
In: Psychology

Which fallacy is most obvioulsy committed in the following argument? America—Love it or leave it! Multiple...

Which fallacy is most obvioulsy committed in the following argument?

America—Love it or leave it!

Multiple Choice

  • False dilemma

  • Appeal to ignorance

  • Ad hominem

  • Appeal to unqualified authority

  • Complex question

  • Appeal to the nation


Expert Solution

Fallacies are types of errors in reasoning or argument in which a person believes something or argues about something based on certain invalid or false beliefs and assumptions. Fallacies are used either unintentionally because the person is unaware of the truth or intentionally because he or she wants to deceive others. There are many types of fallacies based on the content, context or the circumstance in which it is used.

* False dilemma

When a person reasons something based on very few choices or an either or choice, then the person is committing a false dilemma fallacy because, he does not use all the relevant options or possibilities associated with it. For example, a person asks someone whether he likes red or blue and the person has to choose from those two even if he likes black.

America - Love it or leave it, is an example of false dilemma
This is because the person is made to choose either one of the two options - either to love America, or to leave American, and is not provided with any other choices, such as not loving America and still staying in.  

* Appeal to ignorance

A person uses appeal to ignorance fallacy when he accepts something because there is no proof that it is false or does not accept something because there is no proof that it is true.

Example -  A person says that he does not believe in God because there is no proof that God exists.

Ad hominem

A person uses ad hominem fallacy when he attacks the arguer based on their characteristics or their attributes in order to avoid the genuine argument or the discussion that the arguer puts forth.  

For example, when a person neglects the argument of a young girl by stating that she is too young to know what is right.

Appeal to unqualified authority

A person beliefs something just because someone in authority had said so. The authority referred could either be qualified or unqualified but the person believes in them based on their credibility without any valid reason or logic in it.

For example, a person believes that smoking is morally wrong because a priest in the church had said him.

Complex Question

A person frames a question in such a way that it holds a controversial assumption by wording the question wrongly.

For example, A person asks his colleague, "Is your health alright?, you've been taking drugs!"

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