Outline an executive summary for an e-marketing plan to support American Eagle Outfitters. This plan must...

Outline an executive summary for an e-marketing plan to support American Eagle Outfitters. This plan must include aspects of the RACE Digital Marketing Planning Framework and its Facebook media platform.

In: Operations Management

KSF Matrix of the company Kroger? Rate the firm’s competitive characteristics in comparison to those of...

KSF Matrix of the company Kroger? Rate the firm’s competitive characteristics in comparison to those of its closest rivals. Strengths and weaknesses?

In: Operations Management

Human Resources Given that the gig economy is becoming more prevalent and HR managers need to...

Human Resources

Given that the gig economy is becoming more prevalent and HR managers need to leverage this phenomenon, what training would be necessary for a gig worker to be most effective within an organization?

In: Operations Management

Value Chain analysis of the company Kroger? Which activities/capabilities are sources of competitive advantage? Where does...

Value Chain analysis of the company Kroger? Which activities/capabilities are sources of competitive advantage? Where does the firm outperform its rivals? Strengths and weaknesses?

In: Operations Management

You are the Operations and Supply Chain Manager for the ACME Medical Device Manufacturing Company, LLC....

You are the Operations and Supply Chain Manager for the ACME Medical Device Manufacturing Company, LLC. (ACME). Superior Medical Devices, Inc. (SMD) has approached ACME about contract manufacturing a new medical device. The device will be assembled and tested by ACME and then ACME will maintain a consigned inventory for direct shipment to medical facilities upon demand. Some of the components you will include in the product are: Microprocessor & Printed Circuit Assembly Rechargeable Battery Injectable Pharmaceuticals Custom Case

You will have to:

Subcontract some of the assembly and fabrication to suppliers.

complete the production engineering process

verify you quality assurance and processes meet the requirements plan and schedule both materials and resources

The items below are what you should address in your report:

What are your concerns? Prioritize them.

Define the flows of information and connections between ACME and your suppliers.

Define the flows of information and connections between ACME and SMD.

What teams (internal and integrated with the supply chain) will you establish?

What are the most critical attributes of the relationships? For instance, Trust, Cooperation, Reliability, etc. How do you foster them? Don't just repeat the words that I listed or add a new one, define why they are critical.

In: Operations Management

Assume the American Society of Training Directors is studying its membership in order to enhance member...

Assume the American Society of Training Directors is studying its membership in order to enhance member benefits and attract new members. Below is a copy of a cover letter and mail questionnaire received by a member of the society. Please evaluate the usefulness and tone of the letter and the questions and format of the instrument. Dear ASTD Member: The ASTD is evaluating the perception of value of membership among its members. Enclosed is a short questionnaire and a return envelope. I hope you will take a few minutes and fill out the questionnaire as soon as possible, because the sooner the information is returned to me, the better. Sincerely, Director of Membership Questionnaire Directions: Please answer as briefly as possible. 1. With what company did you enter the field of training? 2. How long have you been in the field of training? 3. How long have you been in the training department of the company with which you are presently employed? 4. How long has the training department in your company been in existence. 5. Is the training department a subset of another department? If so, what department? 6. For what functions (other than training) is your department responsible? 7. How many people, including yourself, are in the training department of your company (local plant or establishment)? 8. What degrees do you hold and from what institutions? Major___________________ Minor _______________ 9. Why were you chosen for training? What special qualifications prompted your entry into training? 10. What experience would you consider necessary for an individual to enter into the field of training with your company? Include both educational requirements and actual experience.

In: Operations Management

Problem 17.3: the ideal cycle time of an assembly machine is 5 sec. the parts feeder...

Problem 17.3: the ideal cycle time of an assembly machine is 5 sec. the parts feeder at one of the workstations has a feed rate of 75 components/min and the probability that the components will pass through the selector is 18%.   The active length of the feed track (where the high-level sensor is located) is 350 mm. the low-level sensor on the feed track is located 100 mm from the station work head. The components have a length of 12.5 mm in the feed track direction, and there is no overlapping of parts.

(a) How long will it take for the supply of parts to be depleted from the high-level sensor to the low-level sensor once the feeder-selector device is turned off?

(b) How long will it take for the parts to be resupplied from the low-level sensor to the high-level sensor, on average, after the feeder-selector device is turned on and turned off?

