Name three Constitutional issues that The Supreme Court has ruled on in the 21st century. Choose...

Name three Constitutional issues that The Supreme Court has ruled on in the 21st century. Choose the issue that you think is most important and relevant to legal psychology.

In: Psychology

Using Emile Durkheim’s understanding of social integration to discuss whether or not this sociological perspective can...

Using Emile Durkheim’s understanding of social integration to discuss whether or not this sociological perspective can be applied to gang violence, teenage pregnancy, and/or drug addiction?

In: Psychology

Think about how notions of social acceptability change. Identify what you would find shocking or unacceptable...

Think about how notions of social acceptability change. Identify what you would find shocking or unacceptable on stage. If you have not seen much theatre, imagine how you would feel seeing it live. Is there a difference between what you would accept on stage and on film/TV (for example, profanity, nudity, realistic violence, presentational violence)?

In: Psychology

How do you feel about Free speech? Do you think hate speech should be protected under...

How do you feel about Free speech? Do you think hate speech should be protected under Free Speech?

In: Psychology

Explain the role of the guardian ad litem, and identify one other key personnel in the...

Explain the role of the guardian ad litem, and identify one other key personnel in the juvenile court, and what function do they perform?

In: Psychology

Discuss how the United States was perceived as a world power in the late nineteenth century...

Discuss how the United States was perceived as a world power in the late nineteenth century and the changes that occurred concerning its foreign policy.

In: Psychology

What are treatment interventions that would be considered culturally relevant to a participant of behavioral health...

What are treatment interventions that would be considered culturally relevant to a participant of behavioral health services? Discuss one program from your research that presents culturally relevant methods, activities, and resources for participants, and provide an example of each component.

In: Psychology

What skills and competencies are employers looking for in entry-level employees? Do you agree or disagree?...

What skills and competencies are employers looking for in entry-level employees? Do you agree or disagree? Why is emotional intelligence being embraced by many employers? Do you have what the employers are looking for? If not, what is your plan to develop missing skills?

In: Psychology

What were the motivations for American expansionism and how were they supported?

What were the motivations for American expansionism and how were they supported?

In: Psychology

The convergence of rods on ganglion cells a.  increases visual resolution b.  improves color vision c.  creates a blind...

The convergence of rods on ganglion cells

a.  increases visual resolution

b.  improves color vision

c.  creates a blind spot on the retina

d.  increases visual acuity

Hubel and Weisel (1963) recorded from individual neurons from visual cortex. They found that neurons in primary visual cortex

a. responded selectively to elementary features of visual stimuli

b. responded selectively to geons but not to different colors

c. did not respond selectively to any visual stimuli.

  1. Desimone, et al (1984) presented macaque monkeys with stimuli that included bananas, black snakes, toilet brushes, and faces, and recorded from individual neurons from visual-temporal cortex. The results showed that

    a. neurons responded to all of these stimuli in the same way.

    b. neurons responded selectively to face stimuli.

    c. neurons responded selectively to the snake stimuli.

    d. neurons responded selectively to the faces and the toilet brush stimuli.

I keep talking about “neurons responding selectively” to things. What does it mean for a neuron to “respond selectively”?

a. The neuron fires when it wants to, no matter what the stimulus is.

b. The firing rate increases and decreases randomly.

c. The neuron fires more when a stimulus is presented and significantly less when the stimulus is not presented.

In: Psychology

Why has the clinical field been slow to investigate possible cultural and racial differences in sexual...

Why has the clinical field been slow to investigate possible cultural and racial differences in sexual behaviors?

In: Psychology

Can you think of a time when you conformed with the actions of a group of...

Can you think of a time when you conformed with the actions of a group of friends, even though you disagreed with their actions? Based on Asch's studies on groupthink, what might have kept you from objecting?

In: Psychology

Write 2 paragraphs discussing how social class and education are related

Write 2 paragraphs discussing how social class and education are related

In: Psychology

What are the main findings of Clemmer's research? In your opinion, based on what you have...

What are the main findings of Clemmer's research? In your opinion, based on what you have learned in your CJBS major classes, are these findings still relevant today?

In: Psychology

Exercise 5.3 For each of the following opinion polls, (1) determine whether the poll results offer...

Exercise 5.3 For each of the following opinion polls, (1) determine whether the poll results offer strong support for the pollster’s conclusion, and, if they don’t, (2) specify the source of the problem (sample too small, unrepresentative sample, or nonrandom sampling). Assume that the conducting of each survey is free of technical errors such as mistakes in data processing or improper polling interviews.

1. An Internet site featuring national and world news asks visitors to participate in the site’s “instant daily poll” of hot topics. The current polling question is: “Should the words ‘under God’ be stricken from the Pledge of Allegiance if its recitation is required of public school children?” Twelve thousand people visit the site on the day that the poll is taken. Of those, seven thousand answer no to the question. The site concludes that 58 percent of Americans oppose modifying the Pledge.

3.A prominent sociologist wants to determine the sexual attitudes of women aged twenty-five to forty-five. The main question to be explored is whether heterosexual women in this age group feel satisfied with their partners’ sexual performance. The sociologist interviews two hundred of her friends who belong to the target group. She also asks two hundred of her female colleagues at her college to complete and return a survey asking the key question. She gets seventy-eight completed surveys back from women in the target group. She finds that 75 percent of all the interviewees say that they are not satisfied with their partners’ performance. She concludes that most heterosexual women aged twenty-five to forty-five aren’t happy with the sexual performance of their partners.

5.A national women’s magazine publishes a questionnaire on sexual harassment in the workplace. Respondents are asked to complete the questionnaire and mail it in to the magazine. The magazine receives over twenty thousand completed questionnaires in the mail. Sixty-two percent of the respondents say that they’ve been sexually harassed at work. The magazine reports that most women have been sexually harassed at work.

In: Psychology