In: Operations Management
1. There are two specific measures that are particularly important in managing the performance of processes, please list and describe.
Performance management process is a two way communication where both the management and the employee work together to plan and monitor the employee objective ,goal of the organization and the path to attain the goal.. As told it is a two way communication where the management listens to employee needs and the employee gives the necessary feedback of all conditions. Two specific measures that are particularly important in managing the performance of processes are
1. The first important process is the planning stage where the human resource along with the guidance of the management gives a clear picture of goal and vision. It is then communicated to all so that every individual knows what their contribution should be to the organization.
2. The next important aspect in managing the performance process is giving necessary training for the employees to vision them towards the goal. Regular meetings and feedback will encourage them to speak about their difficulties and the solutions for the same can be found. This is a major step towards high performance.
3. Reviewing is a major part in performance process. What has been done throughout and what changes are needed in the next cycle should be analysed. Employees individual review and feedback will motivate them for excellence.
4. Action is framing a performance strategy for the upcoming year with more advanced features. Individual's should be rewarded for their contribution and extraordinary achievements.