Try Again; One attempt remaining You have found the voltage across the resistor. Note that the current and voltage across the capacitor are out of phase.)

Previous question info:

Part A) A 300 Ω resistor is connected in series with a 50 mH inductor. The voltage across the resistor is vR=(1.20V)cos(2500rad/s)t. Find the amplitude of the voltage across the inductor.

Part B) What should multiply the amplitude to obtain an expression for the instantaneous voltage vL across the inductor?

Part C) The current through a series combination of a capacitor C and resistor R is given by I0cos(ωt), where ω is chosen so that the reactance of the capacitor is equal to the resistance R. Derive an expression for ω.

Thank you

In: Physics

A stone is dropped into a well. The sound of the splash is heard 2.92 s...

A stone is dropped into a well. The sound of the splash is heard 2.92 s later. What is the depth of the well? (Take the speed of sound to be 343 m/s.)

In: Physics

Explain all the forces on a satellite going around the Earth

Explain all the forces on a satellite going around the Earth

In: Physics

FILM How do camera movements function? What information do they provide about characters, objects, and spaces?...

FILM How do camera movements function? What information do they provide about characters, objects, and spaces? Do they guide the viewer’s eye toward particular details? Do they align the viewer’s perspective with that of a character?

In: Physics

A) An electron is to be accelerated from a velocity of 5.00×106 m/s to a velocity...

A) An electron is to be accelerated from a velocity of 5.00×106 m/s to a velocity of 7.00×106 m/s . Through what potential difference must the electron pass to accomplish this?

B) Through what potential difference must the electron pass if it is to be slowed from 7.00×106 m/s to a halt?

In: Physics

1) What is Compton scattering? 2) Derive an equation for the wavelength of a photon scattered...

1) What is Compton scattering?

2) Derive an equation for the wavelength of a photon scattered from a nearly free electron in some target material.

3) Why is Compton scattering not observed for visible wavelengths?

In: Physics

On a quarter-mile drag strip, 402 meters, a car has a racing acceleration of +15.0 m/s2...

On a quarter-mile drag strip, 402 meters, a car has a racing acceleration of +15.0 m/s2 and a braking acceleration of -13.0m/s2.

9: What is the distance the car moves until coming to a stop after crossing the finish line:

______________ meters _______________feet

In: Physics

A dielectric-filled parallel-plate capacitor has plate area AAA = 20.0 cm2cm2 , plate separation ddd =...

A dielectric-filled parallel-plate capacitor has plate area AAA = 20.0 cm2cm2 , plate separation ddd = 5.00 mmmm and dielectric constant kkK = 5.00. The capacitor is connected to a battery that creates a constant voltage VVV = 12.5 VV . Throughout the problem, use ϵ0ϵ0epsilon_0 = 8.85×10−12 C2/N⋅m2C2/N⋅m2 .

Part A

Find the energy U1U1U_1 of the dielectric-filled capacitor.

Express your answer numerically in joules.

View Available Hint(s)

U1U1U_1 =




Part B

The dielectric plate is now slowly pulled out of the capacitor, which remains connected to the battery. Find the energy U2U2U_2 of the capacitor at the moment when the capacitor is half-filled with the dielectric.

Express your answer numerically in joules.

View Available Hint(s)

U2U2U_2 =




Part C

The capacitor is now disconnected from the battery, and the dielectric plate is slowly removed the rest of the way out of the capacitor. Find the new energy of the capacitor, U3U3U_3.

Express your answer numerically in joules.

View Available Hint(s)

U3U3U_3 =



In: Physics

1.The dimensions or units for the quantity (Pressure * Volume) is the same as the dimensions...

1.The dimensions or units for the quantity (Pressure * Volume) is the same as the dimensions or units of



2.According to the ideal gas law, PV = constant for a given temperature and amount of gas. As a result, an increase in volume corresponds to a decrease in pressure. According to the kinetic theory, this happens because the molecules

a.Collide with each other more frequently

b.Move slower on the average.

c.Strike the container wall less often.

d.Transfer less energy to the walls of the container each time they strike it.

3.An air bubble ascends from the bottom of a lake 15 m deep. The temperature at the bottom of the lake is 4oC, and near the surface it is 20oC.

In: Physics

Calculate the speed (in m/s) of an electron and a proton with a kinetic energy of...

Calculate the speed (in m/s) of an electron and a proton with a kinetic energy of 1.70 electron volt (eV). (The electron and proton masses are me = 9.11 ✕ 10−31 kg and mp = 1.67 ✕ 10−27 kg. Boltzmann's constant is kB = 1.38 ✕ 10−23 J/K.)

(a) an electron m/s

(b) a proton m/s

(c) Calculate the average translational kinetic energy in eV of a 3.15 ✕ 102 K ideal gas particle. (Recall from Topic 10 that 1 2 mv2 = 3 2 kBT.)


In: Physics