In: Operations Management
Contrast the reasons for mechanistic and organic structural models.
Mechanistic structural model follows the centralisation approach whereas organic structure model uses the decentralisation approach.In Mechanistic structural model, power remains in the top hands of the leader and there is no distribution of power. But, In Organic structural model, . the power flows from the top level to bottom level, there is distribution of power. There is open communication in organic structural model but rules are tough in Mechanistic structural model. They don't get right to speak in decision. Mechanistic structural model is a traditional approach. Organic structural model is more flexible as compared to Mechanistic structural model.
Both the models have advantages and disadvantages but nowadays, Organic structural model is being accepted more. In manufacturing industries, Mechanistic structural model is being preferred whereas in industries where distribution of power is recommended where the area to cover is large such as online sites, organic structural model is preferred.