In: Operations Management

Question text Scenario: The Marketing Firm has been trying for years to land a contract with...

Question text

Scenario: The Marketing Firm has been trying for years to land a contract with a large national brand soda, 'Enjoy'. Enjoy has a long time relationship with The Marketing Firm's largest competitor, 'Smile'. Enjoy has been loyal to Smile and has denied all requests by The Marketing Firm to do a presentation or submit a bid for their consideration. There have been some leadership changes at Smile and apparently the relationship is fractured. After years of effort, Enjoy has finally accepted The Marketing Firm's request to present their marketing ideas.
The team assembles to begin working on their presentation and marketing ideas for Enjoy. Jill says, "My research indicated that last month Enjoy sodas were sold more in suburban areas than in metropolitan areas." Sandy replied, "That makes sense. There are more homes in suburban areas and office buildings in downtown areas." Mandy replied, "So, children drink Enjoy more than adults." Jill says, "That's it, our marketing should appeal to the youth."
The team presents Enjoy with a mascot; a cartoon character in the form of a purple monkey. The executives at Enjoy were speechless. They have never catered to children and were surprised that The Marketing Firm had gone in that direction. Enjoy was not impressed by the mascot idea and advised The Marketing Firm that they would not be need their service.
Based on the scenario, answer the following question:
The team reviewed sales data based on demographic location. They needed two more resources to help them develop the marketing plan. Which are they?

Select one:

a. Customer surveys and historical sales data.

b. Customer surveys and seasonal sales data.

c. Seasonal sales data and interviews of members of the Enjoy's sales team.

d. Customer surveys and interviews of the competitors teams

Scenario: Company X recently hired two employees to fill the newly designed role of quality assurance. The new employees implemented a quality monitoring process. Mr. G has been managing the department for four years without issues. Recently, several quality issues have occurred. Mr. G. is certain that the new quality assurance employees are causing the issues because the other three employees had been working at X for four or more years.
The assistant manager tells Mr. G. that he is not sure it is the two new employees causing the issues because they had experience in quality and seem to find all the errors. The tenured employees maintain that they know their jobs and do not have a history of making mistakes.
The director of the department is tired of the excuses and told Mr. G. that he wants the problem solved and wants to see data to support the solution in two weeks.
Is Mr. G. displaying bias? Why or why not?

Select one:

a. Yes. Mr. G. is certain that the new quality assurance employees are causing the issues because the other three employees had been working at X for four or more years.

b. Yes. Mr. G has been managing the department for four years without issues.

c. No. Mr. G. is certain that the new quality assurance employees are causing the issues because the other three employees had been working at X for four or more years.

d. No. Mr. G has been managing the department for four years without issues

In: Operations Management

Competitor Analysis of the company Kroger using Porter's 5 Forces?

Competitor Analysis of the company Kroger using Porter's 5 Forces?

In: Operations Management

"True leaders can only come from people who have understood the importance of diversity and have...

"True leaders can only come from people who have understood the importance of diversity and have engaged in different experiences. So chances are the leaders we have seen in war-torn or disaster-struck areas have had a wide amount of exposure to different people and cultures through volunteer work. A research by a leading social support agency postulates that altruistic leadership increases through travel and volunteer work unless there is very thorough training on how to work on such situations."
If we have to apply the Toulmin's method to this piece, which of the following would be the claim of the argument?

Select one:

a. True leaders can only come from people who have understood the importance of diversity and have engaged in different experiences.

b. Chances are the leaders we have seen in war-torn or disaster-struck areas have had a wide amount of exposure to different people and cultures through volunteer work.

c. Unless there is very thorough training on how to work on such situations.

d. A research by a leading social support agency postulates that altruistic leadership increases through travel and volunteer work

Question text

Read this following piece:
"True leaders can only come from people who have understood the importance of diversity and have engaged in different experiences. So chances are the leaders we have seen in war-torn or disaster-struck areas have had a wide amount of exposure to different people and cultures through volunteer work. A research by a leading social support agency postulates that altruistic leadership increases through travel and volunteer work unless there is very thorough training on how to work on such situations."
If we have to apply the Toulmin's method to this piece, which of the following would be the rebuttal to the argument?

Select one:

a. True leaders can only come from people who have understood the importance of diversity and have engaged in different experiences.

b. Chances are the leaders we have seen in war-torn or disaster-struck areas have had a wide amount of exposure to different people and cultures through volunteer work.

c. Unless there is very thorough training on how to work on such situations.

d. A research by a leading social support agency postulates that altruistic leadership increases through travel and volunteer work.

