In a well developed essayanswer the following question: This semester you had the opportunity to research...

In a well developed essayanswer the following question: This semester you had the opportunity to research in the area Special Education. Discuss the general concepts you discovered in your research . what has been enlightening to you about this researchMost importantly tell how this information vill atfect you in your personal and professional life. Tell how this research has changed the you think about the field special education. Tell how this research will change the way you behave as a teacher diagnostician, or counselor. very specific about your answer to this question.

In: Psychology

What is sexual response cycle and sexual orientation. Also, what are the major problems in sexuality....

What is sexual response cycle and sexual orientation. Also, what are the major problems in sexuality.

Your disscussion...

Will demonstrate critical thinking and an in depth understanding of content, that shows thought, depth, and details. (this response is usually no less than 3 paragraphs)

Will make the response personal either through a descriptive life example or opinion about the question.

•  Will cite reputable research that comes either from our text or other reputable sources (e.g., journal article, book)

•  Will cite a significant amount of material from their source. While this may vary depending on the discussion question, avoid copying and pasting one line from a source.

•  Will explain their quotes and citations. Follows each quote with “In other words…” or “I believe the author is saying…”

•  Cites the author(s) using APA style formatting.

•References the source at the end of the post. Includes weblink if online source.

In: Psychology

Looking and listening around you, where are fallacies? Are they just in ads? Are they under...

Looking and listening around you, where are fallacies? Are they just in ads? Are they under the guise of 'propaganda' in our politics, in our governments, in our schools? How affected are you by these fallacies? Give at least two examples (from readings, life, wherever) and the types of fallacies that they are.

250 words

In: Psychology

The nicest thing for me is sleep, and then at least I can dream.~ Marilyn Monroe...

The nicest thing for me is sleep, and then at least I can dream.~ Marilyn Monroe Broadly speaking, it might be argued that the most fundamental requirements for healthy growth and development in young children include: a) loving support and protection by parents/caretakers, b) adequate nutrition, and c) adequate sleep! Everything that's alive needs sleep to survive. Even your dog or cat curls up for naps. Animals sleep for the same reason you do — to give your body a tiny vacation. Not only is sleep necessary for your body, it's important for your brain, too. Though no one is exactly sure what work the brain does when you're asleep, some scientists think that the brain sorts through and stores information, replaces chemicals, and solves problems while you snooze. One more reason to get enough sleep: If you don't, you may not grow as well. That's right, researchers believe too little sleep can affect growth and your immune system — which keeps you from getting sick. I always tell my children that your body heals itself while you sleep! Assignment: Read the 5.1 Sleep Article Write three eye openers or light bulb moments you learned from the article What was your favorite bedtime routine? What was a favorite story or book (or your child’s or grandchild if you did not have one or what will you do for your child someday)? Write in a Word document and click on the link above to submit.

In: Psychology

In a well developed essay answer the following question: Siblings face a host of issues (both...

In a well developed essay answer the following question: Siblings face a host of issues (both positive and negative) when they have a brother or sister with a disability. In this essay, describe the potentially positive and negative effects of having a sibling with a disability. Then propose methods of supporting siblings to handle the negative issues

In: Psychology

Identify and briefly explain 1 way U.S. campaigns and elections make the nation more democratic and...

Identify and briefly explain 1 way U.S. campaigns and elections make the nation more democratic and 1 way they hinder democracy.

In: Psychology

.Can an individual change society?

.Can an individual change society?

In: Psychology

How can management effectively evaluate individuals when they work as part of a team?  What kind...

How can management effectively evaluate individuals when they work as part of a team?  What kind of measures should be used? Who would do the ratings of performance?

In: Psychology

Discuss different reasons for referral and provide examples. Discuss how the referral process is beneficial for...

Discuss different reasons for referral and provide examples. Discuss how the referral process is beneficial for the client.

In: Psychology

What is the main advantages of utilizing a single multivariate analysis over multiple bivariate analyses?

What is the main advantages of utilizing a single multivariate analysis over multiple bivariate analyses?

In: Psychology

Caitlin Jenner has launched this disorder into the public spotlight, but before her story came the...

Caitlin Jenner has launched this disorder into the public spotlight, but before her story came the lives of many children with Gender Dysphoria. Review the documentary on Gender Dysphoriaand discuss the idea that children identified with Gender D dysphoria should be allowed to live as the gender in which they feel most comfortable. What are the short-term and long-term implications for this practice? Did this documentary impact you personally or change your thoughts on this disorder?

In: Psychology

1. What is “noble cause corruption?” Give at least on example of noble cause corruption other...

1. What is “noble cause corruption?” Give at least on example of noble cause corruption other than the examples used in this posted lecture or ethics text book.  

2.  Is the collective community need for safety sufficient justification for the officers’ actions in each example? Explain.

3.  Considering the facts of the extortionist’s example, can the actions of the undercover officers be considered virtuous? Explain

In: Psychology

In “The Yellow Wallpaper,” the narrator is confined to the nursery? What is this significant? Does...

In “The Yellow Wallpaper,” the narrator is confined to the nursery? What is this significant? Does the husband treat the narrator like a child? Provide specific examples.

In: Psychology

List at least five things a counselor does that could be therapeutic, and explain why?

List at least five things a counselor does that could be therapeutic, and explain why?

In: Psychology

Describe an example of technical writing that you have recently written or encountered at work, home,...

  • Describe an example of technical writing that you have recently written or encountered at work, home, or school. Describe the characteristics that identify it as technical writing.
  • Using the example you identified from the e-activity, analyze the resource with regards to its target audience, the purpose of the writing, and the resource’s overall tone.
    • Comment on the degree to which the resource is relevant to its apparent target audience and purpose.
    • Cite textual evidence to support your analysis and commentary

In: Psychology