1) Describe the issues regarding Net Neutrality. 2) Discuss the negatives from the perspective of an...

1) Describe the issues regarding Net Neutrality.

2) Discuss the negatives from the perspective of an ISP.
Give more details. Thank you.

In: Computer Science

Prepare and record a 8-10 minute Kaltura presentation with a Power Point that summarizes your reflection...

Prepare and record a 8-10 minute Kaltura presentation with a Power Point that summarizes your reflection on the learning experience within the MBA degree program. This is not reflection of this course, but rather an reflection of the comprehensive MBA program and your assessment of your achievement.

It should reflect your candid assessment of the level of achievement of degree’s overall Learning Outcomes listed below:

  1. Construct a situational analysis in order to develop business strategies and tactics.
  2. Integrate legal, ethical, and socially responsible constructs to make sound business decisions.
  3. Apply interpersonal oral communication with diverse audiences.
  4. Appraise collaborative leadership strategies to manage, influence, and lead in a global environment.
  5. Apply appropriate quantitative and qualitative inquiry methods to solve business problems.

For each of the five learning outcomes, use your graduate-level critical/evaluative thinking skills and the four questions below to guide your reflection about your personal level of achievement

a) In which of these MBA degree program outcomes have achieved significant proficiency? Provide (cite) examples from the work you have done throughout the course of your degree to support your response.

b) Which Learning Outcome(s) did you not achieve proficiency? Where or in what courses or experiences within the course of the MBA degree program did these challenges manifest the most? Explain fully and provide examples.

c) Reflecting on your MBA degree experience, what would you have done differently to overcome the challenges reflected in the learning outcomes in which you judge yourself to have less proficiency?

Lastly, as you conclude the paper, state your overall assessment of the program; its content, delivery and relevance to your professional/career goals.   Based on this encompassing assessment, would you recommend the program to an individual considering it?

In: Operations Management

using c language: create an array of the values of a sine wave. Include the math.h...

using c language:

create an array of the values of a sine wave. Include the math.h header to use the sin floating point function. The function sin takes an argument of radians (not degrees). Make your array721 elements and initialize each element with 10 * sin(2*3.1416* (i/360.0) where i is the array index from 0 - 720. When done properly, the array should contain approximately 2 complete sine wave cycles. Similarly, create an array of 721 elements only this time initialize it with a cosine function with amplitude 5 Have the program process and compute the following (in the order given); display the title of the action and answers on the screen: The maximum value of the cos and sin array added together. The mean value of the sin array The mean value of the element by element product of the sin and cos. The median value of the cos array. The dot product of the cos and sin array. The dot product of a reversed cos array with a sin array.

In: Computer Science

Access and review the brief article on "Why Networking is Important in Your Everyday Life" by...

Access and review the brief article on "Why Networking is Important in Your Everyday Life" by Tatiana Maldonado on the Network After Work blog.

In what ways do computer networks impact your everyday life? Share at least one area, not included in Ms. Madonado's article, in which networks are a part of or have an effect on your life.

In: Computer Science

Please answer all questions: 1)Write the formula for the updating function mt+1 = f(mt) in the...

Please answer all questions:

1)Write the formula for the updating function mt+1 = f(mt) in the following scenario, and then find the solution function mt = f(t). During a particularly dry season, the volume of water in a lake increases by 3% each day from precipitation, and then 8% of the volume of water is removed through a river. On day t0, the lake has 20,000 acre feet of water.

2)Use the solution function from the above example to determine the time it would take under these conditions for the lake’s volume to be reduced by half.

3) Identify the average, amplitude, period, and phase of the following oscillating functions.

(a) g(t) = cos(5(t + π)) − 3.

(b) h(t) = 1 ?8+6cos(2π(2t−1))?

4)The function f(x) has the following properties: f(3) = 5, f(4) = 2, and f′(3) = −2. Write the equations for the secant line of f between x = 3 and x = 4, and the tangent line at x = 3.

