1. Therapist addressing issues of substance abuse within the Native American Community should consider interventions that...

1. Therapist addressing issues of substance abuse within the Native American Community
should consider interventions that emphasize the importance of which cultural and
spiritual value?
a. Sharing
b. Cooperation
c. Spirituality
d. None of the above.

2. Examples of heterosexist bias in therapy include:
a. Assumptions made by the therapist of the client having a heterosexual orientation.
b. Assuming that a client’s sexual orientation is the sole reason for his/her
c. Belief that Gay/Lesbian/Bi-sexual lifestyle is sinful
d. All of the above.

3. In response to a positive answer on a screening question, clinicians assessing for suicidal
thoughts and behaviors should ask...
a. A follow-up question to assess for the qualitative features of ideation or behaviors.
b. A close-ended question.
c. Use ISPATHWARM to further assess.
d. None of the above.

In: Psychology

Identify and describe someone who you believe is a great leader. This person can be living...

Identify and describe someone who you believe is a great leader. This person can be living or deceased, someone you know personally or someone famous. Why did you select this person? What traits does this person have that make them a great leader?

In: Psychology

Explain what intelligence means, then explain how meaningful IQ scores are. Explain how intelligent brains are...

  1. Explain what intelligence means, then explain how meaningful IQ scores are.
  2. Explain how intelligent brains are different.
  3. Explain how heredity and environment affect intelligence. Which is more important? Why?
  4. What causes intellectual disabilities?

Please answer all the question thank you

In: Psychology

Compare and contrast the set point model and the positive incentive model in terms of explaining...

Compare and contrast the set point model and the positive incentive model in terms of explaining obesity. Does modeling provide an adequate description of the psychological ramifications of obesity?

In: Psychology

Define sexual identity. What is infertility and how does it affect couples in America? What is...

Define sexual identity.

What is infertility and how does it affect couples in America?

What is abortion and when do the majority of abortions occur?

What advice would you give to a pregnant woman in regards to proper nutrition and exercise during her pregnancy?

How are disease transmitted?

Know and understand the 2 types of adoption.

What is conflict resolution?

Why do individuals have abortions?

What are factors contributing to weight gain in men?

What are eating triggers for college students?

What is a calorie?

What are vitamins?

What are minerals?

What is anemia?

How are vitamins beneficial to our diet?

What are unsaturated fats?

What is an Antigen?

Wat is an antibody?

What are the different types of relationships?

Name a few viral diseases?

In: Psychology

Please write an informative speech about the coronavirus, try to capture the audience as much as...

Please write an informative speech about the coronavirus, try to capture the audience as much as you can. (Must be 4 minutes) (Make sure to cite sources based on your factual evidence)

In: Psychology

Evaluate the following case using a) Kant’s theory and b) Utilitarianism. Then, c) provide an overall...

Evaluate the following case using a) Kant’s theory and b) Utilitarianism. Then, c) provide an overall recommendation. “Harold Smith is a 27-year-old man who used to live a dangerous lifestyle. He liked nothing more than an extreme thrill, such as diving off a cliff into swirling water. He lived alone and had few friends. He worked as a guard for an armored vehicle company, a job he tolerated. He is close to his parents and would visit them frequently. They continually tried to get him to live a more standard, less dangerous lifestyle. He seemed to enjoy their prodding but simply smiled in response. He recently broke his neck in a diving accident. He was quickly brought to an emergency room and intubated because he could not breathe on his own. Within a few days, it became clear that he was permanently paralyzed from the neck down. Without a ventilator he would quickly die. Harold began to insist that his ventilator be removed, saying that he would rather be dead than live in a paralyzed state. His parents, however, instructed the health care team to not remove the ventilator. The attending physician understands Harold’s objections but believes there is a small but significant chance that Harold will soon become independent of the ventilator and that he will adjust to his situation and find a way to make a meaningful life for himself, as so many others have done before him. In short, his physicians think it best not to remove the ventilator until Harold has psychologically adjusted to his new condition. After three weeks, Harold continues to demand that his ventilator be removed” (Jones & Demarco, 2016).

In: Psychology

What steps did Jean-Baptiste Colbert take to promote the development of New France and Why did...

What steps did Jean-Baptiste Colbert take to promote the development of New France and Why did his efforts fail?

In: Psychology

When there is no clear correct behavior, people often feel pressure to imitate the behavior of...

