Question 1 Being one of the key providers of employment opportunities in Hong Kong, the catering...

Question 1 Being one of the key providers of employment opportunities in Hong Kong, the catering industry has been experiencing some great difficulties in recent years. To be sustainable in the market, a fundamental of strategic marketing is the concept of ‘strategic fit’. For any organization to be effective in implementing its marketing strategies, it needs to be well tuned both to the needs and requirements of customers and to the resources and capabilities it seeks to implement. Select a real-life example from the catering industry, and illustrate how this company presents a good ‘strategic fit’ for its business to be sustainable in the dynamic marketplace in Hong Kong.


1) Firstly, select one real-life example from the catering industry operating in Hong Kong.

2) Secondly, justify how the chosen company presents a good ‘strategic fit’ from analysing the following three aspects: a) Organizational resources suited to the markets in which it operates; b) Strategy(ies) adapted to the needs and requirements of the market; c) Organizational resources needed for implementation of the strategy(ies).

In: Operations Management

What is your ethical stance on the known Concussions caused by contact sports and the damage...

What is your ethical stance on the known Concussions caused by contact sports and the damage it causes? Do you believe the sport is worth the risk? Do you believe parents and players fully understand the risks involved?

In: Operations Management

Explain why today it is important for a manager to understand the issues related to information...

Explain why today it is important for a manager to understand the issues related to information systems and digital transformation. You can illustrate your answer with examples.

In: Operations Management

What ethical mishaps do you believe U.S government including the president, CDC, governors, etc have made...

What ethical mishaps do you believe U.S government including the president, CDC, governors, etc have made during the Covid-19 pandemic. Be specific and provide reference.

In: Operations Management

the first category known as the "Great Man" phase, focused on the traits that make an...

the first category known as the "Great Man" phase, focused on the traits that make an effective leader. this period range from circa 450 B.C. to the 1940s, and includes classic examples such as the aforementioned Egyptian period and the expansive influence of the Roman Empire.

need your help

In: Operations Management

Please read case and answer the questions thank you. Pandora is a music streaming service with...

Please read case and answer the questions thank you.

Pandora is a music streaming service with over 250 million registered users and over 75million active listeners. Pandora has met with increasing success since its 2000 launch as bandwidth speeds have improved and as typical consumershave grown more used to the idea of streaming music online, but it took several attempts at striking the right balance between advertising, premiumsubscription plans, and how much of its services to provide for free. In 2009, the company launched its Pandora One service, offering no advertising, higher quality streams, and fewer usage limits, and quickly saw its revenuesgrow.Other online music streaming services such as Spotify, Beats Music, iTunesRadio, and Rdio all offer larger selections of music than Pandora does, andboth Spotify and Rdio also use a similar freemium business model. Pandorasets itself apart with its recommendation system and its reliance on the Music Genome Project. In mostrecommendation systems, your browsing and purchasing data is used togenerate selections you might like, such as consumer goods on Amazon or movies and TV shows on Netflix. These sites match your patterns to theirinternal databases to find the subset of other customers similar to you. If that subset of customers tends to like a product or a show that you haven’t seen before, it’ll be recommended to you. These systems tend to reward popularproducts and movies, because these items show up more often on mostcustomers’ lists.On Pandora, you type in a song or artist to create a radio station, and by giving a thumbs up or thumbs down to the tracks you hear (or by skipping tracks), you provide Pandora with valuable information on which tracks you like. That’swhere the Music Genome Project comes in. Pandora calls itself the “custodian” of the project, and is the sole developer and proprietor of the technology, though at one point it licensed the technology to other entities. With sufficientdata about your musical preferences, Pandora begins playing music thatfeatures similar attributes to tracks you’ve thumbed-up and avoids music withfeatures you’ve thumbed-down or skipped. In this way, Pandora is much less about finding popular selections that everybody else likes, and more aboutfinding selections that you specifically will like on their musical merits. Tim Westergren describes one of the guiding principles behind Pandora as finding a way to help the underdog in an industry where attention is concentratedamong a small number of hugely popular artists. Its recommendation system does an excellent job of this without compromising users’ listening experience. In side-by- side comparisons of online music streaming services,Pandora’s reputation is one of musical exploration – it’s the site to choose ifyou’re looking for new music and aren’t sure where to turn. And many peopleare choosing Pandora: in 2016, Pandora remains the clear leader in the U.S. music streaming market, with both the highest brand awareness and the highest monthly usage.

1.What sets Pandora’s recommendation system apart from other sites like Amazon and Netflix?

2.According to the video, how many stations does Pandora allow you to create?

3.What is the Music Genome Project? How is the musical “genome” mapped?

4.Why is Pandora a good example of the success of the “Long Tail” on the Web?

In: Operations Management

How will you ensure ethical standards in your career path, your company or your industry? What...

How will you ensure ethical standards in your career path, your company or your industry? What is important to you? Governance, oversight, ethics officer, policies, whistleblower policy, etc.? Be specific.

In: Operations Management

Please answer the following questions. 1) what are the Korean mid/big-sized companies? 2) How many do...

Please answer the following questions.

1) what are the Korean mid/big-sized companies?
2) How many do you know about mid/big-sized Korean companies on an international level?
3) Make a list of three to five Korean companies and write what products they manufacture.

4) What kind of products from Korean companies do you use?

In: Operations Management

Identify change management practices by discussing change sponsorship versus agency of change theory. Instructions For this...