5) Identify the critical points and state where the function is increasing and decreasing for the function f(x)=x^3-3x. The find the derivative of f(x) and sketch it

6)Suppose a function f(x) = g(x)/h(x) . Use the following table to calculate f′(3), and write the equation of the tangent line to f at x = 3.





h′ (x)
















In: Advanced Math

Carnes Cosmetics Co.'s stock price is $39, and it recently paid a $2.25 dividend. This dividend...

Carnes Cosmetics Co.'s stock price is $39, and it recently paid a $2.25 dividend. This dividend is expected to grow by 16% for the next 3 years, then grow forever at a constant rate, g; and rs = 15%. At what constant rate is the stock expected to grow after Year 3? Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to two decimal places.

In: Finance

At 25.00 ºC the vapor pressure of pure hexane is 151.2 torr, and that of pure...

At 25.00 ºC the vapor pressure of pure hexane is 151.2 torr, and that of pure heptane is 45.6 torr. What is the mole fraction of hexane in the gas phase above a solution containing 3.000 moles of hexane and 2.000 moles of heptane at 25.00 ºC?

In: Chemistry

Discuss each point of the AIDA plan and the purpose each serves in persuasion.

Discuss each point of the AIDA plan and the purpose each serves in persuasion.

In: Operations Management

Shao Airlines is considering the purchase of two alternative planes. Plane A has an expected life...

Shao Airlines is considering the purchase of two alternative planes. Plane A has an expected life of 5 years, will cost $100 million, and will produce net cash flows of $30 million per year. Plane B has a life of 10 years, will cost $132 million, and will produce net cash flows of $27 million per year. Shao plans to serve the route for only 10 years. Inflation in operating costs, airplane costs, and fares are expected to be zero, and the company's cost of capital is 11%. By how much would the value of the company increase if it accepted the better project (plane)? Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answer in millions. For example, an answer of $1.234 million should be entered as 1.234, not 1,234,000. Round your answer to three decimal places.

$   million

What is the equivalent annual annuity for each plane? Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answers in millions. For example, an answer of $1.234 million should be entered as 1.234, not 1,234,000. Round your answers to three decimal places.

Plane A: $   million

Plane B: $   million

In: Finance

Just provide a brief description of what kind of scenario The country Turkey intends to develop...

Just provide a brief description of what kind of scenario The country Turkey intends to develop a new product and how it can be used in their training.

In: Operations Management

If you search on the Web for the major issues of wireless networks, you'll find numerous...

If you search on the Web for the major issues of wireless networks, you'll find numerous articles and documents that identify 3 or more (mostly more) issues or challenges of wireless networks. Do this research and list what you believe to be the 5 most important or problematic issues facing the design, implementation, or operations of a wireless network.

In: Computer Science

1.Which players have lost more matches than the average number of losses?   No duplicates should be...

1.Which players have lost more matches than the average number of losses?   No duplicates should be listed.   Order by player number.   Insert your screen shot here.

2.How many players from each town served on the committee in any capacity? Display the town as ‘Town’ and the number served as ‘Committee Service’.   Insert your screenshot here.

3.How many members come from each town? Display the town as ‘Town’ and the number of members as ‘Number’. Insert your screenshot here.

4.Who has served on the committee more than once? Display the player number as ‘Number’, concatenate the player initial and name as ‘Name’, town as ‘Town’, and number served as ‘Terms’. Insert your screenshot here.

Below I will include the tennis database

* *******************************************************************


******************************************************************* */

Create database tennis;

USE tennis;

#--Create table players and fill it--------------------------

Create table players


playerno              int                         not null                primary key,

name                    varchar(15)         not null,

initials   varchar(3),

birth_date           date,

gender                 char(1),

joined                   int          not null,

street                   varchar(15)         not null,

houseno                             varchar(4),

zip                         char(6),

town                     varchar(10)         not null,

phoneno                             char(10),

leagueno             char(4)


Insert into players values

(2,'Everett','R','1988-01-09','M',2000,'Stoney Road','43','3575NH','Stratford','070-237893','2411'),

