What are the differences between voluntary active euthanasia, voluntary passive euthanasia,and physician-assisted suicide? In which action...

What are the differences between voluntary active euthanasia, voluntary passive euthanasia,and physician-assisted suicide? In which action does the doctor “act last”? Why is this morally significant?

In: Psychology

In Principle 2, Petronio cites five foundational criteria that affect our personal privacy rules. Which factor...

In Principle 2, Petronio cites five foundational criteria that affect our personal privacy rules. Which factor most shapes the rules you adopt? Is there one factor that seems to include or trump the other four? Do you think any factors should be added to the list?

In: Psychology

Enslaved: True Stories of Modern Day Slavery (2006), Jessia Sage and Linda Kasten 1) Summarize the...

Enslaved: True Stories of Modern Day Slavery (2006), Jessia Sage and Linda Kasten

1) Summarize the book, themes, and social problem/issue 2) Identify key people and locations associated with this book 3) Identify the subject matter of the book, for example, immigration, human trafficking, interracial families, etc. 4) Provide a brief history of the subject matter ( 3-4 pages) 5) Did this book add to your knowledge of the subject matter? is so how?

In: Psychology

Explain and write an analysis of the interactions of each of the three types of psychoactive...

Explain and write an analysis of the interactions of each of the three types of psychoactive drugs (depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens) and the effects they have on the brain and nervous system in your own words. 150 words

In: Psychology

What is the difference between measures of association and tests of statistical significance? Give an example...

What is the difference between measures of association and tests of statistical significance? Give an example for each.

In: Psychology

For the book Coming Of Age In Mississippi. How did her involvement in the NAACP and...

For the book Coming Of Age In Mississippi.

How did her involvement in the NAACP and the Voter Registration Drives affect her understanding of her race? How did it affect her family? In what ways did her involvement in the Movement impact her ability/willingness to engage with her community??

In: Psychology

Answer two questions from the three below (750 words each question). Questions are: - In what...

Answer two questions from the three below (750 words each question). Questions are:

- In what ways does the media misrepresent the nature of crime?

- Violent crime can be a source of concern, but is it the most frequently occurring type of crime in society?

- Is the risk of being a victim of violent crime evenly distributed throughout society?

Exam responses will be in essay format and approximately 750 words each.

In: Psychology

Suppose that the U.S. military deploys the X-47B, an unmanned aerial drone capable of sensing, tracking,...

Suppose that the U.S. military deploys the X-47B, an unmanned aerial drone capable of sensing, tracking, identifying, targeting, and destroying an enemy target with very limited human oversight—assume it is a human-on­-the-loop weapon. As a weapon in the ongoing conflict with the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist organization, X-47B is tasked with missions to target and kill senior ISIS operatives. Now imagine a particular mission, in which an X-47B is given a programmed mission to carry out a targeted strike on two ISIS operatives, call them ‘V’ and ‘Z’, whom surveillance reports indicate are currently located in northern Iraq near the Turkish border. According to reliable intelligence, V and Z are instrumental in planning and leading operations to ransack, pillage, and then demolish world historical sites in Iraq (e.g. Khorsabad, Nergal Gate at Nineveh, and Monastery of St. Elijah), looting priceless antiquities and smuggling them to be sold on black markets in Europe and Asia, in order to generate capital to fund ISIS’s continued armed insurgency [for more on this particular practice, see Harkin, “Murdering History,” Smithsonian, March 2016]. V and Z are thereby deemed legitimate and high-value military targets. They are also elusive, with fairly sophisticated clandestine methods for relocating and evading detection; finding their present location required substantial surveillance drone resources over the course of several months.

