Regarding the criminal justice system could someone discuss in detail two major topics; the police and...

Regarding the criminal justice system could someone discuss in detail two major topics; the police and the various types of punishment that support the criminal justice system?

In: Psychology

Topic: Self-Justification and cognitive dissonance Think about a time in which you experienced cognitive dissonance after...

Topic: Self-Justification and cognitive dissonance

Think about a time in which you experienced cognitive dissonance after performing a behavior (e.g., saying something you didn’t believe, making a difficult choice, behaving in a way contrary to your personal beliefs, expending considerable effort to become part of a group that turns out to be worse than you had anticipated, etc.). Describe the situation in a few sentences, and respond to the following questions:

How did the cognitive dissonance make you feel? Why?

How did you resolve the dissonance? Did you change your attitude, change your behavior, add new cognitions, or something else?

Did you use external justification or internal justification to help resolve your dissonance? If so, how?

Were there any lasting effects of this experience? Explain.

In: Psychology

What is the standard deviation of students math test scores? 12 18 27 31 40 42...

What is the standard deviation of students math test scores? 12 18 27 31 40 42 14 20 27 32 40 51 14 20 27 32 40 56 14 21 29 32 40 60 16 23 31 36 40 65

In: Psychology

What were the causes of the Russian Revolution of 1917, and why did the Bolsheviks prevail...

What were the causes of the Russian Revolution of 1917, and why did the Bolsheviks prevail in the civil war and gain control of Russia?

In: Psychology

What is meant by an approbative ethical theory? One example of an approbative ethical theory and...

What is meant by an approbative ethical theory? One example of an approbative ethical theory and evaluate it

In: Psychology

how do the senses work together to give us the experiences we perceive in the world...

how do the senses work together to give us the experiences we perceive in the world around us? 100words

Although Jan appears to be underweight, she is afraid of becoming fat and consistently restricts her food intake. Although Gene appears to be overweight, he enjoys eating and always eats as much as he wants. Explain how their different reactions to food might result from (a) differences in their inner bodily states and(b) differences in their reactions to external incentives.

In: Psychology

List and explain the twelve fundamental impediments to marriage and the six major categories why consent...

List and explain the twelve fundamental impediments to marriage and the six major categories why consent would be considered defective. ?

In: Psychology

Why consumer behavior research is important in marketing. Indicate what aspects of psychology/sociology/anthropology/communication that you believe...

Why consumer behavior research is important in marketing. Indicate what aspects of psychology/sociology/anthropology/communication that you believe are most relevant to strategic marketing, as well as how people's individual traits have an impact on how they respond to different types of marketing.

In: Psychology

- “How does SES (socio economic status), education and family dynamics effect your life chances?”

- “How does SES (socio economic status), education and family dynamics effect your life chances?”

In: Psychology

Has the media made the governing more or less difficult for the president? (imagine we are...

Has the media made the governing more or less difficult for the president? (imagine we are facing world war 2020)

In: Psychology

Pick a subculture within the U.S., (e.g., bikers, goths, etc.) and clearly explain why it is...

Pick a subculture within the U.S., (e.g., bikers, goths, etc.) and clearly explain why it is called a subculture. Also explain why it came into social existence, as well as identify what utility it serves for group members. Lastly, describe the similarities and differences between the subculture you selected and the dominant/mainstream culture in the U.S.

In: Psychology

What is a good response/explanation to the following: Would you be agree/disagree to this research? How...

What is a good response/explanation to the following: Would you be agree/disagree to this research?

How does the research conducted by Brene Brown differ from quantitative research?

Brene Brown's research was conducted to retrieve in-depth information from participants while quantitative research lacks the in-depth factor. She also used the information gathered and made interpretations and found commonalities and differences than quantitative research could consider extraneous variables or lacking numerical value. Brene Browns used all the collected interviews to explore common reoccurring factors with great detail. These details of life struggles and resilience did not hold statistical (numerical) data but provided valuable information from real populations willing to share their story.

What qualitative techniques does she use?

Brene Browns used understandability and comparability to engage in research that held human life experiences with value. During her assessment of written and verbal interviews, she was active in the conversation for how shame is related to our fear of disconnection. She analyzed the information and found outliers and focused on the comparing qualities they shared. She held on to the data for several years before creating a theory about what it all means.

What are some advantages and disadvantages to Brown's approach?

Some disadvantages in Brown’s approach are that she too struggled with vulnerability and it did not feel like her to openly accept the emotions that can arise from vulnerability. I believe this bias made it difficult to initially grasp the value of vulnerability. An advantage to her approach is she gathers thousands of reports/interviews that helped guide her to narrow her thoughts on why things were happening and why embracing authenticity and feeling worthiness for love and belonging were so important. The depth of the stories provided knowledge of real-life experiences with a thorough understanding of how the details relate and differ from each other.

In: Psychology

A reflective summary of the transtheoretical Model and the Precaution Adoption Process Model

A reflective summary of the transtheoretical Model and the Precaution Adoption Process Model

In: Psychology

How do major social institutions contribute to the creation and preservation of race, gender and social...

How do major social institutions contribute to the creation and preservation of race, gender and social class status arrangements? How do institutions interpret and apply laws and policies that systematically disadvantage people by race and/or gender, and reproduce social class disparities?

In: Psychology

ETHICS Suppose that, while waiting in line at the grocery store, you overhear a stranger saying...

ETHICS Suppose that, while waiting in line at the grocery store, you overhear a stranger saying that the FDA is going to approve a new drug tomorrow—one that will be a huge success for Alpha Pharmaceuticals. Is it legal for you to buy stock in Alpha? Is it ethical? What would Kant and Mill say?

In: Psychology