Describe the effects of social media on communication within an organization.

Describe the effects of social media on communication within an organization.

In: Operations Management

Literature review on '"Redefine the role of Higher Education Institutions in ensuring students success"

Literature review on '"Redefine the role of Higher Education Institutions in ensuring students success"

In: Operations Management

For a corporation, Social Media Examiner notes 5 things to consider before posting an image. List...

For a corporation, Social Media Examiner notes 5 things to consider before posting an image. List and explain what they are.

In: Operations Management

What are recommendations for emergencies and waste disposal (include first aid, spills, leaks, fires)? - In...

What are recommendations for emergencies and waste disposal (include first aid, spills, leaks, fires)?

- In this case, the workplace setting is a manufacturing facility that produces finished products from raw materials.

- Workers of focus are machine operators

In: Operations Management

What information will you consider going with forward as an HR Professional?

What information will you consider going with forward as an HR Professional?

In: Operations Management

Please read the Management in Action case “Norwegian Air Shuttle Aspires to Become the Cheapest Global...

Please read the Management in Action case “Norwegian Air Shuttle Aspires to Become the Cheapest Global Airline” at the end of Chapter 4 “Global Management” available in your textbook Management: A Practical Approach 7th edition by Kinicki, A., & Williams, B., and answer the following questions:

Assignment Question(s):

  1. What are the biggest challenges Norwegian experienced in trying to expand its airline across the globe?
  2. To what extent did you observe examples of ethnocentric, polycentric, or geocentric attitudes in this case? Provide examples to support your conclusions.

3. Use Table 4.4 (Given below) to identify cultural differences that are likely to arise between Norwegian employees working in Denmark and Sweden and Thailand. How might these differences affect interpersonal interactions, and what can the company do to reduce any unintended conflict from these differences?

4. What are the most important lessons to be learned about global management from this case? Discuss




Power distance

Morocco, Argentina, Thailand, Spain, Russia

Denmark, Netherlands, South Africa (black sample), Israel, Costa Rica

Uncertainty avoidance

Switzerland, Sweden, Germany (former West), Denmark, Austria

Russia, Hungary, Bolivia, Greece, Venezuela

Institutional collectivism

Sweden, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Denmark

Greece, Hungary, Germany (former East), Argentina, Italy

In-group collectivism

Iran, India, Morocco, China, Egypt

Denmark, Sweden, New Zealand, Netherlands, Finland

Gender egalitarianism

Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Denmark, Sweden

South Korea, Egypt, Morocco, India, China


Germany (former East), Austria, Greece, United States, Spain

Sweden, New Zealand, Switzerland, Japan, Kuwait

Future orientation

Singapore, Switzerland, Netherlands, Canada (English speaking), Denmark

Russia, Argentina, Poland, Italy, Kuwait

Performance orientation

Singapore, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Taiwan, United States

Russia, Argentina, Greece, Venezuela, Italy

Human orientation

Philippines, Ireland, Malaysia, Egypt, Indonesia

Germany (former West), Spain, France, Singapore, Brazil

I want a special solution for me, Please

In: Operations Management

Explain the best practices for building a personal brand with Twitter.

Explain the best practices for building a personal brand with Twitter.

In: Operations Management

Aspen carpentry makes bookcases and desks. Each bookcase requires 5 hours of . woodworking and 3...

Aspen carpentry makes bookcases and desks. Each bookcase requires 5 hours of . woodworking and 3 hours of finishing. Each desk requires 10 hours of woodworking and 3 hours of finishing. Each month the shop has 600 hours of labor available f~r woodworking and 240 hours available for finishing,. The profit on each bookcase is $75 and on each desk is $140. How many of each product should be made each month In order to maximize profit? What is the max1mum profit?

In: Operations Management

Quantitative Methods in BUSN Solve this problem using Excel Solver 1. Devos Inc. is building a...

Quantitative Methods in BUSN

Solve this problem using Excel Solver

1. Devos Inc. is building a hotel. It will have 4 kinds of rooms: suites where customers can smoke, suites that are non-smoking, budget rooms where the customers can smoke, and budget rooms that are non-smoking. When we build the hotel, we need to plan for how many rooms of each type we should have. The following are requirements for the hotel:

  1. We want to figure out how many rooms of each type to build based on maximizing revenue if we fill up the hotel. We expect to charge $190 for a suite that is non-smoking and $140 for a budget room that is non-smoking. Smoking room customers for both suites and budget rooms will have to pay an additional $20 per night.
  2. We can spend up to $7,500,000 on construction of our hotel. The cost to build a non-smoking budget room is $12,000. The cost to build a non-smoking suite is $15,000. It is $3,000 additional for a smoking room of either type for smoke detectors and sprinklers.
  3. We require that the number of budget rooms be at least 1.5 times the number of suites, but no more than 3 the number of suites.
  4. There needs to be at least 80 suites, but no more than 200.
  5. Industry trends recommend that smoking rooms should be less than 50% of the non-smoking room and in addition, we require our builder gives us at least 4 smoking rooms.

Answer the following using your Solver answers:

  1. How many of each room type should be built, and what would the revenue be for a night when our hotel was fully booked?
  2. Without re-running Solver, what happens to our revenue if we get an additional $1,500,000 for building? Explain in words how you got this answer without re-running solver. Over what amount of construction costs can you use this procedure?
  3. Over what range of room price can our budget non-smoking rooms vary over for us to get the same answer for the quantity of each type of room?

In: Operations Management

What is wrong with the strategy of trying to market to everyone? Isn't it true that...

What is wrong with the strategy of trying to market to everyone? Isn't it true that the bigger the market the larger will be our sales? What does everyone think about such an argument? Why do you feel that way?

In: Operations Management

Alan used to follow a libertarian leadership style. He recently decided to become stricter toward productivity...

Alan used to follow a libertarian leadership style. He recently decided to become stricter toward productivity targets as a result of the fluctuations in the market. He does this in order to make his team more task oriented. Please explain why is this an example of situations shaping how leaders behave.

In: Operations Management

Advocate for the importance of integrating unstructured, outdoor play into elementary schools a as a way...

Advocate for the importance of integrating unstructured, outdoor play into elementary schools a as a way of improving children’s health and wellness and the overall school learning environment.

a) Why is outdoor play important for children's development, health, and wellness

b) Discuss how many children are not meeting movement guideline requirements, and provide an overview of how things have changed in society leading to less outdoor play opportunities for children. How has outdoor play changed over time? What factors have caused this shift in less outdoor free play opportunities for children.

c) Finally, outline a plan for incorporating unstructured, outdoor play into Primary Schools. (Integration of outdoor loose play; outdoor classroom days; integrating learning into outdoor spaces etc/). Include stakeholders in plan (parents, community, staff, school, children/youth)

In: Operations Management

How critically is Marketing research in Business set up? Which of Marketing Mix needs MR the...

How critically is Marketing research in Business set up?

Which of Marketing Mix needs MR the most?

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of MR?

In: Operations Management

1. What may affect your decision-making in project management? 2. How do you adjust a project...

1. What may affect your decision-making in project management?

2. How do you adjust a project if you don’t have resources when you need them?

3. How do you incorporate lessons learned from project management into future projects?

In: Operations Management

1) Determine the Corporate Strategy of GE. Be specific and make sure that you list the...

1) Determine the Corporate Strategy of GE. Be specific and make sure that you list the industries that GE is in

2) Relate your assessment to its sources of competitive advantage.

3) Evaluate the current performance of GE and determine how you would change the corporate strategy of GE.

In: Operations Management