The Center Associate is fully accountable to the Center Manager to provide outstanding customer service to...

The Center Associate is fully accountable to the Center Manager to provide outstanding customer service to our valued clientele. The Center Associate provides that ever-important first impression, which has a big impact on repeat business.
Question: Why do you think you are the best position for this position?

In: Psychology

Writing a paper about musical theatre. How it began, how it shaped theatre and and how...

Writing a paper about musical theatre. How it began, how it shaped theatre and and how it influenced that time when it began as well as how it influenced still shapes the theatre today.

In: Psychology

8.Discuss the process of colonization and decolonization and the role that recognition plays in acquiring sovereignty...

8.Discuss the process of colonization and decolonization and the role that recognition plays in acquiring sovereignty or self-determination.

9. What was the Cold War? How did it start? How did it end?

In: Psychology

Briefly define the Erikson, Peck and Levinson theory as related to young adulthood and middle adulthood....

  • Briefly define the Erikson, Peck and Levinson theory as related to young adulthood and middle adulthood.
  • Discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages that may occur when applying these theories to human behavior.

In: Psychology

During your visit to the doctor you learn that your child has a rare disorder. The...

During your visit to the doctor you learn that your child has a rare disorder. The prognosis is not good. But there are two possibilities for treatment:

1) cloning your child which will give a 100% new start or

2) starting your child on an experimental drug that has significant side effects and has not shown much efficacy for recovery.

Do the research on a rare disorder in children with either of the two possible treatment and cite the source

In: Psychology

Consider shaping and chaining procedures. You need to train a teenager to take a public bus...

  1. Consider shaping and chaining procedures. You need to train a teenager to take a public bus to school every day. The teen has never taken this bus or traveled this bus route before. Describe the procedure you would use. Describe the steps that would be involved. In other words create a task analysis.
  2. Consider the use of prompts and prompt fading. Given the current world events we need to teach middle school kids how to social distance while in school. The biggest problem is when they need to wait in line for things. And when they are having a conversation with others. Describe what prompts you would use to teach the kids how to keep 6 feet away from others at these times. Also describe how you would then fade the prompts.
  3. Consider antecedent control procedures. Given the current situation we have many individuals that are hording items they should not be hording. I don’t mean toilet paper. Some are hording essential items for frontline medical personnel and first responders such as masks, gloves, disinfectants, etc. The reason for the hording by these individuals is so they can sell the stuff for ridiculously high prices. If you were in a position to intervene, maybe in government, what could you do to stop this using antecedent control procedures? Describe the procedure you would use and the steps involved.

In: Psychology

Describe three different common living arrangements for mid-adults (ages 36-55). Describe how each of the living...

Describe three different common living arrangements for mid-adults (ages 36-55). Describe how each of the living arrangements chosen might affect the emotional, social, physical, and financial well-being for mid-adulthood.

In: Psychology

what is the skinner's view about addiction on the base of alexander's examination?

what is the skinner's view about addiction on the base of alexander's examination?

In: Psychology

Directions Follow the Written Assignment Guidelines in this and all other assignments in this course. Below...


Follow the Written Assignment Guidelines in this and all other assignments in this course. Below are the directions specific to this assignment.

  1. Jane Elliott created prejudice among the students in her elementary school classroom in one week. Watch the footage of her classic 1968 demonstration: A Class Divided (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. The study starts at about 3:20 minutes into the episode and runs until about 17:50 if you want to be selective in your viewing and not watch the entire 55 minute episode.
  2. Write a brief essay in which you explain what what happened in what has come to be known as the Blue-eyed, Brown-eyed demonstration using the theories and terminology you have learned. Make at least five connections with the social psychological research on stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. Please bold or underline the concepts so you can be sure you cover the required amount. These concepts are often bolded or italicized terms in the chapter. Be specific. For each concept, you will need to define the social psychological concept in your own words and explain how it is seen in the brown-eyed, blue-eyed demonstration. In addition, you may include any other thoughts you have on her study.

In: Psychology

Have you or someone you know experienced negative results due to self-disclosure (as sender or receiver)?...

Have you or someone you know experienced negative results due to self-disclosure (as sender or receiver)? If so, what could have been altered in the decisions of what, where, when, or how to disclose that may have improved the situation?

In: Psychology

Your answer should be between 300 and 500 words long for each question section A 1....

Your answer should be between 300 and 500 words long for each question

section A

1. Discuss three elements of literature and give examples from any of the texts studied in

2. Analyze three sound or literary devices that Dylan Thomas uses in the poem “Do Not
Go Gentle into that Good Night” to convey the theme of death.

3. Discuss Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart as a tragedy.

4. Examine three major conflicts in William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and
determine how the conflicts you identify contribute to the fatal end of the two star-crossed lovers.

In: Psychology

Discuss any two psychological strategies you can use as a health psychologist for terminally ill patients.

Discuss any two psychological strategies you can use as a health psychologist for terminally ill patients.

In: Psychology

Reflect on your engagement with a community/group/team to which you belong. How do you feel you...

Reflect on your engagement with a community/group/team to which you belong. How do you feel you have contributed to this community/group/team? How has this community/group/team affected you?

In: Psychology

what is your opinion on school uniforms? should they or should they not be allowed ​?

what is your opinion on school uniforms? should they or should they not be allowed ​?

In: Psychology

Compare and contrast Aristotle, Kant and Mill's methodologies, emphasizing what you perceive as the particular strengths...

Compare and contrast Aristotle, Kant and Mill's methodologies, emphasizing what you perceive as the particular strengths and weaknesses of their position's effectiveness or ineffectiveness to achieve their desired results for a moral life/ethical existence as found in the self and society.

In: Psychology