Prepare a Communications Manual/Guidelines/Strategy covering the areas of Intercultural/Cross-cultural, which have to be kept in mind...

  1. Prepare a Communications Manual/Guidelines/Strategy covering the areas of Intercultural/Cross-cultural, which have to be kept in mind during Decision Making in the Organisation. (1000 words)

  1. Prepare a Communications Manual/Guidelines/Strategy covering the areas of Interpersonal, which have to be kept in mind during Decision Making in the Organisation . (1000 words)

In: Operations Management

Select 5 international clothing brands and make a swot analysis.word count should be 4000 words.please don't...

Select 5 international clothing brands and make a swot analysis.word count should be 4000 words.please don't copy.ill check the plagiarism.Can u please do it fast(I want all 5 not one)

In: Operations Management

You have just been advised that your organization is opening an office in Québec. Describe the...

You have just been advised that your organization is opening an office in Québec. Describe the employer contributions that are specific to the province of Québec, their rates and thresholds where available. (Do not include the organization’s portion of the statutory deductions.)

In: Accounting

What do these texts suggest to you about the ways in which individuals deal with the...

What do these texts suggest to you about the ways in which individuals deal with the prospect of an uncertain future

In: Psychology

Under "GI Disorders" choose an area of the bowel or perhaps "Kids and Teens". Choose a...

Under "GI Disorders" choose an area of the bowel or perhaps "Kids and Teens". Choose a bowel area and then a specific pathology.

Investigate a bowel pathology.

Include the following aspects in the assignment:

·         Summarize the pathology

·         Include signs and symptoms, tests/diagnostics, treatments, and outcomes

·         Explore the other tabs across the top of the IFFGD site and share what you found most interesting: Manage Your Health, Resources, News, and Research

·         There is no word limit for this assignment but you must thoroughly address each bullet point.

In: Anatomy and Physiology

Firm B, a calendar year, cash basis taxpayer, leases lawn and garden equipment. During December, it...

Firm B, a calendar year, cash basis taxpayer, leases lawn and garden equipment. During December, it received the following cash payments. To what extent does each payment represent current taxable income to Firm B?

  1. $988 repayment of a loan from an employee. Firm B loaned $950 to the employee six months ago, and the employee repaid the loan with interest.
  2. $1,050 deposit from a customer who rented mechanical equipment. Firm B must return the entire deposit when the customer returns the undamaged equipment.
  3. $10,900 short-term loan from a local bank. Firm B gave the bank a written note to repay the loan in one year at 4 percent interest.
  4. $1,258 prepaid rent from the customer described in part b. The rent is $17 per day for the 74-day period from December 17 through February 28.

In: Accounting

Part 1: Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank at the left. (2...

Part 1: Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank at the left. (2 points each, 16 total)

1. ___________ Molly: “We should clean out the hall closet. It's been a while since we cleaned it out.” Fibber McGee: “We just cleaned that closet last year. Why do you think we always need to clean it?” a. Straw man b. Appeal to ignorance c. Appeal to authority d. Begging the question

2. ________Jones believes that captive chimpanzees used in research should have the same protections as wild chimpanzees. He would say that, though, because he is a tree-hugging liberal. Don't listen to him. a) Straw man b) Ad hominem c) Biased sample d) Appeal to authority

3. ________Come have the time of your life, because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. a) Appeal to popularity b) Post hoc c) Appeal to emotion d) Appeal to authority

4. ________Jones believes that captive chimpanzees used in research should have the same protections as wild chimpanzees. He's a pretty terrible philosopher when it comes to ethics - just awful, and he is a mean person who insults guppies for sport - but we can be fair and examine the arguments. a) No fallacy b) Straw man c) Ad hominem d) Appeal to emotion

5. ___________ Over 40% of alcohol-related visits to U.S. Emergency Departments involve drinking too much cheap beer. Want to stay safe? Drink expensive beer! a. Appeal to popularity b. Post hoc c. Hasty generalization d. Shifting the burden of proof

6. ________The idea that depression has a biological basis has roots in ancient medicine. Galen said that a preponderance of black bile caused melancholy. Galen was wrong about nearly everything, so we should be prima facie skeptical of this idea. a) No fallacy b) Straw man c) Ad hominem d) Appeal to lack of proof

7. ________ Psychiatrists have not conclusively demonstrated that depression has a biological basis, so it must not have one. a) False dilemma b) Small sample c) Appeal to ignorance d) Begging the question

8. " If i do my homework, ill get good grades, if i get good grades youll send me to college, if i go to college ill graduate and get a job, if i get a job i might get fired, if i get fired i could go bankrupt and lose everything, thats why i didnt do my homework!" a) begging the question b) slippery slope c) hasty generalization d) no fallacy

In: Psychology

The Terrible Tinkerer—an evil-doing engineer—has trapped a frightened citizen on a 700 kg horizontally oscillating platform....