(6,'Paramenter','R','1984-06-25','M',2002,'Haseltine Lane','80','1234KK','Stratford','070-476547','8467'),

(7,'Wise','GWS','1983-05-11','M',2006,'Edgecombe Way','39','9758VB','Stratford','070-347689',Null),

(8,'Newcastle','B','1982-07-08','F',2005,'Station Road','4','6584RO','Inglewood','070-458458','2983'),

(27,'Collins','DD','1990-05-10','F',2008,'Long Drive','804','8457DK','Eltham','079-234857','2513'),

(28,'Collins','C','1983-06-22','F',2008,'Old Main 28','10','1294QK','Midhurst','071-659599',Null),

(39,'Bishop','D','1986-10-29','M',2005,'Eaton Square','78','9629CD','Stratford','070-393435',Null),

(44,'Baker','E','1983-09-01','M',2010,'Lewis Street','23','4444LJ','Inglewood','070-368753','1124'),

(57,'Brown','M','1981-08-17','M',2007,'Edgecombe Way','16','4377CB','Stratford','070-473458','6409'),

(83,'Hope','PK','1976-11-11','M',2009,'Magdalene Road','16A','1812UP','Stratford','070-353548','1608'),

(94,'Miller','P','1993-05-14','M',2013,'High Street','33A','5746OP','Douglas','070-867564',Null),

(100,'Parmenter','P','1983-02-28','M',2012,'Haseltine Lane','80','1234KK','Stratford','070-494593','6524'),

(104,'Moorman','D','1990-05-10','F',2014,'Stout Street','65','9437AO','Eltham','079-987571','7060'),

(112,'Bailey','IP','1983-10-01','F',2014,'Vixen Road','8','6392LK','Plymouth','010-548745','1319');

#--Create the table committee_members and fill it--------------------

Create table committee_members


playerno              int          not null,

begin_date          date       not null,

end_date             date,

position               varchar(20),

primary key(playerno, begin_date)


Insert into committee_members values


(2,'2014-01-01',Null,'General Member'),


(6,'2011-01-01','2012-12-31','General Member'),





(8,'2013-01-01','2013-12-31','General Member'),

(8,'2014-01-01',Null,'General Member'),

(27,'2010-01-01','2010-12-31','General Member'),





(112,'2012-01-01','2012-12-31','General Member'),


#--Create the table matches and Fill it-------------------

Create table matches


matchno                             int          not null Primary Key,

teamno                int          not null references teams(teamno),

playerno              int          not null references players(playerno),

won                      int,

lost                       int


Insert into matches values














#--Create Table Penalties and Fill it-------------------------------------

create table Penalties


paymentno         int          not null Primary Key,

playerno              int          not null references players(playerno),

payment_Date   date       not null,

amount decimal(10,2)     not null


Insert into Penalties values






(6,8,'2010-12-08' ,25.00),



#--Create Table Teams and Fill it----------------------------------------------

Create table teams


teamno int          Primary Key        Not Null,

playerno              int          Not Null               references players(playerno),

division varchar(6)


Insert into teams values



/* ********************************************************************************************

End of loading the database

******************************************************************************************** */

In: Computer Science

Does a mother who is found guilty of using drugs during the conception of a child...

Does a mother who is found guilty of using drugs during the conception of a child deserve the opportunity to earn back her parental rights?

In: Psychology

How did the colonists mobilize for war? Discuss specific challenges they faced and any unintended consequences...

How did the colonists mobilize for war? Discuss specific challenges they faced and any unintended consequences of their solutions.

In: Psychology

There are 5000 CFM of outdoor air with a temp of 40F 35Fwb heated and humidified...

There are 5000 CFM of outdoor air with a temp of 40F 35Fwb heated and humidified under steady-flow conditions to a final temp of 70F and 40%RH a)find the mass of water vapor added to each pound mass of dry air b) if the water is supplied at 50F how much heat in Btu/min.

In: Mechanical Engineering