False confessions Explain areas of past and current research that have been done in this topic...

False confessions

Explain areas of past and current research that have been done in this topic , and elaborate on future areas that may expand the field in a meaningful way.

Provide a solution for one of the ongoing problems in this area

In: Psychology

Describe some of the inequities present in the American public education system. Use a conflict-oriented perspective...

Describe some of the inequities present in the American public education system. Use a conflict-oriented perspective to explain why these inequalities exist. Apply a functionalist perspective to explain why these inequalities persist. (How is educational inequality functional?)

In: Psychology

What is a melting pot society and are we a melting pot society? Why or why...

What is a melting pot society and are we a melting pot society? Why or why not.

In: Psychology

Compare and contrast middle-class and working-class parenting styles. Discuss how these parenting styles socialize children for...

Compare and contrast middle-class and working-class parenting styles. Discuss how these parenting styles socialize children for the U.S. economic system and labor market.

In: Psychology

Sudden unexpected deaths pose unique challenges to the psychological and emotional equilibrium of children and adolescents....

Sudden unexpected deaths pose unique challenges to the psychological and emotional equilibrium of children and adolescents. The impact of the sudden death of a close family member or classmates is not always evident in the immediate aftermath; however, grieving can be unleashed months or years after the loss.

Loss of loved ones through car accidents, fires, terrorist acts or through natural disasters, or violent acts in school environments can trigger intense trauma for a young person who reflects (has invasive thoughts) on both the loss and circumstances of the incident.

Your readings present an overview of children’s and adolescents’ losses and some coping mechanisms that are practiced. To make this assignment even more relevant for the class, your task is to report on an accident, suicide, homicide, or incident that you know of personally or one highlighted in the media that resulted in lost lives of children’s friends, classmates, family members, or neighbors. Include in your discussion how children and adolescents have been or may be affected by losing loved ones or school classmates. How might that trauma continue as a grief process? Are we prepared to put interventions in place to serve children and adolescents if more such incidents occur?

Although grief does subside over time, what can we expect about those young individuals affected by such traumatic incidents, and what can we do toward the healing process, depending on the children’s age and/or loss? In your discussion, give as many specifics as you can, how learned of a situation/loss, and how children and adolescents were affected. Be sure to interact.

This topic is worth 5 points for three substantive paragraphs.

In: Psychology

Briefly describe an example of an intuitively valuable life (it can be someone you know personally...

Briefly describe an example of an intuitively valuable life (it can be someone you know personally or someone you just know of). Explain what makes their life valuable. Does Hedonism do a good job of capturing all the dimensions of value in the life in your example? Why or why not?"

In: Psychology

As a teacher of a toddler-age group, you notice a child displaying possible symptoms of autism....

As a teacher of a toddler-age group, you notice a child displaying possible symptoms of autism. How do you approach the family with your concerns? How do you prepare for the meeting? To who do you make a referral?

In: Psychology

Which of the seven memory errors presented by Schacter have you committed? Provide an example of...

Which of the seven memory errors presented by Schacter have you committed? Provide an example of each one.

Jurors place a lot of weight on eyewitness testimony. Imagine you are an attorney representing a defendant who is accused of robbing a convenience store. Several eyewitnesses have been called to testify against your client. What would you tell the jurors about the reliability of eyewitness testimony?

In: Psychology

Find two scholarly articles that examine a public policy issue in health care. Then, in 750-1,250...

Find two scholarly articles that examine a public policy issue in health care. Then, in 750-1,250 words, do the following:

Summarize the main points of the article.

Explain the role public policy had on the health care issue from your research.

Discuss other ways public policy could address the health care issue from your research.

Evaluate the importance of the health psychologist’s role in addressing/advancing/solving the public policy issues presented in research.

In: Psychology

What is the Fundamental Attribution Error and according to the Lecture, what are the steps that...

What is the Fundamental Attribution Error and according to the Lecture, what are the steps that will inevitably lead to genocide. What is the cure of this thinking error and why is it so difficult to use, in real life? Discuss

In: Psychology

1. Give brief information about Hippocrates and his importance in History of Medicine (Max 60 words)...

1. Give brief information about Hippocrates and his importance in History of Medicine (Max 60 words) (

2. Give brief information about Andreas Vesalius and his importance in History of Medicine (Max 60 words)

In: Psychology

What makes group communication and organizational communication different? Discuss with relevant examples.

What makes group communication and organizational communication different? Discuss with relevant examples.

In: Psychology

4 strategies you would implement to support children who are 3/4 years of age attention span...

4 strategies you would implement to support children who are 3/4 years of age attention span development in the classroom. 2 paragraphs for each strategy

In: Psychology

Differentiate between intrapersonal communication and interpersonal communication. Give your own example of each criteria for both...

  1. Differentiate between intrapersonal communication and interpersonal communication. Give your own example of each criteria for both scope of communication.
  2. What makes group communication and organizational communication different? Discuss with relevant examples.

In: Psychology

In its present state, IDEA 2004 has undergone several revisions since introduced as PL 92-142. As...

In its present state, IDEA 2004 has undergone several revisions since introduced as PL 92-142. As a group, discuss these revisions and their current impact on the educational system servicing SPED students now.

In: Psychology