      2. Describe Random Schedule Intermittent Reinforcement. (1/2 page)       3. Describe Seligman’s research on Learned...

      2. Describe Random Schedule Intermittent Reinforcement. (1/2 page)

      3. Describe Seligman’s research on Learned Helplessness. (1/2 page)

In: Operations Management

This is an Ethical and Legal question: Discuss a topic that interested you the most in...

This is an Ethical and Legal question:

Discuss a topic that interested you the most in the ethical and legal system and add one more thing you learned about that topic.. Link the topic to one of the course learning objectives to complete the connecting of the dots.

In: Operations Management

Both the core components and the peripheral, value-added supplemental components contribute to customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction....

Both the core components and the peripheral, value-added supplemental components contribute to customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. If the core is good, it does not enhance satisfaction much, because the customer expects it to be good. But if the core is bad, it can affect dissatisfaction. By comparison, the supplemental services can affect satisfaction or dissatisfaction. How do core factors, cues to quality, and interpersonal factors of a product influence your buying decisions. What about the supplemental services' influence? Explain with your supporting experiences.

This is a discussion post so no need to sound super smart! Thank you!

In: Operations Management

How do you think Volkswagen executives could justify this behavior? How do you think the actions...

How do you think Volkswagen executives could justify this behavior? How do you think the actions of the Japanese automakers influenced VW' s decision-making?

In: Operations Management

Discuss why Ben & Jerry's Mission, Vision and Values drives their strategy? Select another company and...

Discuss why Ben & Jerry's Mission, Vision and Values drives their strategy? Select another company and discuss how their mission, vision and values MAY/OR MAY NOT be driving their strategy. Please feel free to select a company that may be struggling with linking their mission and vision to strategy (McDonalds comes to mind). Or select a company that really has developed a strong mission and vision which has clearly driven their success.

Note: this is a very simple discussion, I hope you guys understand it. Discuss Ben & Jerry( please google it I don't like to post third party website) vision and values, then choose another company(your choice) that struggling with their vision and values. That is all.

In: Operations Management

. Describe two important historical 1-events that are significant to the study of management. 2-Explain how...

. Describe two important historical 1-events that are significant to the study of management.
2-Explain how today’s managers use scientific management and general administrative theory.

Not more than 250 words each question

In: Operations Management

hi I have search on IKEA Company and I have to write about below information 1-...


I have search on IKEA Company and I have to write about below information

1- Describe the roles of directional,marketing, operations and human resource strategies in the overall well-being of your selected company?

In: Operations Management

What is your personal experience with conflict in the workplace? What approach do you usually take...

What is your personal experience with conflict in the workplace?
What approach do you usually take to conflict, and why?

In: Operations Management

A convenience store recently started to carry a new brand of soft drink. Management is interested...

A convenience store recently started to carry a new brand of soft drink. Management is interested in estimating future sales volume to determine whether it should continue to carry the new brand or replace it with another brand. The following table provides the number of cans sold per week. Use both the trend projection with regression and the exponential smoothing​ (let


with an initial forecast for week 1 of


methods to forecast demand for week


Compare these methods by using the mean absolute deviation and mean absolute percent error performance criteria. Does your analysis suggest that sales are trending and if​ so, by how​ much?




























​(i) Obtain the trend projection with regression forecast.

Obtain the trend projection with regression forecast.

The forecast for week 13 is

​(Enter your response rounded to the nearest whole​ number.)

Specify the mean absolute deviation​ (MAD) and mean absolute percent error​ (MAPE). ​(Enter your responses rounded to two decimal​ places.)



​(ii) Obtain the exponential smoothing forecast.

The forecast for week

13 is

​(Enter your response rounded to the nearest whole​ number.)

Specify the mean absolute deviation​ (MAD) and mean absolute percent error​ (MAPE). ​(Enter your responses rounded to two decimal​ places.)



Based on​ MAD, the best method is

trend projection with regressiontrend projection with regression


Based on​ MAPE, the best method is

trend projection with regressiontrend projection with regression


In: Operations Management

My organization is a swimwear company. 1.Discuss all stages of the Buyer Decision Process for this...

My organization is a swimwear company.

1.Discuss all stages of the Buyer Decision Process for this organization using the example of a target consumer.

2. Discuss how online shopping has changed in the business-to-business market using an example.

In: Operations Management

4. An unhealthy work environment can lower productivity, contribute to lower morale, and increase medical and...

4. An unhealthy work environment can lower productivity, contribute to lower morale, and increase medical and workers' compensation costs. Consider ways to improve the work environment.

In: Operations Management

What do you think about my thought? Who is the best listener you have ever known?...

What do you think about my thought?

Who is the best listener you have ever known? Describe what that person does that makes him or her so good at listening.

Nowadays, it seems like getting someone to actually listen to what you are saying is like a chore. However, the person in my life I would find to be the best listener I have ever known would be my long-time friend Luana. Everyone has issues in their lives, but whenever I have one she puts hers aside and listens to what I have to say. My pet peeve has always been people who interrupt, and she makes sure I am done talking before she gives me her opinion or advice on something. It seems as though she takes in everything I am saying before speaking back to me which I really appreciate. I can always tell her replies to me are very thought out and she actually considers what she is going to say instead of saying what she thinks will make me happy. However, even if her reply isn’t exactly what I want to hear because we all know the truth can hurt sometimes, she never says anything in a condescending or offensive way. I find that miscommunication happens when people say things like “Well I understand but this is how I feel” or “Yeah that sucks but this happened to me”, she never makes me feel that way and always lets me talk out my frustrations even when we are both in a difficult situation like we are during this time for example. She has taught me a lot about communication throughout the many years I have known her.

In: Operations Management

Shannon was a talented hockey player and started playing competitively in 2014 when he was sixteen....

Shannon was a talented hockey player and started playing competitively in 2014 when he was sixteen. Many of the tournaments required participants to sign an exculpatory clause in order to participate. One of Shannon’s parents signed the agreements. In 2016, Shannon participated in the regional hockey championships in Atlanta Georgia. During the event, several players crashed into each other and Shannon sustained an injury to his back, leaving him partially paralyzed. Shannon filed a negligence lawsuit against the tournament organizers. The organizers could not find the exculpatory clause that Shannon signed for the event. The organizers argued that Shannon must have signed the agreement to enter the tournament, but even if he had not signed one, his participation in the event demonstrated his intent to be bound by the terms of the agreement.

  • Did Shannon have contractual capacity to enter the contract? Why or why not?
  • If Shannon did not actually sign the exculpatory clause, could a court conclude that he impliedly accepted its terms by participating in the tournament? Why or why not?
  • How would you rule in both of these situations? Support your answer with scholarly material and case law.

In: Operations Management

According to Epstein and Buhovac (2014), which of the following statements are correct? (more than one...

According to Epstein and Buhovac (2014), which of the following statements are correct? (more than one correct answer)

a) Sustainability may be or may not be an integral component of corporate strategy.

b) Leadership must be committed to be sustainability and build additional organizational capacity.

c) Sustainability strategies should be supported with mission, culture, and people as appropriate.

d) Sustainability strategies should be supported with management control, performance measurement, and reward systems, as appropriate.

In: Operations Management

Discuss SWOT analysis.

Discuss SWOT analysis.

In: Operations Management