Bribery of some correctional officers Identify the ethical issue or scenario. Describe the relevance that this...

Bribery of some correctional officers

  • Identify the ethical issue or scenario.
  • Describe the relevance that this issue/scenario has to individuals working in institutional corrections.
  • Determine if an unethical response to the issue will impact employment, employee morale, employee subculture, inmate subculture and community respect for institutional corrections as an industry.

In: Operations Management

Describe the characteristics of research in brief

Describe the characteristics of research in brief

In: Operations Management

Mary has worked several positions in a company over 10 years. Mary received several warnings from...

Mary has worked several positions in a company over 10 years. Mary received several warnings from the company during this time, and she filed several grievances with the local union  in return. Mary was suspended in March for missing a day of work. She filed two grievances that day and was fired a week later. Mary filed an unfair labor practice charge with the union, and an arbitration was held pursuant to the collective bargaining agreement between the company and the union. The arbitrator ruled that Mary discharge should be treated as a suspension and she should be allowed to return to work. However, when she back to work in November, she was given a different position from her original position. So, she filed another grievance. When she asked back the manager of why she can not get her old job back, and the manager responded that because she has filed too many grievances. The company keep giving warnings to Mary the next two months. At a meeting, company promised Mary that they would stop giving her warnings if Mary stop file grievances. But at last Mary was fired after 3 months for the reasons of “performed too slowly”. Mary filed another grievance upon her firing that the company improperly discharged her in retaliation for her grievance filings.

Please answer the following two questions in 500 words:
1. What do you think the decision of Labor Affairs if this case went before Labor Affairs.
2. What would you have done if you were the company? What are the lessons learned in this case?
*please answer these two questions in around 500 words

In: Operations Management

Bin packing, or some variation of bin packing, can be found in different applications. Use two...

  1. Bin packing, or some variation of bin packing, can be found in different applications. Use two examples, berth allocation and VRP, to discuss why in some scenarios, these two problems are actually equivalent to bin packing.

In: Operations Management

systematic result in any inquiry field usually involves three basic operations. What are those and explain...

systematic result in any inquiry field usually involves three basic operations. What are those and explain in detail

In: Operations Management



Microsoft announced on Wednesday that PowerShell 7 has reached "general availability" (GA) commercial release.

Previously, when the scripting language was at the "release candidate" stage back in December, Microsoft had suggested that PowerShell 7 would reach GA in January. However, the schedule slipped a couple of times, and the product advanced to the Release Candidate 3 (RC3) stage before finally going gold.

PowerShell 7 is notable for being a cross-platform (Linux, macOS and Windows) scripting tool that attempts to bridge the gap between Windows PowerShell 5.1 and the PowerShell Core 6.x releases. In addition, while Microsoft based PowerShell 7 on the open source .NET Core 3.1, a near-term goal is to base it on a coming open source and cross-platform .NET 5 release, which is expected to roll out in November.

PowerShell 7 users will get update notifications from Microsoft. For instance, users of PowerShell 7 RC3 "should see the update notification [to the GA release] on the next restart of pwsh," explained Steve Lee, principal software engineer manager on the PowerShell team, in a Twitter post.

It's also possible to install PowerShell 7. Microsoft has published installation documents for Windows, macOS and Linux.

Module Support
Microsoft previously explained that it added modules to PowerShell 7 to gain backward compatibility with most of Windows PowerShell 5.1's capabilities. It found that such lack of support in PowerShell Core 6.x releases was an apparent stumbling block for Windows PowerShell users, who seemed to be deferring upgrades.

Possibly, incompatible modules will still be a problem, even with the release of PowerShell 7. However, PowerShell 7 includes a -UseWindowsPowerShell switch for the Import-Module cmdlet that's designed "to ease the transition to PowerShell 7 for those using still incompatible modules," Microsoft's announcement explained. This switch actually creates a "proxy module in PowerShell 7 that uses a local Windows PowerShell process," it added.

Moreover, Microsoft is still continuing to beef up the module support in PowerShell 7, even after the GA release.

"For those modules still incompatible, we're working with a number of teams to add native PowerShell 7 support, including Microsoft Graph, Office 365, and more," the announcement explained.

Microsoft's use of .NET Core 3.1 with PowerShell 7 adds .NET Framework APIs, which enable "significantly more backwards compatibility with existing Windows PowerShell modules," it added.

New Features
Microsoft's announcement offered a relatively short list of some of the new features in PowerShell 7, which are more fully described in this "What's New" document. There's a simplified Get-Error cmdlet to find errors in code. A compatibility layer adds support for Windows PowerShell modules.

The ForEach-Object cmdlet now has a new -Parallel parameter option. Microsoft's document included a demo script that's described as using the -Parallel parameter to pull down "50,000 log entries from 5 system logs on a local Windows machine."

Microsoft added new "pipeline chain operators" in PowerShell 7. The && operator serves as AND, while the || operator functions as OR, when adding conditions to chain pipelines. It works similarly to Bash or Zsh shells.

Additionally, Microsoft added a couple of null conditional operators in PowerShell 7. The ?? null coalescing operator returns "the value of its left-hand operand if it isn't null." The ??= null conditional assignment operator "assigns the value of its right-hand operand to its left-hand operand only if the left-hand operand evaluates to null."

If that weren't enough, there's a new ternary operator that works like an if-else statement. Microsoft's example is:

<condition>  ? <if-true> : <if-false>

PowerShell 7 also has a new cmdlet that's used to invoke desired state configuration (DSC) resources, but it's just an "experimental" feature right now.

