A. EOQ and TAIC: Give an explanation of how the EOQ and the TAIC are interconnected;...

A. EOQ and TAIC: Give an explanation of how the EOQ and the TAIC are interconnected;

B. Real-world example: pick a real-world firm of your interest, and explain how they would manage their inventory and whether an adaptation of the EOQ model would be useful for them;

In: Operations Management

Review the discussion question and answer below. Do you agree with the answer? why or why...

Review the discussion question and answer below. Do you agree with the answer? why or why not? Give your opinion.

Discussion Question: Please think of a position and propose a strategy to best motivate the employee. For example, you could say that a commission pay structure is the best way to motivate a Real Estate Broker and state why.

Answer: The position I will be talking about is the manager position of any kind of company or store you can think of. Although the manager is not the owner of the company they have a very huge responsibility to the place. It could be difficult to propose a strategy to best motivate the managers because they have to make sure that the employees below them are motivated and encouraged to come to work and be focused on the job. But, I found a couple ways that can be the motivation for all managers.

One of the top priorities of any person who works is, making a decent amount of money. Nobody likes to work for free when they have bills to pay in their house. So, the first motivation can be a pay raise. If not a pay raise then a cash bonus or some kind of cash reward if the managers do certain tasks like for an example: coming to work early for a long period of time, making sure the employees in the store are doing their tasks on time and another; handling customers who have a issue or need help with their best abilities.

Another way managers can be motivated is by the way the store is run. By having a peaceful work environment where everyone knows how to treat each other and speak to one another in stressful situations can motivate not just the managers but anybody in any kind of work place. It really takes a toll on you if you go to work every day and you have to argue with your co workers about things that can just be talked about. Having a hostile workplace does not make you excited to go to work, it will make you dread going to work and having to deal with curtain things. I am not saying that it has to always be sunshine and rainbows at work because some people will just be having a bad day and will not want to deal with things, but having a work place where you can just relax and do your work will be motivating to anyone.

Lastly, I believe that a good strategy that will motivate managers to come to work is being able to work toward more paid time off and vacation time. All managers have to come in on their sick days, days off, vacation days, just any day that they are not in the store and something is going wrong. The managers are always the first ones to be called no matter what the situation is and most of the time they have to come in to work to handle these situations. It comes with the position but it will motivate the managers to be more active when they can and help more when it is needed so they can generate some more time off they can spend with their families. It can be hard on families who have managers because they never have the time to spend family time and if they can go to work knowing they are working towards some more family time it will be better for them.

In: Operations Management

Design a hypothetical Gauge R&R study complete with the purpose, people, proposed measures, actual measures (you...

  1. Design a hypothetical Gauge R&R study complete with the purpose, people, proposed measures, actual measures (you can make these up or for extra points to a real R&R on something), and interpretation of results.

In: Operations Management

Review the discussion question and answer below. Do you agree with the answer? why or why...

Review the discussion question and answer below. Do you agree with the answer? why or why not? Give your opinion.

Discussion Question: Please think of a position and propose a strategy to best motivate the employee. For example, you could say that a commission pay structure is the best way to motivate a Real Estate Broker and state why.

Answer: The role of a server is one that requires a lot of work and patience. I am a strong advocate of everyone tipping their servers when they go out but, let us be honest, not everyone does this. That is why I believe a gratuity based structure is one that all restaurants, stadiums, movie theaters and anywhere where servers are employees should start applying. I think this is fair because servers do not get paid by their employers the minimum wage, because they rely mostly on tips from customers. If not everyone tips, then that means that the average hour they spent with that customer has amounted to little pay, even though they took care of any need they had during their time at the establishment. What is a gratuity based pay? Basically, what this is is a small fee charged to every table at the establishment. I do know of some restaurants already using this method for tables of, say, six patrons or more. A small fee is automatically charged to their bill as gratuity. I also know that all suites in a stadium get charged a gratuity fee, although those fees can come out to hundreds or even thousands because, well, stadium prices. I, however, believe that every table should be charged a gratuity fee, regardless of how many people are in one party. This would ensure a fair wage for servers and help them not be disgruntled and unmotivated at the end of a busy night when they see they barely made minimum wage for the day, and sometimes not even that is reached. This would help ensure servers are motivated to provide the best service that they can. This would also help identify the servers that do not achieve greatness and just slack because of the fairer pay method. I know of many servers and ex servers that are very dissatisfied with their positions because of how little the yield of monetary value is. The quick response for non-tippers is the basic "Well do not like the pay, then simply do not become a server." What they do not understand is that for struggling college students and right out of high school students, a lot of other options are not available. Most servers are young people looking to make ends meet, and being hired as a server is not something you need a Bachelor's degree for. Just because the job is easy to attain does not mean that is a breeze to perform. Customers can be very nasty and the physical strain is also there. That is why I believe that gratuity pay for servers is one that all restaurants should adopt. If not, then take out the need for tips and gratuity, adjust your prices and pay your servers a decent wage. I know of some places that leave it up to the servers whether or not they want a decent steady pay or leave it up to tips because, if you are a a good server you are more likely to get better tips. I still think that gratuity based pay is the best way to go.

