Describe the key steps of a situation and audience analysis. Which of these steps do you...

Describe the key steps of a situation and audience analysis. Which of these steps do you believe are the most challenging to implement? In your opinion, what connects the situation analysis to the other steps in the health communication plan?

In: Operations Management

Please answer the following question in reference to the ‘Columbine survivors are now parents in world...

Please answer the following question in reference to the ‘Columbine survivors are now parents in world of school of school shootings’ = The emotional toll of the shooting that killed 12 classmates and a teacher has been amplified by fears about their own kids’ safety. This tragic event that occurred on April 16, 2019

  • 1a. Please share your reaction to - Columbine survivors are now parents in world of school of school shootings. How prevalent of a problem is this? Do you think there is enough time or resources devoted to them? Why or why not?
  • 1b. Where does this issue fall on the issue maturity scale? Why? Where do you think it should fall and why
  • 1c. Which level of corporate responsibility does this fall into for most businesses? Where do you think this should fall and why?
  • 1d. How would the CEO advocate for these efforts or sustainability in their efforts?
  • 1e. Lastly, what stage of corporate citizenship do you think this falls into? Where do you think it should fall?

In: Operations Management

NAME Resolving Ethical Business Challenges Charlie just graduated from Michigan University and landed a job as...

NAME Resolving Ethical Business Challenges Charlie just graduated from Michigan University and landed a job as a copywriter at Fletcher, Alexander, and Burgess (FAB) Advertising assigned to one of the subsidiary accounts of Delicious Uber Bacon Ingredients Extraordinaire Corporation. This conglomerate was primarily a food processing manufacturer beginning one hundred years ago with pork in the Midwest. Overall corporate sales of beef, chicken, pork, and seafood were more than $ million each year. FAB considered many advertising options and opted for a celebrity spokesperson. That meant Charlie would work with Alice Aimee Lucie Jeanne Bompard as the celebrity endorser. Ms. Bompard is a well-known, well-liked, and vibrant actress with a large younger following. Kelly, President of FAB, asked Charlie to step into her office. “Charlie, this new account is a good start for you. We usually don’t let our new copywriters handle accounts by themselves, but you have proven to be a capable employee. Your job on this account is to write copy for the commercials using Ms. Bompard’s product testimonials. The copy needs to be crafted as a testimonial, targeting the market of seventeen to thirty-year-olds. Ms. Bompard already signed an affidavit as to being a bona fide user of the product. The scripts should feature her testifying to the quality, value, and tastiness of the bacon. I want you to meet her tomorrow so you can start the writing process and understand her personality in order to script the messages. Spend the rest of the day immersing yourself in her biography and researching her on the Internet.” As Charlie left Kelly’s office he remembered a Facebook post about Ms. Bompard being a vegetarian. The next day at their meeting, Charlie asked her if she had actually tasted the bacon. Ms. Bompard replied, “Why yes, technically and legally I have tried Uber. In fact, I’ve been a huge fan since I was a kid. Bacon is my favorite food. I’ve done several testimonials in the past and know the American Advertising Federation (AAF) rules. I know as long as my comments are based on verifiable personal use, the message cannot be challenged as deceptive. In fact, Uber bacon has been a favorite of mine since I was young. It wasn’t until a month ago I became a vegetarian. Eating all that bacon for decades really did a number on my cholesterol.” “So, you feel comfortable about endorsing Uber even though you don’t eat it now?” asked Charlie. “No question about it. As far as bacon goes, Uber is second to none in taste. If people are going to eat bacon, why not eat the best? Even if it is a heart attack waiting to happen,” Ms. Bompard joked. The next day Kelly asked Charlie how it went. He explained their conversation and expressed concern over the fact Ms. Bompard is currently a vegetarian, and she attributed her high cholesterol to Uber bacon. Charlie felt relief when he saw the concern in Kelly’s
face, but soon realized her concern was about Ms. Bompard pulling out of the advertisement. Charlie reassured Kelly Ms. Bompard still wanted to promote the product, but it seemed like a contradiction to have a vegetarian promoting bacon. Kelly responded by saying as long as Ms. Bompard had eaten the bacon at some point in her life and thinks it is a good product, it makes no difference as to whether she currently eats the bacon. She continued, "Sometimes in advertising, you have to add a spin to the message you are communicating so it fits with the product you are selling. Not only are you selling a product, but more importantly, you are selling an experience, a feeling, an idea that appeals to consumers." As Charlie walked home that evening, he wondered how he was going to write this advertisement. He did not want to begin his career in a dishonest manner, but he also wanted to produce work that pleased his boss. He tried to think of creative ways to mask the contradiction of the advertisement. Maybe with humor? He asked himself if this approach would still feel dishonest. The next morning Charlie was going to meet with both Ms. Bompard and Kelly about what he had written thus far.

