Maria dropped her bags on the floor of the dorm room and introduced herself to her...

Maria dropped her bags on the floor of the dorm room and introduced herself to her new roommate, Denise. They got along easily and after talking for some time Maria left to go to the library. Maria marveled at their very different lives. Whereas Denise’s parents are doctors, Maria’s mother works two jobs to pay the bills. Maria considers herself very lucky to have won a scholarship to college. She worries about leaving her mother alone with her younger siblings-there’s so much work to do and the little ones need lots of supervision if they want to stay out of trouble in the neighborhood. Maria worries that her younger brothers will grow up too quickly and make dangerous decisions like joining one of the many neighborhood gangs. She realizes that she is very fortunate to be able to leave her poor community, but worries that her absence will harm her family. At the same time, Maria is delighted to have the opportunity to learn new things, to study with bright students and professors, and to prepare for a career as a doctor. As a pre-med major, Maria has a very busy semester ahead and she hopes that she won’t disappoint those who have given her such grand opportunities.

Discuss Maria’s achievement motivation.Theory must be applied.

In: Psychology

Describe some of the personality changes of late adulthood. Think of the Big Five factors: What...

Describe some of the personality changes of late adulthood. Think of the Big Five factors: What is still changing as we reach late adulthood?

In: Psychology

True or False if false state why: While she initially committed to becoming a nun and...

True or False if false state why:

While she initially committed to becoming a nun and serving the poor, Austrian Catholic immigrant descendant Philadelphian Katherine Drexel soon found her vow of poverty to be tiresome, and she subsequently returned to her life of wealth and privilege in Philadelphia and built a spectacular mansion with all of her millions. ____

In: Psychology

Define Deconstructionism and how it applies to analyses of philosophy, linguistics and literary criticism.

Define Deconstructionism and how it applies to analyses of philosophy, linguistics and literary criticism.

In: Psychology

Compare and contrast two theories of personality development in middle age. Are these theories mutually contradictory,...

Compare and contrast two theories of personality development in middle age. Are these theories mutually contradictory, or do they add to and enrich each other? Present each theory in full with related examples, relevant research, etc. After these have been explicitly mapped out, make your comparisons and draw your conclusions.

In: Psychology

Explain whether the concept of middle age is a universal or culturally created. Begin by presenting...

Explain whether the concept of middle age is a universal or culturally created. Begin by presenting a general overview of the developmental stage of middle age, and then address the notion of its universality.

In: Psychology

Do you think Callahan makes a convincing case against euthanasia? Why or why not?

Do you think Callahan makes a convincing case against euthanasia? Why or why not?

In: Psychology

Describe the biological changes in sexuality that occur during middle age, and evaluate stereotypes about midlife...

Describe the biological changes in sexuality that occur during middle age, and evaluate stereotypes about midlife sexuality based on this information. Approach this assignment by addressing the changes characteristic of men and women. What areas overlap? Which gender has more stereotypes related to them, and why?

In: Psychology

Define police corruption and how unethical/criminal behaviour by investigators can undermine public confidence and impact on...

Define police corruption and how unethical/criminal behaviour by investigators can undermine public confidence and impact on legitimacy of the police service. Discuss what impact this may have on investigations and how the police service can reduce the potential for corrupt and improper practice. 1000 words

In: Psychology

Are not all forms of euthanasia also forms of assisted suicide? Why or why not?

Are not all forms of euthanasia also forms of assisted suicide? Why or why not?

In: Psychology

what does thus mean to you Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits...

what does thus mean to you

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1)

In the above verse, conformity is the focus. Do not just go blindly and believe everything you hear or see. Do not just ‘follow along’ because everyone else is doing so. The information that you may get or the ideas that are shared may not be truthful or firmly established. You need to ‘test the spirits’ in order to discern what is real, what is truth, and whether it is worth your time and effort.

If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasantness and joy. (Job 36:11)

Obedience is hard to do. Whether you are obeying the law, obeying your parents or obeying your ‘inner self’ in order to stay on the right path for success and happiness. Even obedience to God is difficult. We want it now, and cannot understand why it is not happening now. How can God be so busy that He’s not hearing us? But – God is listening. He knows your struggles. He has good planed for us all – but – it will arrive at His appointed time and place. Patience leads to obedience; obedience keeps us out of trouble and in line for the riches, happiness, and good things from God, that will be worth so much ‘more’ than if we go our own way.

In: Psychology

When and why did Nazi policy toward the Jews move from forced emigration and expulsion to...

When and why did Nazi policy toward the Jews move from forced emigration and expulsion to mass genocide by July 1941?

In: Psychology

After reviewing 23 empircial studies on sugar and children, Dr, Mark Wolraich and colleagues concluded that...

After reviewing 23 empircial studies on sugar and children, Dr, Mark Wolraich and colleagues concluded that sugar DOES NOT affect aggression, mood, motor skillls, or cognitive skills. Yet people claim that despite any research, they know there is a casual relation because they have seen it many times. Why are even multiple naturalistic observations of "seeing children eating sugar and being active" not good evidence supporting a cause and effect connection? 2. What other explanations might exist for why one can observe children eating sugar and being active?

In: Psychology

What are some implications of differences in the ways adults speak to boys and girls? What...

What are some implications of differences in the ways adults speak to boys and girls?

What can parents and caregivers do to promote infants’ language development?

How does learning language during this age help develop cognitive skills in the future?

Do you tend to agree with Bruner or Piaget concerning the relationship between language and thought?

In: Psychology

What does it mean to say that "bereaved persons are misguided"? Should there be a stage...

What does it mean to say that "bereaved persons are misguided"? Should there be a stage theory of grief? What are some advantages and disadvantages of viewing loss within this type of model?

please use your own words I need just 150 words

In: Psychology