More description on PowerShell 7's new features can be found in this post by Thomas Mauer, a senior cloud advocate at Microsoft.

PowerShell 7's Lifecycle and Support
PowerShell 7 is a so-called "long-term servicing" release that's supported for three years from Dec. 3, 2019, which was the release date of .NET Core 3.1. PowerShell 7 follows the lifecycle of .NET Core, and it's based on the Microsoft Modern Lifecycle support policy.

While three years of support may sound somewhat reassuring, the Microsoft Modern Lifecycle support policy comes with requirements to keep PowerShell 7 updated with patches within 30 days of release to stay supported. In addition, users of PowerShell 7 must upgrade to a minor product update within six months of release to stay supported. Microsoft only has to provide a 12 months' advance notice before ending product support.

These sorts of support details are described in this "PowerShell Core Support Lifecycle" document.

PowerShell 7, being a long-term servicing release, is on a separate channel from other types of PowerShell releases, so "if you are on 7.0-LTS, when 7.1 comes out, you won't get an update notification," Lee explained in another Twitter post.

PowerShell 7 follows an open source MIT license, which permits code contributions. Technical support just comes from the PowerShell 7 community, although "PowerShell Core is supported under traditional Microsoft support agreements," Microsoft's document explained.

In: Operations Management

In Manpower planning, do you think that there will be a Human Resource information system to...

In Manpower planning, do you think that there will be a Human Resource information system to help the Manpower planning?

In: Operations Management

Write a report for factors affecting the acceptance f the electronic human resources management system in...

Write a report for factors affecting the acceptance f the electronic human resources management system in the services sector in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

please use your keyboard ( don't use handwriting ) Thank you

In: Operations Management

Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Ebay and a few more Silicon valley giants have decided to run...

Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Ebay and a few more Silicon valley giants have decided to run a united insurance scheme, whereby all of their employees are going to be covered by the same insurance plans. They are also considering starting, or acquiring, their own health care system, which would serve their employees and their families and anyone else who may, in the future, decide to purchase insurance from this new insurance scheme. Even though the companies have signed an agreement that they will all participate, the details of how to do all this are still being ironed out. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has asked you for a quick concept note, or brief outline, of how you would approach rolling out this new insurance scheme. Amazon is considering acquiring a pharmacy chain or online pharmacy manager, such as Walgreens, and running the pharmacy business on their own using their highly developed online sales platform. Bezos is interested in getting strategic guidance from your company on whether this is feasible and that would be the risks.

Summarize your revised thinking about these problems in no more than 250 words.

  • How would you value this deal on its own? Are there any potential synergies? What are the potential pitfalls?
  • If Amazon acquires a pharmacy, would that affect the dynamics of their agreement with Silicon Valley companies? Is this something they should consider in deciding whether to pursue this acquisition?

In: Operations Management

Use Nissan-Renault strategic alliance as an example to discuss the pros and cons of developing a...

Use Nissan-Renault strategic alliance as an example to discuss the pros and cons of developing a strategic alliance.

In: Operations Management

You are a Health & safety Specialist. The date is March 12th 2020 and the world...

You are a Health & safety Specialist. The date is March 12th 2020 and the world Health Organization has just announced that COVID-19 is a world pandemic the day before. The CEO of the company you work at has called you into her office and requested that you come up with a plan to deal with this issue. She has been hearing about staff complaining that the company is not doing enough to protect them. She asks you to come up with a policy to take care of these trouble makers . She wants you to have something in place to deal with the virus problem and with the complaints. You go back to your office and ponder what to do. State what your course of action would be. How would you go about addressing this request? What are the issues you need to think about as you come up with your policy recommendation? Do not create the policy; just state all the factors you need to consider. Keep in mind that you have CHRP and CRSP designations. The CEO does not.

500 words for this case study.

In: Operations Management

How can you define critical path in Primavera P6? Provide a short paragraph of description. What...

  1. How can you define critical path in Primavera P6? Provide a short paragraph of description.
  2. What is the Leveling tab in Primavera P6 used for? Describe how itworks using the Botanical Garden example.

how to add/ delete columns on the activities page?

what is Gantt chat? where can you view it in Primavera P6 ?

write your on word

In: Operations Management

      2. Describe Random Schedule Intermittent Reinforcement. (1/2 page)       3. Describe Seligman’s research on Learned...

      2. Describe Random Schedule Intermittent Reinforcement. (1/2 page)

      3. Describe Seligman’s research on Learned Helplessness. (1/2 page)

In: Operations Management

This is an Ethical and Legal question: Discuss a topic that interested you the most in...

This is an Ethical and Legal question:

Discuss a topic that interested you the most in the ethical and legal system and add one more thing you learned about that topic.. Link the topic to one of the course learning objectives to complete the connecting of the dots.

In: Operations Management

Both the core components and the peripheral, value-added supplemental components contribute to customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction....

Both the core components and the peripheral, value-added supplemental components contribute to customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. If the core is good, it does not enhance satisfaction much, because the customer expects it to be good. But if the core is bad, it can affect dissatisfaction. By comparison, the supplemental services can affect satisfaction or dissatisfaction. How do core factors, cues to quality, and interpersonal factors of a product influence your buying decisions. What about the supplemental services' influence? Explain with your supporting experiences.

This is a discussion post so no need to sound super smart! Thank you!

In: Operations Management