ADHD is a highly publicized and controversial topic. Pick two of the questions below to discuss...

ADHD is a highly publicized and controversial topic. Pick two of the questions below to discuss in depth, remembering to back up your opinions with scholarly research.

  1. How do you differentiate between a normally active child and a child who has ADHD?
  2. Who are the useful informants for a doctor diagnosing a child who may have ADHD?
  3. What treatment has been useful in treating children with ADHD?
  4. What are the long-term effects on the brain of children who have used medication for ADHD? What are the possible long-term benefits and negative impact of those medications?
  5. When responding to your peers, select a post written by a classmate whose thoughts differ from your own. Propose a counterargument to their opinion, supporting your counterargument with examples from the text or video.

In: Psychology

What are some characteristics of a securely attached child? What advice would you offer to the...

What are some characteristics of a securely attached child?
What advice would you offer to the parents of an insecurely attached child?
What advice would you offer to expectant parents hoping to foster a secure attachment with their child?
Do you think sending a child to daycare will have an impact on the child-parent attachment? Why/why not?

In: Psychology

What strengths and limitations do the clinical (or case study) method and ethnography have in common?...

What strengths and limitations do the clinical (or case study) method and ethnography have in common?

Distinguish among age-graded, history-graded, and non-normative influences on lifespan development. Cite an example of each in Sofie’s story at the beginning of this chapter.

What is epigenesis, and how does it differ from range of reaction and genetic–environmental correlation? Provide an example of epigenesis.

Links between family and community foster development throughout the lifespan. Cite several examples from our discussion that support this idea.

In: Psychology

List and described the big five dimension of personality. Then, provide several sources of evidence that...

List and described the big five dimension of personality. Then, provide several sources of evidence that the big Five personality dimensions are universal.

In: Psychology

When the migrants in the film are caught by immigration authorities and returned to El Salvador,...

When the migrants in the film are caught by immigration authorities and returned to El Salvador, what are some of the fears and dangerous associated with going back to their communities?

In: Psychology

Briefly describe the key differences between the post-9/11 wars and earlier wars fought by the United...

Briefly describe the key differences between the post-9/11 wars and earlier wars fought by the United States. How have these changes altered the goal of achieving national security for the United States?

In: Psychology

Welcome to Discussion 6.2! This week we’ll reflect on groups we may have joined throughout the...

Welcome to Discussion 6.2! This week we’ll reflect on groups we may have joined throughout the years. In doing so, we’ll apply our knowledge of groups and organizations.   For our discussion, please address the following:

Define “groups” and “organizations.”

Share an example of a group you have joined (sports team, study group, support group).

What benefits do you see in group membership?

What is the difference between a voluntary and an involuntary group?

Reply substantively to at least two post.

In: Psychology

Is mixed methods research worth all of the extra work and complexity? Why, or why not?

Is mixed methods research worth all of the extra work and complexity? Why, or why not?

In: Psychology

Twelve Angry Men was a play on Broadway, and later made into a movie in 1957.  It...

Twelve Angry Men was a play on Broadway, and later made into a movie in 1957.  It is about a jury in New York City that is deciding the guilt or innocence of a young man charged with murder.  

Read the play,, or watch the play, Consider the following questions as you read or watch:

1. What evidentiary issues are presented in this story?

2. How does the jury addresses these issues?

3. What Rules of Evidence apply?

Prepare an IRAC memo to the judge explaining your answers to these questions. Refer to the Federal Rules of Evidence (even though this is not a federal case) and cite relevant case law from New York in your answer.

In addition, explain in one or two paragraphs how you think the defense attorney failed regarding witness testimony of either the downstairs neighbor or the lady across the street.

In: Psychology

Part 2: Long answer questions: the answers may require a few paragraphs to a page. Describe...

Part 2: Long answer questions: the answers may require a few paragraphs to a page.

Describe using your own words, Erikson’s 8 stages of development and give examples of each one.

In: Psychology

Short Essay 4 ; Give a detail information Starting in middle school, Jon loved to “give...

Short Essay 4 ; Give a detail information

Starting in middle school, Jon loved to “give kids flak” and “teach them a lesson.” He was constantly clowning around in class, pulling chairs out from under girls who were wearing skirts and sticking his foot out in the aisle when the class “nerd” went to ask the teacher his fifth question of the hour. Lots of kids had been exposed to Jon’s goofing, and usually everyone laughed when they were not the ones affected by his antics. Since elementary school, Mike has often been on the receiving end of Jon’s bullying. He had shoved into the shower with his clothes on, his clothes had disappeared during gym class and were found in the cafeteria, and he was taunted weekly about his height and weight. He was constantly feeling like his same-age peers bullied him with physical contact, harsh and degrading words and gestures, exploitation, and exclusion. By the end of middle school, Mike had no true friends. He had few acquaintances that he talked with during the day, many of whom were also victims of bullying. He usually ate his lunch by himself, as quickly as possible, and aimlessly wandered the hallways of the school.

Answer the following questions in essay form. Your essay should be between 1 - 2 pages in length and adhere to APA guidelines.

What kinds of changes take place in social, cognitive, and emotional development during middle childhood that are likely to bring about bullying and teasing?

How does culture play a role in what is happening in this case for Jon and Mike?

What cultural definitions of masculinity are at work in middle childhood that may reinforce Jon’s behaviors or make Mike ashamed of his body?

In: Psychology

Best Job/Worst Job Introduction Post: Your post should also include a description of the best job...

Best Job/Worst Job Introduction Post:

Your post should also include a description of the best job you have had and the worst job you have had. What made your jobs good or bad? If you’ve never had a job, explain what you think makes a job good or bad in general terms.

In: Psychology

Describe Warren’s thought experiment with the space explorer who is captured by alien scientists. What point...

Describe Warren’s thought experiment with the space explorer who is captured by alien scientists. What point is Warren trying to make with this thought experiment?

In: Psychology

Which fallacy is most obvioulsy committed in the following argument? America—Love it or leave it! Multiple...

Which fallacy is most obvioulsy committed in the following argument?

America—Love it or leave it!

Multiple Choice

  • False dilemma

  • Appeal to ignorance

  • Ad hominem

  • Appeal to unqualified authority

  • Complex question

  • Appeal to the nation

In: Psychology

Consider the following passage: The first and most manifest way is the argument from motion. It...

Consider the following passage:

The first and most manifest way is the argument from motion. It is certain and evident to our senses that some things are in motion. Whatever is in motion is moved by another.... For 'motion' means the reduction of something from a state of potentiality into a state of actuality. But a thing can be reduced from a state of potentiality into a state of actuality only by something already in a state of actuality.... It is impossible for the same thing should be simultaneously in a state of actuality and potentiality from the same point of view, but only from different points of view.... Therefore, whatever is in motion must be put in motion by another, and that by another again. This cannot go on to infinity, because then there would be no first mover, and, consequently, no other movers--since subsequent movers only move insofar as they are put in motion by the first mover.... Therefore it is necessary to arrive at a first mover, put in motion by no other; and this everyone understands to be God.

The following question has 2 parts:

Please formalize the argument presented in this passage.
Please present your one best criticism of the argument presented in the passage

In: Psychology