Please submit your solutions as ONE single workbook with the sheets clearly labelled to indicate the...

Please submit your solutions as ONE single workbook with the sheets clearly labelled to indicate the corresponding problem numbers as indicated on this test.

• For each problem, you are required to use a textbox to show the definition of your decision variables. You may include this textbox only with part a) of the problem if the following parts do not require additional variables to reformulate.

• If a problem requires sensitivity analysis, re-order the worksheets so that they appear in the order of the questions.

• Answers to the questions should be clearly described in a separate textbox of the corresponding labelled worksheets. Since you will only be credited with problems that have correct answers, please check carefully your report textbox.

• For each problem formulation, please highlight the decision variables in Yellow, the constriants (Left Hand Side) in Blue, and the Objective function in Red.

4)​The relevant project data are given as follows.



Normal time (weeks)

Crash time

Normal cost

Crash cost

Possible number of weeks to crash

Cost/week to expedite











































a) ​Draw the AOA (Activity-On-Arc) diagram as shown in Chapter 13's Excel Worksheets.

b) ​Formulate the problem of finding project completion time as a LP problem. [You would only need the first 3 columns of the table and the diagram from a) to do the job!]

c) ​Reformulate the problem when crashing the project completion time of 3 weeks is required. That is, reformulate the problem when the project completion time is required to be shorted by 3 weeks. Obviously, crashing is based on shortening the project completion time by 3 weeks with the minimal additional cost. In order to formulate the problem, you need to fill in the blank columns of the table.]

In: Operations Management

Explain the role of customer service as a component of selling relationships. CASE STUDY SITUATION You...

Explain the role of customer service as a component of selling relationships.


You are the vice president of development for BULLET, the second largest discount retailer in the nation. The senior VP has asked you to analyze a new sales venture and determine how to build a clientele foe the new venture and for traditional BULLET stores.

There are close to 2000 BULLET stores across the country, most anchoring strip malls or outdoor shopping centers. BULLET stores feature typical grocery store items along with pharmacies, apparel, home décor, books, toys, electronics, seasonal items and health and beauty sections. BULLET’S biggest competitor is BOX MART, the leading discount retailer. BULLET does not come close to the number of store locations nor the revenue that BOX MART produces each year. Aside from similar store layouts and product offerings, there are notable differences between the two discount retailers.

Although product offerings are similar, BULLET has a much different image than BOX MART. BULLET is perceived to be better organized, with a more streamlined store layout. They are also more in touch with fashion trends and home décor. BULLET also markets higher quality house brands in all departments, most notably in its food and beverage departments. BULLET offers a wide variety of fresh, ready-to-eat meals that beat BOX MART’S offerings in customer ratings each year.

Executives at BULLET have decided to test market a concept for a BULLET branded convenience store. The BULLET convenience store will be located away form BULLET stores and will offer fuel and the loyal BULLET customer, and also new clientele who does not usually shop at BULLET stores. They are also hoping to attract the BOX MART customer.


The senior VP wants you to determine how a BULLET C-store can feel like a BULLET store, rather than a typical convenience store. You are to suggest techniques tha can expose BULLET C-store customers to BULLET retail store products, ideally resulting in a larger clientele for BULLET retail stores.

In addition, you need to plan the product mix the BULLET C-stores; what typical convenience store products should be sold and what other products should be sold to keep up with BULLET’S well-regarded image? Are there store services that should be offered or not?

In: Operations Management

An investor comes to you wanting to invest in a chemical manufacturing company. what are the...

An investor comes to you wanting to invest in a chemical manufacturing company.

what are the main 7 questions you would ask him to gather information you need to start your inquiry?

In: Operations Management

Are there any measures you as business manager could recommend to improve business' ethical environment or...

Are there any measures you as business manager could recommend to improve business' ethical environment or behavior.  

What kind of policies you could devise to ensure worker's rights with respect to salary, promotions, benefits, working conditions and vacation and personal leave.