Identify change management practices by discussing change sponsorship versus agency of change theory. Instructions For this Assignment, outline issues related to globalization, power, followership, and cultural change from a health leader’s perspective. Identify at least three major global health issues that have impacted the U.S. health care system, and describe how this has affected and influenced stakeholders. Relate the global leadership style differences and similarities within the constructs of transformational leadership. Discuss at least three critical elements of culture and diversity on the modern health care organization. Also, provide a table or list of cultural attributes to be cognizant of. Finally, categorize global leadership differences according to a leader’s use of power, technology, and knowledge management. Provide at least two leadership approaches for implementing change. 1500 words

In: Operations Management

Explain each of the three legal tests (3-prong test) that schools use as evidence of compliance...

  1. Explain each of the three legal tests (3-prong test) that schools use as evidence of compliance to the Title IX legislation  
  1. Proportionality
  2. History of continuing progress
  3. Accommodating interests

In: Operations Management

Please submit your solutions as ONE single workbook with the sheets clearly labelled to indicate the...

Please submit your solutions as ONE single workbook with the sheets clearly labelled to indicate the corresponding problem numbers as indicated on this test.

• For each problem, you are required to use a textbox to show the definition of your decision variables. You may include this textbox only with part a) of the problem if the following parts do not require additional variables to reformulate.

• If a problem requires sensitivity analysis, re-order the worksheets so that they appear in the order of the questions.

• Answers to the questions should be clearly described in a separate textbox of the corresponding labelled worksheets. Since you will only be credited with problems that have correct answers, please check carefully your report textbox.

• For each problem formulation, please highlight the decision variables in Yellow, the constriants (Left Hand Side) in Blue, and the Objective function in Red.

3) ​The A&B Supermarkets have 3 warehouses A, B, and C, that ships supplies to their 3 stores. Their costs of shipping per unit are given below:
















​The capacities of A, B, and C are 240, 360, and 200 units, respectively, while the demands of stores 1, 2, and 3 are 400, 250, and 150, respectively. [Notice that the supplies = demands!]

a) Formulate the transportation problem to minimize total cost for shipping. Please provide the actual shipping schedule derived from Solver.

b) If the shipping routes can be changed so that the supplies can be transshipped from warehouse to warehouse, market to market, and even market to warehouse, would you recommend a new set of shipping routes given the following per unit cost shipping data:


















































c)​What would be the new shipping routes and quantities? How are these different from those of a)?

In: Operations Management

1. Discuss at least two actual standards numbers required for the plastic industry outsourcing (supply) chain...

1. Discuss at least two actual standards numbers required for the plastic industry outsourcing (supply) chain

2.Give two examples of fast tracking to speed up a project

3.Discuss the ABC risk classifications

4.Give two examples of nurturing team member

In: Operations Management

Please list and describe (with examples) the major steps in building a Marketing Plan? (Hint: 3Cs,...

Please list and describe (with examples) the major steps in building a Marketing Plan? (Hint: 3Cs, STP, 4 Ps).? Please also describe and explain how companies identify and use each of these components. What are the benefits of creating such a plan

In: Operations Management

CRITICAL THINKING 1. Have you ever left a job interview thinking that you did not make...


1. Have you ever left a job interview thinking that you did not make a very good impression? In hindsight, can you analyze why you had that feeling and describe it? Might you have committed one of the job interview mistakes noted in the Best Practices feature?

2. Of all the elements that constitute body language, which three would you describe as the most important when serving customers? Explain

3. If one customer expressed confidence and another expressed nervousness, what types of body language signals would you look for in each instance? How good are you at interpreting body language during customer service exchanges? Discuss.

4. In your opinion, what societal factors make it difficult for organizations to establish a proper dress code in today's workplace?

5. When shopping in a retail store or online, how important is it to you for service professionals in person or through virtual chats to practice good business etiquette and manners? Explain.

In: Operations Management

Please submit your solutions as ONE single workbook with the sheets clearly labelled to indicate the...

Please submit your solutions as ONE single workbook with the sheets clearly labelled to indicate the corresponding problem numbers as indicated on this test.

• For each problem, you are required to use a textbox to show the definition of your decision variables. You may include this textbox only with part a) of the problem if the following parts do not require additional variables to reformulate.

• If a problem requires sensitivity analysis, re-order the worksheets so that they appear in the order of the questions.

• Answers to the questions should be clearly described in a separate textbox of the corresponding labelled worksheets. Since you will only be credited with problems that have correct answers, please check carefully your report textbox.

• For each problem formulation, please highlight the decision variables in Yellow, the constriants (Left Hand Side) in Blue, and the Objective function in Red.

4)​The relevant project data are given as follows.



Normal time (weeks)

Crash time

Normal cost

Crash cost

Possible number of weeks to crash

Cost/week to expedite











































a) ​Draw the AOA (Activity-On-Arc) diagram as shown in Chapter 13's Excel Worksheets.

b) ​Formulate the problem of finding project completion time as a LP problem. [You would only need the first 3 columns of the table and the diagram from a) to do the job!]

c) ​Reformulate the problem when crashing the project completion time of 3 weeks is required. That is, reformulate the problem when the project completion time is required to be shorted by 3 weeks. Obviously, crashing is based on shortening the project completion time by 3 weeks with the minimal additional cost. In order to formulate the problem, you need to fill in the blank columns of the table.]

In: Operations Management