When there is no clear correct behavior, people often feel pressure to imitate the behavior of those around them. This demonstrates the power of:
public responses.
2. The _____ study was conducted to determine if group size influenced conformity.
Social conformity
3. _____ is a researcher of social influence who took advantage of the autokinetic phenomenon.
Solomon Asch
Karen Horney
Abraham Maslow
Muzafer Sherif
4. Which is NOT a condition increasing the likelihood of conformity?
the group is unanimous
group size of 10 or more
our response is public and observed by others
the situation is ambiguous
5. In the Gawkers study, the percentage of those who conformed (looked up) was _____ when 15 people were looking up.
6. People like to consider themselves:
as original.
as intelligent.
7. In the Gawkers study, the percentage of those who conformed (looked up) was _____ when one accomplice was looking up.
8. Solomon Asch found that when accomplices unanimously agreed on an obviously incorrect answer, the real participants conformed _____ of the time.
9. Solomon Asch found that approximately _____ of real participants conformed to the group at least once.
10. Shelby has been invited to attend a banquet dinner. She has never been to one before and watches others around her for cues on how to behave. She is seeking:
reactance influence.
informational social influence.
conformity distinctions.
normative social influence.
11. When the behavior of others affects personal behavior _____ has occurred.
social influence
normative influence
social pressure
12. Conformity can be motivated by _____ when a person wants to do the right thing and others seem to have necessary information.
social influence
social pressure
normative social influence
informational social influence
13. Conformity can be motivated by _____ when a person does not want to be different from others.
normative social influence
social influence
informational social influence
social pressure
14. _____ is the desire to protect or restore one's freedom of action.
Individual pressure
Normative influence
15. An illusion in which a stationary pinpoint of light in a completely dark room appears to move is known as the:
movement illusion.
sensory illusion.
visual dexterity.
autokinetic phenomenon.
16. In Solomon Asch's study, what was the error rate when participants were tested individually?
17. The pressure to conform increases with group size, up to about _____ people.
18. People are MOST likely to resist social influence when:
the group is divided.
the situation is ambiguous.
their personal sense of freedom is threatened.
the group is unanimous.
19. Adjusting thoughts or behaviors to coincide with a group standard is known as:
normative influence.
social influence.
social pressure.
20. Stacey is asked a question in front of six other people who have already answered the question. While she disagrees with what the other six people have said, she answers in the same way. This demonstrates the power of:
public responses.

In: Psychology

With which of the goals of criminal sentencing do you most agree? Why? Which of the...

With which of the goals of criminal sentencing do you most agree? Why? Which of the goals of criminal sentencing do you think individual-rights advocates would most likely find attractive? Which would public-order advocates favor? Why?

In: Psychology

What types of reentry problems are often encountered by persons returning to the home culture? How...

What types of reentry problems are often encountered by persons returning to the home culture? How can reentry shock be alleviated

In: Psychology

1. What is globalization? At least one page SUBJECT: ANTHROPOLOGY

1. What is globalization? At least one page


In: Psychology

How do you think police discretion toward juveniles has changed in the last 50 years? Why??

How do you think police discretion toward juveniles has changed in the last 50 years? Why??

In: Psychology

1)The Restorative (restoration) perspective of sleep believes that a)We sleep to eliminate build up toxins in...

1)The Restorative (restoration) perspective of sleep believes that

a)We sleep to eliminate build up toxins in the brain

b)Sleep is a result of lack of stimulation

c)sleep is used to refresh and heal our bodies after expending energy

d)Sleep is instinctive

2)Narcolepsy is

a)A chronic problem with obtaining a sufficient amount of sleep

b)An abrupt awakening from NREM sleep

c)A sudden and irresistible onset of sleep during waking hours

d)When the muscles engage in sleep movements

3)Freud said displacement was when

a)Fluid levels are displaced in the brain, disrupting sleep

b)Emotional feelings are transferred from one object or person to another

c)When we remember our dreams

d)When latent content is converted into manifest symbols

4)Pavlov studied

a)Rats responses to electronic shocks

b)Salivation in dogs

c)Little Albert

d)Group observation of children

5)The Conditioned Stimulus is

a)a stimulus that evokes an unconditioned response without training

b)a learned reaction

c)a previously neutral stimulus that evokes a learned response

d)an unlearned reaction/response

In: Psychology

What stand on the nature-nurture issue do findings on development of handedness support? Explain, using research...

What stand on the nature-nurture issue do findings on development of handedness support? Explain, using research findings.

In: Psychology