A product whose EOQ is 40 units experiences a decrease in ordering cost from $90 per...

A product whose EOQ is 40 units experiences a decrease in ordering cost from $90 per order to $22.5 per order. The revised EOQ is:

a) three times as large.

b) one-third as large.

c) nine times as large.

d) one-ninth as large.

e) half as large.

f) cannot be determined.

In: Operations Management

the marketplace is competitive.In thi constext,Explain business sustainability in the current market enviroment. Notes: Please explain...

the marketplace is competitive.In thi constext,Explain business sustainability in the current market enviroment.
Please explain clearly and give examples.

In: Operations Management

This the book Building Relationships, Creating Value; 5th edition, Mark W. Johnston & Greg W. Marshall,...

This the book

Building Relationships, Creating Value; 5th edition, Mark W. Johnston & Greg W. Marshall, Routledge Publisher (ISBN: 978-1138951235)

Although many aptitude tests exist, their ability to predict sales performance has been weak. As a sales manager, how do account for this and what would do to change or evaluate these tests to have a successful team?

In: Operations Management

-One of the biggest challenges today in management is employee engagement. As a manager or business...

-One of the biggest challenges today in management is employee engagement. As a manager or business owner, what would you do to keep your employees engaged?
-After watching the Steve Jobs video this week, do you agree with his views on how to make successful teams? What was a key factor for you? Do his ideas still apply today?

In: Operations Management

Upon Graduating I would like to be an HR manager. The 0*net for this position is...

Upon Graduating I would like to be an HR manager. The 0*net for this position is 11-3121.00

Job Description:

Recruit new staff

Flexible schedule may work overtime.

Consulting with employees, train employees as well as managers on policies and procedures.

Oversees, handles, and manages employee relation issues. Handle discipline and grieving of employees.

Suggest new ideas as it pertains to policies and procedures to maintain efficient and effective services.

Ensure compliance with federal and state agencies.

Administers FMLA, Workers comp and abuse of time off.

Make decisions based of independent judgement with empathy to staff.


Bachelor’s degree preferred in Human Resources or related field.

Strong background in HR.

Must be able to work under pressure.

Ability to own and drive projects from beginning to end.

Organizational as well as written/verbal skills.

High level Excel/google docs experience.

Here is the assignment:

  1. For the job you selected for last week's assignment use that job description and prepare a recruitment advertisement. What will attract potential applicants and compel them to apply for the job? What specific information about the job will be essential for you to include? Please refer to the hand out "Minimum Requirements for a Successful Job Advertisement".
  2. Select an appropriate recruitment method (how it will reach the target audience) and discuss why you selected that method.
  3. How would you measure the success of your recruitment strategy?
  4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Internet recruiting.
  5. Would you use this method of recruiting for the job you are recruiting for?

In: Operations Management

describe in detail three theories that come from the book: Good to Great include an illustrative...

describe in detail three theories that come from the book: Good to Great include an illustrative example for each. How can each theory be applied to startups.

In: Operations Management

1. Which level of training needs has arisen because of the arrival of the  4th industrial revolution...

1. Which level of training needs has arisen because of the arrival of the  4th industrial revolution (4IR)? Furthermore, explain the external factors that need to take into consideration due to the arrival of the 4IR. (12).

2. Compare the difference between a Workplace Skills Plan and Skills Audit Plan; also indicate which plan would be most suitable to integrate with the 4IR. (8).

In: Operations Management

Do you think that, because they are unsolicited, pop-up ads are also disruptive? Are they an...

Do you think that, because they are unsolicited, pop-up ads are also disruptive? Are they an invasion of privacy? Explain your reasoning.2.Do you consider the use of pop-up ads to be unethical? Why or why not?

In: Operations Management

This chapter looks at personal selling, the oldest form of marketing and one of the oldest...

This chapter looks at personal selling, the oldest form of marketing and one of the oldest professions.   One of the key points this week concerns the difference between "transaction-oriented" personal selling and "relationship-oriented" personal selling. One of the reasons this distinction has become so important is that consumers are using other information to do initial research into the product or service before engaging the seller. After studying this concept in the text, try to come up with an example of a company that has succeeded in migrating to this new form of personal selling. Explain your choice.

