
In: Psychology

1. What is “noble cause corruption?” Give at least on example of noble cause corruption other...

1. What is “noble cause corruption?” Give at least on example of noble cause corruption other than the examples used in this posted lecture or ethics text book.  

2.  Is the collective community need for safety sufficient justification for the officers’ actions in each example? Explain.

3.  Considering the facts of the extortionist’s example, can the actions of the undercover officers be considered virtuous? Explain


Expert Solution

  • People who do bad things some of which are illegal and some legal for the purpose of accomplishing good ends are guilty of “Noble-cause corruption.” It usually occurs in circumstances where there is little chance of being held accountable. This happens most often with police work when people think that they can get away or hide these illegal This doesn't necessarily mean that there aren't laws against the action, but the individual who commits noble cause corruption either can't be held accountable or believes he or she won't be held accountable.
  • Noble-cause corruption is a way of thinking which promotes a belief that the ends justify the means. This type of thinking is misguided and flawed; you cannot go around violating or breaking laws to justify the results you desire, even if you think that this is for the “greater good of society.” Law enforcement is supposed to protect our cities and streets and make us feel safe. The only way to do that is through our criminal justice system, but it won’t work if our system is completely corrupted.
  • Some examples include: lying in court to convict a suspect, also referred to as testilying,planting evidence on suspects, and falsifying reports. When we engage in this type of behavior, we adopt a philosophy that supports the notion that justice should be dispensed on the street, not in the courtroom, and it is morally right to do whatever it takes to imprison those who prey on society.
  • Due to time constraints,the remaining questions can be asked as another question,they will be answered as another question,thankyou

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