In: Operations Management
Explain how to use the Message Development Framework to write both positive and neutral messages.
Message Development Framework :-
7message development framework is a methodology for builiding HL7 models.
message development framework is popularly known as MDF in short form.
it was produced by HL7 in the year 1997.
the main function of the message development framework is to describe the HL7 version 3.0 message .in order to produce model driven development methodology
message development framework is a description for defining HL7 standard messages.
positive messages re those type of messages which consists the communication of good news like wishes , congratulations , motivation , encouragement , recommendations.
neutral messages are those which are neither positive nor negative.
neutral messages are neutral and they just transmits the messages . the best example for neutral message is the announcements , notices, announcements.
business memorandum or e-mail :-
To :- sultan
From :- sajjad shaik
subject :- replacement of the air conditioner
date : - 06-04-2020.
Thankyou for informing us about the defect in the air conditioner. we would be happy to give you a replacemnet without any extra costs.
to provide you the replacement ,we need the following in order to provide you the replacement .
- send us the photo of the what defect it is having.
- send that photo to our mail address.
once we recieve the photo and other documents , we will approve it and send you the new air conditioner on the the next working day..
thank you ,
sajjad shaik.
you should remeber the following points of contexts , purpose and audience of the message.
you should highlight the positivity or neutrality in the message..
thank you.