Hello, i need your support to solve below task,, Briefly explain the term agency costs as...

Hello, i need your support to solve below task,,

Briefly explain the term agency costs as related to a corporation. Here you have to explain what are agency costs and why do they arise and how do they affect the value of a firm.

In: Operations Management

With its highly coveted line of consumer electronics, Apple has a cult following among loyal consumers....

With its highly coveted line of consumer electronics, Apple has a cult following among loyal consumers. During the 2014 holiday season, 74.5 million iPhones were sold. Demand like this meant that Apple was in line to make over $52 billion in profits in 2015, the largestannual profit ever generated from a company’s operations. Despite its consistent financial performance year over year, Apple’s robust profit margin
hides a more complicated set of business ethics. Similar to many products sold
in the U.S., Apple does not manufacture most its goods domestically. Most of
the component sourcing and factory production is done overseas in conditions
that critics have argued are dangerous to workers and harmful to the
For example, tin is a major component in Apple’s products and much of it is sourced in Indonesia. Although there are mines that
source tin ethically, there are also many that do not. One study found
workers—many of them children—working in unsafe conditions, digging tin out by
hand in mines prone to landslides that could bury workers alive. About 70% of
the tin used in electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets comes from
these more dangerous, small-scale mines. An investigation by the BBC revealed
how perilous these working conditions can be. In interviews with miners, a
12-year-old working at the bottom of a 70-foot cliff of sand said: “I worry
about landslides. The earth slipping from up there to the bottom. It could
Apple defends its practices by saying it only has so much control over monitoring and regulating its component sources. The
company justifies its sourcing practices by saying that it is a complex
process, with tens of thousands of miners selling tin, many of them through
middle-men. In a statement to the BBC, Apple said “the simplest course of
action would be for Apple to unilaterally refuse any tin from Indonesian mines.
That would be easy for us to do and would certainly shield us from criticism.
But that would also be the lazy and cowardly path, since it would do nothing to
improve the situation. We have chosen to stay engaged and attempt to drive
changes on the ground.”
In an effort for greater transparency, Apple has released annual reports detailing their work with suppliers and labour
practices. While more recent investigations have shown some improvements to
suppliers’ working conditions, Apple continues to face criticism as consumer
demand for iPhones and other products continues to grow.

a. While it may be a good business move for Apple to be seen trying to improve working
conditions in its supply chain, does Apple have an ethical responsibility to
ensure labour practices among its suppliers meets a reasonable standard? Answer this question by providing a normative
claim concerning the responsibility businesses have for ensuring it is not
benefiting from dangerous or exploitative labour practices (It can be a
principle in support of responsibility or against such a responsibility). Which of the four basic moral values or
principles are you implying in your normative claim?

b. Now present an opposing normative claim to yours and state which of the four basic normative values or principles it implies.

c. Give a reason why your normative claim should be accepted instead of the opposing
normative claim.

In: Operations Management

Consider an American automaker like GM with almost 100 production facilities located in 26 countries and...

Consider an American automaker like GM with almost 100 production facilities located in 26 countries and sales in over 150 countries! To maximize profits, what decisions does GM have to make in regard to pricing and production?

In: Operations Management

Kelson Sporting Equipment, Inc., makes two different types of baseball gloves: a regular model and a...

Kelson Sporting Equipment, Inc., makes two different types of baseball gloves: a regular model and a catcher’s model. The firm has 900 hours of production time available in its cutting and sewing department, 300 hours available in its finishing department, and 100 hours available in its packaging and shipping department. The production time requirements and the profit contribution per glove are given in the following table:

Production Time (hours)
  Model   Cutting and Sewing Finishing   Packaging and Shipping Profit/Glove  

Regular model 1 1/2 1/8 $5  

Catcher's model 3/2 1/3 1/4 $8

Assuming that the company is interested in maximizing the total profit contribution, answer the following:

a. What is the linear programming model for this problem?

b. Find the optimal solution using the graphical solution procedure. How many gloves of each model should Kelson manufacture?

c. What is the total profit contribution Kelson can earn with the given production quantities?

d. How many hours of production time will be scheduled in each department?

e. What is the slack time in each department?

In: Operations Management

1) Which of the following types of process maps is most useful for identifying and quantifying...

1) Which of the following types of process maps is most useful for identifying and quantifying wastes in a process flow?


Swim Lane Flowchart


Value Stream Map


Cause-and-Effect Process Map


Spaghetti Diagram

2) Which of the following are the roles of a team member in Toyota's organization? Choose all that apply.


Meet production goals


Support problem-solving small group activities


Perform routine minor maintenance


Hoshin planning


Maintain 5S in their area

3)The [A] is a tool for working with ideas that helps to organize facts, opinions and issues into natural groups to help find themes or diagnose a complex issue.


4) Under quality function deployment, all operations of a company are driven by the voice of the customer rather than by edicts of top management or by the specification established by design engineering.