How would you reward good behavior? In other words what incentives would you use to reward workers?

What kind of an image you would want your workers to project for the company?

How could you serve as a role model for your employees?  

In: Operations Management

I need this answered not using excel Given the following data, construct a material requirements plan...

I need this answered not using excel

Given the following data, construct a material requirements plan which will result in 100 units of parent #1 (P1), at the beginning of week 6 and 200 units of parent #2 (P2) at the beginning of week 8:

item parent quantity on-hand on order(due) Lead Time Order size
P1 - - - - 1 Lot-for-Lot
P2 - - - - 1 Lot-for-Lot
A P1, P2 1,2 70 0 1 500
B P1, P2 2, 1 50 0 3 250
C A, B 3, 4 1000 2000 (wk2) 2 2000

In: Operations Management

Fantastic Styling Salon is run by three stylists, Jenny Perez, Jill Sloan, and Jerry Tiller, each...

Fantastic Styling Salon is run by three stylists, Jenny Perez, Jill Sloan, and Jerry Tiller, each capable of serving four customers per hour, on average. Use POM for Windows or OM Explorer to answer the following questions: During busy periods of the day, when nine customers on average arrive per hour, all three stylists are on staff.

a. If all customers wait in a common line for the next available stylist, how long would a customer wait in line, on average, before being served?

b. Suppose that each customer wants to be served by a specific stylist, 1/3 want Perez, 1/3 want Sloan, 1/3 want Tiller. How long would a customer wait in line, on average, before being served? During less busy periods of the day, when six customers on average arrive per hour, only Perez and Sloan are on staff.

c. If all customers wait in a common line for the next available stylist, how long would a customer wait in line, on average, before being served?

d. Suppose that each customer wants to be served by a specific stylist, 60 percent want Perez and 40 percent want Sloan. How long would a customer wait in line, on average, before being served by Perez? By Sloan? Overall?

In: Operations Management

Mazlina ventures into agriculture business. She firmly believe that there is market opportunity and demand for...

Mazlina ventures into agriculture business. She firmly believe that there is market opportunity and demand for organic vegetables provided quality is assured. Even though her business is small, but over the past two years, her company has been exporting fresh organic vegetables to Singapore.

However, there have two main issues that troubled her.

First, there has been a perception that local small medium scale should not waste time to have their company to be ISO certified. ISO has a range of standards for quality management systems that are based on ISO 9001 and adapted to specific sectors and industries. Likewise, there is no reason that agriculture company cannot be ISO qualified. Mazlina is still undecided whether to certify her company with ISO9001:2015 or stay with current status quo. Obviously, she may understand the benefits of an ISO certified company.

Second, there has been issues related to cost. She has strong quality commitment. She maintained a stringent standard operating procedure that each of the organic shipment is thoroughly inspected. In fact, unknowingly she could have overengineered the inspection process. As a result, the cost of producing the vegetables has increased over last 5 months, eroding her margin. In addition, there has been increased of employee turnover. Additional cost was incurred to rehire and retrain all these employees where she wanted them to specialize in the inspection process. There has been a cost of quality with all the additional effort.

Question 1 - Evaluate Mazlina’s options on the quality certification.

Question 2 - What are the categories of cost of quality? Did Mazlina approach in managing quality appropriate and optimal? Provide recommendations.

In: Operations Management

Sergio Marquina is an expert of automated production lines. However, in order to promote his status...

Sergio Marquina is an expert of automated production lines. However, in order to promote his status to “the professor” he needs to also become an expert of line balancing in manual assembly lines. He already knows the three types of line balancing algorithms as Largest Candidate Rule, Kilbridge and Wester Method and Ranked Positional Weights. In his attempt to become “the professor”, he has to present the following discussion points to the committee of referees. Present your answers with an organized, detailed and clear way.

  1. Discuss in what situations one should use Largest Candidate Rule, knowing that Kilbridge and Wester Method and Ranked Positional Weights usually bring solutions that are more accurate.
  2. What should be done in the case of a single work element’s value is greater than  value?
  3. In mixed model line balancing systems, why are we taking AT (available time) as the maximum station time?