In: Operations Management

The last assignment for this week is to submit by an attachment the product idea and/or...

The last assignment for this week is to submit by an attachment the product idea and/or company you wish to use for your Marketing Plan. You can develop  a new product idea or you may also develop a plan for an entirely new company that does not exist. I need to approve  your idea before you get started on your plan.

If you want to come up with a new product idea, you need to decide what company might manufacture and distribute this for you. (For example, you wouldn't tell me you will be coming up with a new product for Rubbermaid. You would tell me you have come up with a product that can clean under appliances in the kitchen, and Rubbermaid will manufacture and distribute it.)  Come up with something new, fun, interesting, or maybe something you've always wished you had but isn't "out there".  You can also be an entrepreneur and develop a plan for a new business (it must not currently exist)  
The detailed instructions for the Marketing Plan can be found in weeks 15 & 16. Your marketing plans must be received by Sunday, May 10th. This week I just need the product and/or company you will be creating for your marketing plan. Please email me with any questions and I hope you have fun with your plan. What you will be writing your plan about needs to be submitted by April 12th.

In: Operations Management

Re: Kellogg's Honey Smacks Recall Kellogg's uses this recall as an example in conducting a self-assessment...

Re: Kellogg's Honey Smacks Recall

Kellogg's uses this recall as an example in conducting a self-assessment of its ability to transition to a circular economy model. After completing the assessment, they ask you to take a lead on this transformation project. (10 points)

1a) List the project objectives

1b) List the main activities

1c) List the project milestones such as required progress reports or the completion of major tasks

In: Operations Management

There are literally hundreds of options available for POS systems. Pretend that your manager has put...

There are literally hundreds of options available for POS systems. Pretend that your manager has put you in charge of purchasing a new POS system for your long-standing full service operation. Using an internet search tool, research three. How much do they cost? What are their features? What makes one better than the other?

Finally, decide which one would you purchase for your FSO, and why?  Put the answers to the above questions into a word document, and then write up a mock email to your manager. Support your decision to your manager and explain why you made the choice you did.

This is a professional communication document. Please use effective writing for professional communication. Please submit both your research and your mock email as Word documents.

If you don't have experience writing professional emails, here are some tips to help you with this assignment: Professional Email Tips

In: Operations Management

Find an incident that occurred within the last three years where, as a result of the...

Find an incident that occurred within the last three years where, as a result of the use of social media or electronic medical records or the internet in general, one of the privacy laws that is violated. (HIPAA)

Please summarize the incident, indicate the penalty imposed on the violator, and the harm on the victim.

In: Operations Management

20) Which of the following is the most likely problem of supervisors evaluating subordinates? A) focusing...

20) Which of the following is the most likely problem of supervisors evaluating subordinates?

A) focusing too much on a single performance standard

B) coordinating employee training needs and programs

C) being responsible for only one department within the firm

D) lacking opportunities to observe the employee's job performance

22) In the current business climate, firms may want to consider evaluating performance more often because ________.

A) the law requires that companies conduct performance appraisals often

B) changes in the business climate occur rapidly

C) companies wish to avoid negligent retention

D) companies use performance appraisal as a labor cost savings tool

24) Dixon Manufacturing is a large firm that produces automotive parts for sports cars. Employees at Dixon receive annual performance appraisals from their supervisors. However, top executives at Dixon have decided that performance appraisals should be conducted more frequently and that a new method of appraisal should be implemented. Which of the following, if true, best supports the argument that the forced distribution method is the most appropriate performance appraisal tool for Dixon to use?

A) Employees at Dixon are provided training opportunities based on performance appraisal results.

B) Dixon executives want the firm to become a high performing work system within five years.

C) Dixon will be reducing its workforce and eliminating the lowest performing employees.

D) Supervisors at Dixon work with HR to hire, fire, and train all employees.

30) How should evaluation criteria for a performance appraisal system be determined?

A) job analysis

B) observation

C) strategic planning

D) job specification

In: Operations Management

Distinguish between the terms "rates" and "price" as relates to transportation? Describe in detail please.

Distinguish between the terms "rates" and "price" as relates to transportation?

Describe in detail please.

In: Operations Management