Further suppose, that you are also in northern Iraq in a village near the Turkish border, working for a humanitarian aid organization providing healthcare services to Kurdish people whose communities have been ravaged and infrastructure degraded by ISIS. Part of your duties involve going out into local villages to distribute medical supplies and provide support services at community centers. Your team is primarily composed of American, British, and German nurses and doctors. Today, you are at one such community center providing care and supplies to hundreds of civilians. In a building 200 meters from the center in which you are working, V and Z are plotting another raid on a nearby historical site. The X-47B has accurately tracked and identified the location of V and Z, it also recognizes that the nearby community center contains many innocent non-combatants. Nevertheless, X-47B calculates that launching a precise and limited strike on V and Z’s suspected location will only produce a blast radius of no more than 75 meters, and determines that the identified non-combatants are not likely to be harmed. After computing its decision-procedure algorithm, X-47B fixes its target and initiates a missile strike to complete its mission, and no human overrides its lethal decision. V and Z are immediately killed, but the building was also housing several tons of explosives used in their demolition of historical sites. X-47B’s calculations did not account for the unknown explosives, which extend the blast radius of the strike to 225 meters. A wing of the community center collapses from the force of the blast, killing 15 civilians and one American nurse on your team, many others are severely injured and a British doctor is trapped under some of the rubble. After overcoming the initial disorientation from the blast, you and your remaining team rush to minimize casualties and treat the civilian victims.

[5 pts.] Was X-47B justified in initiating the missile strike to eliminate V and Z? Why or why not? Use principles of distinction, proportionality, or military necessity invoked in international humanitarian law governing armed conflict to defend your position.

[5 pts.] Who should be held morally responsible for the unintended harms and casualties? As a witness to the atrocity and possible victim, in this hypothetical case, how do you propose that the U.S. military should respond to the consequences of the X-47B’s strike? Defend your position.

In: Psychology

Make recommendations for the Louisiana governor by discussing any actual implementations of anomie theory and the...

Make recommendations for the Louisiana governor by discussing any actual implementations of anomie theory and the overall effectiveness of such strategies that may have been used in prior implementation strategies. Be creative and discuss some possibilities that you may have in mind.

In: Psychology

From the book Case Studies In Abnormal psychology by Ethan Gorenstein and Ronald Comer. Case 5:...

From the book Case Studies In Abnormal psychology by Ethan Gorenstein and Ronald Comer.

Case 5: Carlos

1. Describe the biological, psychological, social and cultural factors that contributed to Carlos’ major depressive disorder.

2. What factors influenced Carlos’ willingness (or lack of willingness) to try psychotherapy? What changed his mind?

In: Psychology

Explain how various public and private organizations (for-profit and nonprofit) are involved in the process of...

Explain how various public and private organizations (for-profit and nonprofit) are involved in the process of managing and ensuring effective delivery of public health services to U.S. citizens. Also explain how they work to help fight against obesity.

In: Psychology

How to calculate the proportion of variance

How to calculate the proportion of variance

In: Psychology

Describe the four identity statuses, the adjustment outcomes of each status, and factors that promote identity...

Describe the four identity statuses, the adjustment outcomes of each status, and factors that promote identity development.

In: Psychology

Look at your phone and find the most recent text message you received. How is this...

Look at your phone and find the most recent text message you received. How is this utterance
part of a larger chain? How do distant and nearby discourses give it meaning? How about already-spoken and not-yet-spoken discourses?

In: Psychology

Psychologists need to have an awareness of and respect for individual, cultural, and role differences, including...

Psychologists need to have an awareness of and respect for individual, cultural, and role differences, including those based on age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, etc. Psychologists are to ensure that they are aware of the scientific and professional knowledge of these differences and acquire the competencies necessary to perform their roles effectively. Psychologists strive to be aware of and eliminate their own and other's prejudices in the professional work (Fisher, 2003). Class: How is homosexuality viewed across cultures and how does this affect the way these individuals are treated? How might psychologist's beliefs, prejudices, preconceived biases, and stereotypes negatively impact the homosexual client in psychotherapy?

Fisher, CAB. (2003). Decoding the ethics code: A practical guide for psychologists. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

In: Psychology