1. What ethical dilemma(s) is Charlie facing? (1-2 paragraphs)
2. What should Charlie do? Evaluate and defend your position by applying at least one concept from our chapter 10 studies on ethics and corporate social responsibility (1-2 paragraphs).

Ethical Concepts from Chapter:

-Stages of Moral Development

-Social Entrepreneurship

-Corporate Social Performance

-Diversity Strengths


-Baby boomers

-Generation X

-Generation Y

-Decision Biases

In: Operations Management

What did you learn or re-learn about revision this week from the text or any learning...

  • What did you learn or re-learn about revision this week from the text or any learning activities? What areas of your writing do you feel are strengths? Which areas could use some improvement?
  • How will you integrate these ideas into the next steps you will take to complete or refine your paper?

In: Operations Management

Discuss how can link or relate the key elements of motivation with Social Learning Theory

Discuss how can link or relate the key elements of motivation with Social Learning Theory

In: Operations Management

Gatson manufacturing company produces 2 types of tires: Economy tire; Premium tire. The manufacturing time and...

Gatson manufacturing company produces 2 types of tires: Economy tire; Premium tire. The manufacturing time and the profit contribution per tire are given in the following table.


Manufacturing Time (Hours)

Time Available

Economy tires

Premium tires


Material Preparation




Tire Building








Final Inspection







Answer the following assuming that the company is interested in maximizing the total profit contribution.

a. Develop a spreadsheet model and find the optimal solution using Excel Solver. What is the total profit contribution Gatson can earn with the optimal production quantities? Enter your answer without a dollar sign and rounded to two decimal places.

b. Based on your answer to Question 1, how many Economy tires should Gatson manufacture to maximize profit contribution? Round your answer to one decimal place.

c. Based on your answer to Question 1, how many Premium tires should Gatson manufacture to maximize profit contribution? Round your answer to one decimal place.

In: Operations Management

The supervisor of a manufacturing plant is trying to determine how many of two parts, Part...

The supervisor of a manufacturing plant is trying to determine how many of two parts, Part X and Part Y, are to be produced per day.  Each part must be processed in three sections  of the plant. The time required for the production along with the profit contribution for each part are given in the following table.

Time required (Minutes/Unit)

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Profit/Unit
Part X





Part Y





Available time (minutes)




No more than 60 units of Part X and up to 70 units of Part Y can be produced per day. The company already has orders for 30 units of Part Y that must be satisfied.

a. ​Develop a spreadsheet model and find the solution that maximizes total profit contribution.  What is the value of the objective function? Enter your answer without a dollar sign.

b. Based on your answer to Question 4, what quantity of Part X should be produced to maximize profit contribution?

c. Based on your answer to Question 4, what quantity of Part Y should be produced to maximize profit contribution?

In: Operations Management

What are demographics and why are they important? Are demographics important to online marketing efforts?

What are demographics and why are they important? Are demographics important to online marketing efforts?

In: Operations Management

Ch 19 Video Zane's Cycles Foundations of Control 7min 1)President Chris Zane mentions that​ employees' performance...

Ch 19 Video Zane's Cycles Foundations of Control 7min

1)President Chris Zane mentions that​ employees' performance is not evaluated every six months or every year as in many organizations.​ Zane's Cycles uses Saturday meetings for everyone to come up to speed and to discuss issues. These meetings represent a controlling process that is used to​ _____.

A.discuss failures of individuals in the company

B.establish performance standards as a group

C.​measure, evaluate, and take corrective action

D.correct​ employees' actions by berating and celebrating

E.cross-train employees

2)Which of the following seems to be the most important performance standard that everyone at Zane Cycle is measured​against?

A.Selling to customers

B.Maintaining inventory

C.Satisfying customers

D.Leading others

E.Training others

3)Zane feels strongly​ that, when a crisis develops in the cycle​ shop, he wants to get involved and be engaged with the customer to emphasize primarily to that customer that​ _____ will occur.

A.written apologies

B.policy changes

C.employee reprimands changes

E.corrective actions

4)When Zane Cycle President Chris Zane directs an employee to do​ something, Zane is exhibiting​ ______, whereas when he inspires employees to work​ harder, he is exhibiting​ _____.

