Reflecting on the workplace capability of attitude, what are your current workplace understanding of the side...

Reflecting on the workplace capability of attitude, what are your current workplace understanding of the side effects of tobacco? What are some strategies you can use to ensure your workplace has a proper understanding of the side effects of tobacco? Based upon your past or present job, identify what changes in a person's attitude would be necessary to reduce tobacco use in the workplace

In: Psychology

Is the American Family better off today than it was in the 1960’s? Explain your point...

Is the American Family better off today than it was in the 1960’s? Explain your point of view.

In: Psychology

What’s wrong (if anything) with a system based purely on merit? Is passing over more qualified...

What’s wrong (if anything) with a system based purely on merit?

Is passing over more qualified applicants/candidates too high a price for society to pay?

In: Psychology

Create five paragraphs of  Non- verbal communication for Gesture and posture.

Create five paragraphs of  Non- verbal communication for Gesture and posture.

In: Psychology

Define locus of control and distinguish between internals and externals. Discuss the relationship between locus of...

Define locus of control and distinguish between internals and externals. Discuss the relationship between locus of control and well-being and include evidence with regard to personal achievement and psychotherapy. (Highly Detailed)

In: Psychology

Rererencing W Mischel's "Marshmallow experiment. what is the significance of delayed gratification. particulary in the long...

Rererencing W Mischel's "Marshmallow experiment. what is the significance of delayed gratification. particulary in the long run

In: Psychology

Distinguish between top-down and bottom-up processes In perception. Making explicit reference to several of the pain...

Distinguish between top-down and bottom-up processes In perception. Making explicit reference to several of the pain management techniques.

In: Psychology

Training and Development at Dorintos Ghana Dorintos Ghana is a subsidiary of a large confectionery company...

Training and Development at Dorintos Ghana Dorintos Ghana is a subsidiary of a large confectionery company in South Africa. Dorintos has preserved its longstanding goodwill as a firm that is committed to fostering learning and developing all employees All Dorintos subsidiaries are performing well since the introduction of their new production equipment worldwide. The headquarters is however discontent with levels of productivity and employee performance in the Ghanaian subsidiary. Mr Ampah, the training and development manager has been tasked to investigate why the subsidiary is not performing according to expectations. The Dorintos headquarters has authorized Mr Ampah to ensure that Dorintos Ghana staff adapts to the new technological innovation and responds appropraitely to changes in the market.   
Mr Ampah is accusing the packing department staff of scheming to sabotage production as machines are constantly out of order. Workers on the assembly lines believe management do not care about their safety and health. Recently, there has been a series of work accidents on the assembly lines although Dorintos organizes health and safety training sessions annually. At such training events employees are updated on the business strategy and past performance. For most workers these annual training events are an annoying routine and a waste of time. Workers have complained that the external training consultants have little or no knowledge of the company culture and work processes to offer the appropriate trainings. Workers walked out of the last training session describing it as outdated and of no learning value. Moreover, they do not agree with management and Mr Ampah that the performance of the subsidiary has dwindled. Tensions are high and if the subsidiary doesn’t revamp soon it will be shut down.

1. Briefly discuss what you will do to ascertain if the Dorintos Ghana staff actually need re- training. Why is it important to ascertain the need for training? (5marks) 2. Identify and quote pertinent information and evidence from the case study to justify whether employees need training or not. (5marks) 3. State and explain the pros and cons of any 2 training methods you can use in this case (5marks) 4. Suggest and explain 2 suitable final evaluation methods that suit the training methods you have chosen above(5marks)

In: Psychology

What role does culture play in language and thinking?

What role does culture play in language and thinking?

In: Psychology

Why is it important to study about the technological advancements changes in other countries other than...

Why is it important to study about the technological advancements changes in other countries other than the United States? Use at least 150 words

In: Psychology

How to strenghten happy marriges and relationships?

How to strenghten happy marriges and relationships?

In: Psychology

What issues- if any- are there with treating psychological disorders with only medication? Find a psychological...

What issues- if any- are there with treating psychological disorders with only medication? Find a psychological disorder that interests you, and tell me which therapy is used to treat it. Is it a medical, psychological, or mixed therapy?

In: Psychology

After reading about Middle Adulthood I truly believe that midlife crisis can exist in middle aged...

After reading about Middle Adulthood I truly believe that midlife crisis can exist in middle aged adults. Midlife crisis may begin to occur when major changes happen during this period of time. What I mean by this is major physical changes in both men and women that show their aging more and more. Or a divorce happens where our textbook uses the example of, “A 40-year old man who divorces his wife, trades in his Ford Taurus station wagon for a red Saab convertible and marries a much younger woman makes a greater impression than a happily married man who remains with his spouse (and Taurus) through middle adulthood.” (Feldman, 2015, p.379). Contributing factors od divorce in the middle adult years are as follows. A couple may spend less time together in middle aged years than in earlier years. Another reason is that they are more concerned with their own happiness. Which makes a spouse believe that divorcing will bring them their lost happiness. (Feldman, 2015, p.384). Another reason for divorce is that romantic, passionate feelings may fade over time…In some marriages the lack of excitement and boredom leads to marital dissatisfaction. (Feldman, 2015, p.384). Finally, the biggest reason for divorce is infidelity which is when a spouse engages in sexual activity with a person outside of the marriage. (Feldman, 2015, p.384). These are the most common contributing factors of divorce in the middle-aged years. There are a few ways to prevent divorce after 25 years of marriage. Holding realistic expectations where couples understand that there will be things that couples may not like about each other but are still accepting of it. They remain to focus on the positive such as thinking about things that they like mostly about their partner which help accept the things that bother them. Compromising which simply means the couple understands that they are not going to win every single argument that they get into. And the last thing is avoiding suffering in silence which is when something bothers a partner they let their partner know instead of keeping silent. It allows them to speak about the problem in a calm way together. (Feldman, 2015, p.384). Although divorce rates are rising in the United States if these factors were taken in seriously I feel that the divorce rate would be much lower. However, if one is truly unhappy they should get the situation handled after trying whatever it takes to save the marriage. IN 9-10 LINES, WHAT DO YOU AGREE ON THIS PAGE OR HOW WOULD COMMENT?

In: Psychology

Explain, in your own words, what Thomson means when she claims that “Being a good K...

  1. Explain, in your own words, what Thomson means when she claims that “Being a good K is being good qua K.”

  1. According to Thomson, what is a “goodness-fixing kind”?
  1. According to Thomson, what is a “function kind”? Are function kinds “goodness-fixing kinds”? Why or why not?

  1. According to Thomson, what is a “natural kind” (i.e. a “non-function kind” like “beefsteak tomato” and “tiger”)? Are natural kinds “goodness-fixing kinds?” Why or why not?
  1. According to Thomson, why is being physically fit sufficient to call a tiger a “good tiger”?
  1. According to Thomson, why is being physically fit not sufficient to call a human being a “good human being”?

  1. According to Aristotle, what is the characteristic activity of good human persons? Explain, in detail, how he reaches this conclusion and how his argument resembles Thomson’s.

In: Psychology

Prepare three cultural competence recommendations for a clinic that provides services in rural areas and to...

Prepare three cultural competence recommendations for a clinic that provides services in rural areas and to farmworkers.

In: Psychology