In: Operations Management
there are three methods that can be used to explain criminal behavior
they are
i)in psychological models it states that it ranges from Freudian notions all the way to cognitive models. It claims that an individual is a major unit of an analysis carried out on his/her psychology, personality is the major motivator, crimes are aa result of abnormal and dysfunctional mental processes.
ii) sociological
the sociological and psychological models are intertwined and are not independent of each other.
Here the criminality is connected to the criminal's broader social structures, peer groups, how interaction with people contribute to crime, and the way the current changes have influenced
iii)biological approach - this approach purports that criminals may inherit the genes to commit crime, or may have neurotransmitter dysfunction that drives them to commit crime, ay have brain abnormalities that make them commit crimes.
If small children were killed at birth after determining their probability of becoming a criminal the society will be reduced to killers and pre judgmental individuals. People commit crime because of very many reasons some of which are caused by other people. What will be done to the other people who drive the individuals to committing crime. What will be done to make sure the children do not grow up? That will mean that they will be denied the opportunity to live normal lives which is unfair. My opinion is that even if the method is found it should never be implemented at any cost. The lives of people will be spent. The security sector that employs many individuals will lose its value hence a loss of income.