The Terrible Tinkerer—an evil-doing engineer—has trapped a frightened citizen on a 700 kg horizontally oscillating platform. The effective spring constant of the oscillator is 200 N/m and the mass of the citizen, who understandably is clinging on to the platform for dear life, is 70.0 kg. It all started when the unsuspecting citizen stepped onto the platform while high upon a bridge. The trapped platform then broke away and began oscillating starting from rest +40.0 m from equilibrium carrying the unsuspecting citizen with it.

a) What is the angular frequency and frequency of the motion?

b) What is the period?

c) What are the amplitude and phase angle?

d) What is the total energy of the oscillator?

e) If it will take Spider-Man 9.20 seconds to arrive where will the platform & citizen be (location, x)?

f) What will be their velocity at 9.2 seconds in m/s and mph?

g) What is the maximum horizontal acceleration experienced by the citizen in g’s?

h) Spider-Man—being a good physicist—waits until the platform is at ? = +? again to carefully remove the citizen from the platform. How long after 9.20 seconds does he have to wait?

i) What is the period of oscillation after the citizen is removed?

j) What is the total energy of the oscillator after the citizen is removed?

In: Physics

60 cm diameter well is being pumped at a rate of 1360 litres/minute. measurements in a...

60 cm diameter well is being pumped at a rate of 1360 litres/minute. measurements in a nearby test well were made at the same time as follows. At a distance of 6 m from the well being pumped, the drawdown was 6 m, and at 15 m the drawdown was 1.5 m. The bottom of the well is 90 m below the ground water table.

(a) Find out the coefficient of permeability.

(b) If all the observed points were on the Dupuit curve, what was the drawdown in the well during pumping?

(c) What is the sp. capacity of the well? (d) What is the rate at which water can be drawn from this well?

In: Civil Engineering

Active Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard

Active Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard

In: Computer Science

Select 5 international clothing brands and make a swot analysis.word count should be 4000 words.please don't...

Select 5 international clothing brands and make a swot analysis.word count should be 4000 words.please don't copy.ill check the plagiarism.Can u please do it fast(I want all 5 not one)

In: Operations Management

(LO 3) A company uses activity-based costing to determine the costs of its three products: A,...

(LO 3) A company uses activity-based costing to determine the costs of its three products: A, B, and C. The budgeted cost and activity for each of the company's three activity cost pools are shown in the following table:

Budgeted Activity
Activity Cost Pool Budgeted Cost Product A Product B Product C
Activity 1 $ 89,000 7,900 10,900 21,900
Activity 2 $ 64,000 8,900 16,900 9,900
Activity 3 $ 120,000 4,400 2,900 3,525

How much overhead will be assigned to Product B using activity-based costing?

In: Accounting

Your company is considering investing in one of two mutually exclusive projects. The cost of capital...

Your company is considering investing in one of two mutually exclusive projects. The cost of capital is 11%. The first project Has $25,000 annual cash inflows, a 10-year life, and will cost $120,000 at time zero. The second project has a 7-year life, Annual cash inflows of $20,000 per year, and a cost of $75,000 at time zero. Which project has the highest NPV. Assuming that these projects will most likely be repeated indefinitely into the future, which project would add the most value to the company? Justify your answer using the EAA

In: Finance

The following data were drawn from the records of Benson Corporation. Planned volume for year (static...

The following data were drawn from the records of Benson Corporation.

Planned volume for year (static budget) 3,800 units
Standard direct materials cost per unit 2.70 pounds @ $ 1.50 per pound
Standard direct labor cost per unit 2.50 hours @ $ 3.80 per hour
Total expected fixed overhead costs $ 14,440
Actual volume for the year (flexible budget) 4,000 units
Actual direct materials cost per unit 2.40 pounds @ $ 2.10 per pound
Actual direct labor cost per unit 2.80 hours @ $ 3.30 per hour
Total actual fixed overhead costs $ 10,240
  1. Prepare a materials variance information table showing the standard price, the actual price, the standard quantity, and the actual quantity.
  2. Calculate the materials price and usage variances. Indicate whether the variances are favorable (F) or unfavorable (U).
  3. Prepare a labor variance information table showing the standard price, the actual price, the standard hours, and the actual hours.
  4. Calculate the labor price and usage variances. Indicate whether the variances are favorable (F) or unfavorable (U).
  5. Calculate the predetermined overhead rate, assuming that Benson uses the number of units as the allocation base.
  6. Calculate the fixed cost spending variance. Indicate whether the variance is favorable (F) or unfavorable (U).
  7. Calculate the fixed cost volume variance. Indicate whether the variance is favorable (F) or unfavorable (U).

In: Accounting

Two resistors have resistances R(smaller) and R(larger), where R(smaller) < R(larger). When the resistors are connected...

Two resistors have resistances R(smaller) and R(larger), where R(smaller) < R(larger). When the resistors are connected in series to a 12.0-V battery, the current from the battery is 1.43 A. When the resistors are connected in parallel to the battery, the total current from the battery is 9.95 A. Determine the two resistances.

In: Physics