In: Operations Management

1. A social contract view of morality regards general agreement to follow certain rules or guidelines...

1. A social contract view of morality regards general agreement to follow certain rules or guidelines for behaviour to be

Select one:

a. something only the weakest members of society would want.

b. something people would only accept if they also believed in God.

c. something every rational individual would want.

d. something that threatens free enterprise.

Question 2.

It's pretty clear that all shareholders have an interest in the long term growth of the companies they are invested in.

Select one:



Question 3.

One important moral reason why businesses should take care to ensure their advertising is not deceptive is

Select one:

a. To ensure the integrity of contracts with customers

b. They will encourage everyone to lie.

c. Deceptive advertising will become morally acceptable

d. None of the above

Question 4.

The free market is inherently designed to provide a living wage to workers.

Select one:



Question 5.

What is the best normative premise implied by the following argument:

Your corporation has received tax breaks, interest free loans, and even direct financial assistance from our government. You cannot now close down a very profitable factory here and move to Mexico just because you can get cheaper labour and so make bigger profits.  

Select one:

a. The only obligation of a business is to maximize shareholder value

b. A business has obligations to those who have assisted it.

c. Canadians have a right to a good income.

d. A business should never accept government assistance.

Question 6.

Moral disagreements can involve

Select one:

a. A disagreement over the facts.

b.  A disagreements over the law.

c. A disagreement over both the law and facts.

d. Neither facts or the law.

Question 7.

Which statement best characterizes the stakeholders model for business ethics?

Select one:

a. Businesses should not seek or accept public funding.

b. A business should always be on the lookout for new opportunities.

c. Businesses have obligations to several different groups.

d. Workers and creditors also own the business they have a relationship with.

Question 8.

What is meant by the term “social license”?

Select one:

a.   The issuing of legal documents permitting a practice.

b. Implied public permission for, or acceptance of, a particular kind of activity such as business.

c. Provisions for preserving traditions deemed to be under threat.

d. A license to engage socially.

Question 9.

History shows that the less ethical a company is, the more successful it is in the long run.

Select one:



Question 10.

Which of these constitute a problem for shareholder activism?

Select one:

a. Government regulations.

b. Buy and hold investors.

c. Day Traders.

d. Ethical Business Management.

In: Operations Management

Please give me a variety of hypothetical scenarios. For each scenarios, explain the reasoning behind your...

Please give me a variety of hypothetical scenarios. For each scenarios, explain the reasoning behind your answer. (a). You are the owner of a new cauliflower pizza crust manufacturer. The pizza crusts are made primarily of cauliflower and brown rice flour. Your factory supervisor takes the initiative and decides to place an order for more brown rice flour from one of your suppliers while you are out of town. Since the brown rice flour was necessary for keeping operations going while you were gone. You happily pay the supplier for the order when you get back in town. The same employee starts to place new orders for brown rice flour anytime supplies are low, and even though you never gave him formal permission to do this you keep paying the supplier. However, one day you notice that the price that the supplier of brown rice flour is asking is higher than the going rate with other suppliers. You call the supplier and ask for a reduction in price, because you assert that the employee, the factory supervisor, was not authorized to place the order in the first place. Do you think the supplier might insist on getting his original price even though you say the employee was not authorized to place the order? Explain (b). You are the owner of a beachside restaurant, and you have fallen behind for many months on your loan repayments to the bank (you owe a total of $100,000). The bank has become fed up and now wants you to hand over all of your remaining company funds to pay back the loan. However, the summer tourist season is coming up in a few months and this is where you typical do 60%-70% of your business for the year. Without your company funds you will not be able to pay your rent and pay your staff, so you will not be able to pay back the bank until after the summer season. If you end up needing to file for bankruptcy, what type do you think would be most appropriate for this situation? (c). Now suppose that you decide to open up a full-service 24-hour auto repair shop. Your shop is the only one that is open 24 hours a day in your home town. In fact, you are pretty sure it is the only 24-hour auto repair shop in the state. Your business is now a great success, but you had a great deal of trouble finally finding an auto mechanic willing to work the late shift. You are now concerned that this mechanic can leave you at any time and go open or help someone else open up a 24-hour shop. You decide to make him sign a noncompetition agreement saying that if he ever leaves your shop he cannot work as an auto mechanic anywhere in your state for the next seven years. He looks at you and says, "Are you out of your mind?" What alternative terms of a noncompetition agreement do you think would be more reasonable?

In: Operations Management

As a technical sales engineer, Avery is responsible for selling her company’s integrated circuit test systems....

As a technical sales engineer, Avery is responsible for selling her company’s integrated circuit test systems. Each of these systems costs approximately one million dollars and Avery’s sales goals are to sell at least ten of these systems per revenue quarter.

These sales expectations are in place because Avery’s company is trying to go public (IPO). In order to do so, they must be profitable for five quarters in a row. Therefore, there is enormous pressure from the company’s investors and board to meet the assigned sales goals.