In: Operations Management

Doonesbury is interested in the purchase of a 30 acre farm in Abbotsford. Prior to making...

Doonesbury is interested in the purchase of a 30 acre farm in Abbotsford. Prior to making an offer on the property Doonesbury obtained a title search from the New Westminster Land Title Office. Discuss the various encumbrances that may show on the title to the property and advise Doonesbury of the possible relevance of each encumbrance to him as a purchaser. *Each relevant point is worth 2 mark. A point is gained for listing the encumbrance and a point is gained for describing it.

In: Operations Management

The College of Business and Public Administration at Benton University has a copy machine on each...

The College of Business and Public Administration at Benton University has a copy machine on each floor for faculty use. Heavy use of the five copy machines causes frequent failures. Maintenance records show that a machine fails every 2.5 days (or l = 0.40 failure/day). The college has a maintenance contract with the authorized dealer of the copy machines. Because the copy machines fail so frequently, the dealer has assigned one person to the college to repair them. The person can repair an average of 2.5 machines per day. Using the finite-source model, answer the following questions:

a. What is the average utilization of the maintenance person?

b. On average, how many copy machines are being repaired or waiting to be repaired?

c. What is the average time spent by a copy machine in the repair system (waiting and being repaired)?

d.Draw the decision tree.

In: Operations Management

Explain the concept of tripartite relationships. Identify the parties of such a relationship for the municipality....

Explain the concept of tripartite relationships. Identify the parties of such a relationship for the municipality. Discuss how these parties balance the interest of each of the tripartite members, using an appropriate and recent example (ideally something that has been reported on in the media)

In: Operations Management

What does a U.S. firm setting up operations in Japan need to know about work centrality...

What does a U.S. firm setting up operations in Japan need to know about work centrality in that country? How would this information be of value to the multinational? Conversely, what would a Japanese firm need to know about work centrality in the United States? Please explain.

In: Operations Management

Dagwood, Garfield and Snoopy decided to open a scotch tape boutique in a local shopping centre,...

Dagwood, Garfield and Snoopy decided to open a scotch tape boutique in a local shopping centre, No-Oaks Mall. Dagwood has a great deal of expertise in the operation of a scotch tape boutique, but only $25,000.00 in cash, which belongs to him and his wife, Blondie, all of which

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he is prepared to invest in the boutique. Blondie wants some ownership interest in the boutique as well as Dagwood. Garfield has numerous assets and is prepared to invest $100,000.00, but will spend most of his time on vacation. Snoopy has $1,000.00 to invest and has no other assets but will work full time in the

boutique and requires a salary. Dagwood is mindful that the business is risky and has the additional problem that Garfield and Snoopy fight like cats and dogs and that this may cause instability. The hope of the parties is that the new business, to be called AStuck On You@, will be successful and can be sold for a profit in two years.

Examine which form of business organization would be most beneficial for each of the parties. Consider the relevant factors. What format should they jointly decide upon?

Review the numerous terms and conditions of the Lease that Dagwood, Garfield and Snoopy must negotiate, making particular note of what terms will be of greatest concern to them. (each relevant point is worth 2 mark).

In: Operations Management

Please explain what frugal innovation is in your own words. Q 2: What does Navi Radjou...

Please explain what frugal innovation is in your own words.

Q 2: What does Navi Radjou believe for sustainable growth and prosperity in the West?

Q 3: What are the two examples of frugal innovations about growth and prosperity that N. Radjou explains?

Q 4:According to Navi Radjou how do you go about adopting frugal innovation?

Q.5. What differentiates frugal innovation from other innovation types?

In: Operations Management

In the Lombardi Leadership case, what we're Mr. Lombardi’s main leadership traits?

In the Lombardi Leadership case, what we're Mr. Lombardi’s main leadership traits?

In: Operations Management