In: Operations Management

Construct a project charter for any project that you have ever worked on.  It can be for...

  1. Construct a project charter for any project that you have ever worked on.  It can be for work, for school, or even somewhat fictitious.

In: Operations Management

Construct a Fishbone diagram (cause and effect) wear the effect is student dissatisfaction with online learning.  Be...

Construct a Fishbone diagram (cause and effect) wear the effect is student dissatisfaction with online learning.  Be thorough with your causes, causes of causes, and possible solutions.

In: Operations Management

What are a food processing project's constraints and exclusions? Please explain all in details.

What are a food processing project's constraints and exclusions? Please explain all in details.

In: Operations Management

Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is the order quantity that minimizes the total holding costs and ordering...

Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is the order quantity that minimizes the total holding costs and ordering costs.

1) What's the impact of a positive lead time on EOQ?

2) Can supply chain managers in fast-fashion industries apply the EOQ model to manage their inventories? If yes, how? If no, why?

In: Operations Management

Critically discuss the reasons why your company Toyota should consider ethical conduct in its purchasing structure.

Critically discuss the reasons why your company Toyota should consider ethical conduct in its purchasing structure.

In: Operations Management

Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) is a business model where the buyer of a product provides infor-mation...

Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) is a business model where the buyer of a product provides infor-mation to a vendor of that product and the vendor takes full responsibility for maintaining an agreed inventory of the material. Critically discuss the pros and cons of VMI.

In: Operations Management

explain the governance in Marriott International business?

explain the governance in Marriott International business?

In: Operations Management

Crisis Communications: How brands and businesses are preparing and managing in a pandemic? Name two specific...

Crisis Communications: How brands and businesses are preparing and managing in a pandemic? Name two specific points of interest that you can think.

In: Operations Management

According to Chopra and Sodhi (2014), what are the dierences of supply chain effciency and supply...

According to Chopra and Sodhi (2014), what are the dierences of supply chain effciency and supply chain resilience? Use one or two examples to critical discuss how a supply chain manager should improve supply chain resilience.

In: Operations Management

Push and pull processes are two important and useful concepts in supply chain management. Use two...

Push and pull processes are two important and useful concepts in supply chain management. Use two real-world examples to critically discuss the proper process a supply chain manager needs to adopt when demand is stable

In: Operations Management

Consider the following facts and answer the questions which follow under the heading “Required”. (This is...

Consider the following facts and answer the questions which follow under the heading “Required”.

(This is all the case evidence given by source)

Vince Scaleri made an arrangement with two of his friends saying that he would be glad if they would in their own time provide him with firewood during the winter of 2019. Vince lived in Georgetown, roughly 50 kilometres from the woodyard of his two friends.   Vince stated that the firewood should be cut to a length of 3 feet and to a width of 6 inches. There was no discussion as to the volume of wood which should be supplied nor as to the price for the wood. Vince commenced the discussion using his mobile phone and the friends responded in writing.

By the middle of the winter in 2019, Vince had not been supplied with any wood so he contacted his friends to complain. They responded saying that they had not realised that he was depending on them for his supply of firewood. They explained that due to the Summer bushfires they had lost several stands of timber and it was not possible for them to supply firewood to customers, let alone friends.

Vince was disappointed but discovered an advertisement in the local paper which advertised the benefits of installing an electric fire place which was described as the answer to cold winter nights – it said that if a reader purchased such a fire place it would give the room in which it was installed an even temperature of 20 degrees centigrade. The advertisement said that fireplaces could be purchased from a number of stores.

Vince went to his local furniture store and acquired an electric fireplace. When installed it failed to improve the temperature in Vince’s house and he froze. It transpired that Vince did not purchase the fireplace, instead he was given it in recognition of some work he had done for the store owner six months ago.

Vince’s daughter, Helen, was a teacher and she was injured when she touched the fireplace. As a result she could not continue with her employment as a teacher and she began to suffer from depression.

Vince’s wife had had enough and she went to the bank to obtain a loan to cover the cost of renovations to the house. The bank agreed to a loan of $40,000 provided she arranged for her parents to guarantee the loan. They did so and mortgaged their own home as security. They were at the time in Cairns and the documents providing the security were sent to them to be signed there. The did so and returned them to the bank. The loan was granted but Vince and his wife did not use the loan money for the renovations but took a cruise instead.

On the cruise many of the passengers contracted a disease which required the vessel to be quarantined for 14 days. The cruise was a disaster.


  1. Advise Vince as to whether he can seek damages from his friends who failed to supply the firewood. What would Vince need to prove in order to be successful.

  1. Advise Vince whether he would have any claim against the advertiser of the electric fire place or the furniture store from which he purchased the fire place due to the apparently unsatisfactory performance of the fireplace. What would Vince need to prove in order to be successful against each party.

  1. Would Helen be likely to have any claim in contract for her injury or the onset of depression? What would she have to prove in order to b successful?

  1. Do you think that the parents would be liable to honour their guarantee to the bank in respect of the loan to Vince and his wife? What defence might the parents argue and would they be likely to be successful?

  1. Would Vince and his wife be entitled to damages for the fact that the cruise disappointed them? What would they have to prove?

In: Operations Management