As the end of the fifth quarter approaches, Avery realizes she is one sale short of reaching her goal. When she approaches her manager to let him know that she will not be meeting her goals, he explains to her a way to get around the problem. He tells her that when he was a sales engineer, he would approach customers who he knew would soon be purchasing a system. He would get the customer to place the order and receive a price discount if they come to the factory, be shown an empty shell of a system that was not yet built, and sign paperwork documenting their acceptance of the unbuilt system as if it was already built. That way the order could count as part of this quarter’s profits, but the customer would not have to pay for the order until the next quarter.

Avery’s manager explains that when he was a salesperson the practice was a common way of meeting sales goals. Additionally, he suggests to Avery that he would look the other way if she were to falsify a customer acceptance report and reminds her that the company will only be able to go public if she meets her sales goal. If she fails to meet her goal, the IPO will be postponed at least a year and so will her IPO profits and the profits of all the other employees and shareholders.

a.       List the main reasons Avery has for going along with her manager and the reasons why she should not.

b. You now need to determine what Avery should do and to justify your judgement. To justify your judgement provide a principle that will make the reasons you side with (from a) more important than the reasons for Avery not doing what you think she she do.

c. Now justify your principle -- Why non-selfish reasons does anyone have for accepting this principle?

In: Operations Management

1) Which of the following tools for identifying possible causes of problems or defects is used...

1) Which of the following tools for identifying possible causes of problems or defects is used to push team members to think about the root cause and prevent the team from being satisfied with superficial solutions that won't fix the problem in the long run?


Affinity Diagram

Pareto charts

5 Whys


With respect to 5S, which of the following Japanese terms refer to arranging materials and equipment so that they are easy to find and use?










Which of the following is NOT an attribute of an organizational culture that drives continuous improvement?


Individuals need to feel like they have autonomy and control over their jobs.


Team members need to feel that they belong to a team.


Team members need a degree of security.


Jobs must be designed to be simple and straightforward.


At a metal working machine shop, parts are produced for assembly into units of heavy equipment. At the end of each production run, two lots of 200 units each are inspected for defects or nonconformities. Over 20 production periods, the average number of defects is 8.8 per lot. What is the appropriate type of control chart to use to analyze the state of control of the number of defects per lot being produced by this process?


c chart


Individual Measurements and Moving Range charts


p chart


Xbar and R charts

In: Operations Management

companies and countries need to have defense polices and store data more securely. cybersecurity is both...

companies and countries need to have defense polices and store data more securely. cybersecurity is both cultural and psychological. based on the cultural differences in russia and brazil, what are cybersecurity threats and how would you defend agsinst tgose threats ?

In: Operations Management

Assume that you are preparing to interview a group of applicants for flight attendant positions since...

Assume that you are preparing to interview a group of applicants for flight attendant positions since you work for an airline.

Prepare a set of 5 behavioral questions (or situational questions) including the possible answer choices and your scoring scheme.

Explain why you consider certain responses to be superior and how does the theory help you in preparing these questions (based on the chapter on interviewing).

In: Operations Management

Hi, can you answer this question in more detail? Subject: Project Management Question: Consider the criteria...

Hi, can you answer this question in more detail?

Subject: Project Management


Consider the criteria for successful IT projects. Why is IT project success often so difficult to assess? Make a case for some factors being more important than others.

(Words: 800 Don't direct copy)

In: Operations Management

Write about "Managing Corporate Culture" add information edit responses of others give examples of this culture...

Write about "Managing Corporate Culture" add information edit responses of others give examples of this culture in various organizations and in countries.?

In: Operations Management

Can you provide a step by step process on how to calculate the estimated value from...

Can you provide a step by step process on how to calculate the estimated value from a decision tree? Can you provide how to calculate the risk value from a decision tree?

In: Operations Management

The following are examples of biological health risks: Question 1 options: Short men have an increased...

The following are examples of biological health risks:

Question 1 options:

Short men have an increased risk for heart disease.

Being obese causes an increased risk for developing diabetes.

Exercise reduces heart disease.

All of the above

First and second only

Question 2 (1 point)

Capitation is a form of managed care that pays providers of care on a fee-for-service basis.

Question 2 options:


Question 3 (1 point)

Studies have shown that people who have insurance behave differently and overutilize healthcare services, increasing the healthcare costs in America. This is known as moral standards.

Question 3 options:


Question 4 (1 point)

Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) were developed to _________.

Question 4 options:

mandate the purchase of health insurance

link quality care to performance of providers of care

provide cost-effective services and decrease costs

second and third only

all of the above

Question 5 (1 point)

Characteristics of a cost-effectiveness analyses might include ________.

Question 5 options:

evaluation of alternatives

an average cost-effectiveness ratio

an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio

program specification

all of the above

In: Operations Management