A.​leadership, followership

B.position​ power, personal power

C.​authority, control

D.​enforcement, charisma

E.​directness, indirectness

5)President Zane is adamant about getting feedback from customers about how the company could improve. They gather data through​ surveys, face-to-face​ interactions, and by listening to conversations in the store or at events. Decisions based on this feedback are dependent upon​ _____.

A.credibility of the source

B.information quality

C.whether the information is negative or positive

D.the cost of obtaining the information the information is to be used

In: Operations Management

Managers who can easily become distracted by fighting the everyday fires of business and, in the...

Managers who can easily become distracted by fighting the everyday fires of business and, in the process, ignore or postpone planning succumb to what is sometimes called


the "tyranny of the urgent."


"Parkinson’s law of planning."


"Murphy’s law of strategic action."


the "Peter principle."

Before social networking sites became dominant, _____ provided a low-cost way to pinpoint customers and achieve high response rates.


e-mail promotion


quick response (QR) codes


reciprocal advertising


search engine optimization (SEO)

An intermediary that works for foreign firms that are interested in buying U.S. products and is paid a commission for its services is called a(n)


confirming house.


export agent.


piggyback marketer.


export trading company.

From Stage 1 to Stage 4 of small business growth, the small business owner becomes less of a _____ and more of a _____.


manager; visionary


doer; leader


consultant; doer


manager; doer

Greater firm profitability results from engaged employees because they


are more productive and customer-focused.


feel less threatened.


focus on important features of the business.


require less supervision.

In: Operations Management

The Hunicut and Hallock Corporation makes two versions of the same basic file cabinet, the TOL...

The Hunicut and Hallock Corporation makes two versions of the same basic file cabinet, the TOL (Top-of-the-line) five drawer file cabinet and the HQ (High-quality) five drawer filing cabinet. You are reviewing the MRP for the HQ file cabinet. The HQ file cabinet is made up of five drawers with each drawer requiring two bearings, one on each side. Complete the Materials Requirements Plan (MRP) below in order to answer the questions in the quiz.

HQ 1 2 3 4
Gross Requirements 50 0 100 20
Scheduled Receipts 50
Projected Available Balance 22
Net Requirements
Planned Order Receipt
Planned Order Release

Lead Time = 1 period; Safety-stock = 10; Lot-size = multiples of 50

Drawers 1 2 3 4
Gross Requirements
Scheduled Receipts 300 200
Projected Available Balance 35
Net Requirements
Planned Order Receipt
Planned Order Release

Lead Time = 1 period; Safety-stock = 15; Lot-size = multiples of 100

Bearings 1 2 3 4
Gross Requirements 100
Scheduled Receipts 595
Projected Available Balance 20
Net Requirements
Planned Order Receipt
Planned Order Release

Lead Time = 2 periods; Safety-stock = 10; Lot-size ≥ 450

In: Operations Management

Business I'm interviewing someone for a great job opportunity with a great company and the company...


I'm interviewing someone for a great job opportunity with a great company and the company has a number of growth opportunities and is ranked #1 in their industry. I asked the person what makes you motivated to work in my company, he said the money. What should I do and think about this person?

Please explain to me in critically thinking.

Thank you.

In: Operations Management

Accuracy of data is a basic requirement for ERP and MRP to work accurately. The following...

Accuracy of data is a basic requirement for ERP and MRP to work accurately. The following would most likely not be an example of data referred to in the MRP calculations.

A. Perpetual balances

B. On-order PO accuracy

C. BOM Accuracy

D. Factory blueprint (drawing specification accuracy)

E. Purchased lead time

F. D and E

In: Operations Management

What research strategies or tips would you share with others when using online libarary though a...

What research strategies or tips would you share with others when using online libarary though a university

In: Operations Management

To be enforceable, every contract must include an offer and an acceptance. Consider a typical online...

  1. To be enforceable, every contract must include an offer and an acceptance. Consider a typical online retail transaction in which an item is ordered and paid for online by a purchaser and shipped by the seller. In two or three paragraphs, identify specifically and describe the actions that constitute the offer and the acceptance.
  1. In the United States, Great Britain, and many other countries, contracts of certain types must comply with the Statute of Frauds to be enforceable. In about 100 words, describe the specific elements a contract must include to comply with the Statute of Frauds. In your answer, provide one or two examples of how each required element could be satisfied.

In: Operations Management