Question text

Read this following piece:
"True leaders can only come from people who have understood the importance of diversity and have engaged in different experiences. So chances are the leaders we have seen in war-torn or disaster-struck areas have had a wide amount of exposure to different people and cultures through volunteer work. A research by a leading social support agency postulates that altruistic leadership increases through travel and volunteer work unless there is very thorough training on how to work on such situations."
If we have to apply the Toulmin's method to this piece, which of the following would be the warrant to the argument?

Select one or more:

a. True leaders can only come from people who have understood the importance of diversity and have engaged in different experiences.

b. Chances are the leaders we have seen in war-torn or disaster-struck areas have had a wide amount of exposure to different people and cultures through volunteer work.

c. Unless there is very thorough training on how to work on such situations.

d. A research by a leading social support agency postulates that altruistic leadership increases through travel and volunteer work.

Question text

Read this following piece:
"True leaders can only come from people who have understood the importance of diversity and have engaged in different experiences. So chances are the leaders we have seen in war-torn or disaster-struck areas have had a wide amount of exposure to different people and cultures through volunteer work. A research by a leading social support agency postulates that altruistic leadership increases through travel and volunteer work unless there is very thorough training on how to work on such situations."
If we have to apply the Toulmin's method to this piece, which of the following would be the backing to the argument?

Select one:

a. True leaders can only come from people who have understood the importance of diversity and have engaged in different experiences.

b. Chances are the leaders we have seen in war-torn or disaster-struck areas have had a wide amount of exposure to different people and cultures through volunteer work.

c. Unless there is very thorough training on how to work on such situations.

d. A research by a leading social support agency postulates that altruistic leadership increases through travel and volunteer work

In: Operations Management

Case Study 2: Employee Selection at Deloitte Australia Deloitte is the brand name used for Deloitte...

Case Study 2: Employee Selection at Deloitte Australia

Deloitte is the brand name used for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company with more than 263,900 professionals worldwide in the service areas of audit, tax, consulting, financial advisory, risk management, and related services. The firm operates in more than 150 countries and had revenues in fiscal year 2018 of $43.2 billion. Deloitte is one of the “Big Four” accounting firms and the largest professional services firm in the world.

Deloitte Australia is recognized as the number one employer-of-choice for graduates by Gradconnection. Workplace Gender Equality Agency has recognized the firm as am employer-of-choice for women. Deloitte Australia is the only professional services firm on the Australia Center for Corporate Social Responsibility’s Top Ten list. Further, the firm has invested more than $20 million in their communities through pro bono work and donations, as well as through volunteer work.

Deloitte Australia, like the rest of Deloitte, is a highly progressive company that is often on the leading edge of human resource practices. The firm provides information on the company website that can serve as a guide for prospective employees. The website includes information about the company’s recruitment and selection processes for both new college graduates and experienced hires.

The application process for college students starts with completing an online application process. Applicants can also read information about Deloitte and about the members of the recruitment team on the website. Recruitment team members review applications, make an assessment of fit with skills, and determine if there is a match to key selection criteria. The company tries to contact applicants in seven days with a decision about continuation in the selection process.

The selection process includes multiple steps. The process starts with a first interview, usually by phone with a member of the recruitment team. The process continues with interviews with members of the relevant service team. The number of these interviews varies across service areas. The process ends with an in-depth interview addressing technical and motivational fit with the role, team and company. A Deloitte partner from the service line participates in the final interview.

The selection process for some roles may also include psychometric or skills-based tests. Other roles require an assessment in the form of a case study. These assessments take place either online or face-to-face, and within two weeks of the rest of the interviews.

Finally, if the firm is interested in making an offer, they will conduct a pre-employment check of references and work rights with the Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP).


  1. Discuss the pros and cons of providing so much information about the selection process on the company website. Would this amount of information make you more or less likely to apply for a job with Deloitte Australia, or any other company for that matter that provided this much information? Discuss your response.
  2. What concerns would you have about the process if you were an applicant?
  3. Describe the selection process in terms of which parts are initial screening and which are final screening. Is Deloitte Australia using a compensatory, multiple hurdle, or multiple-cutoff approach to selection? Why do you think they have chosen this particular approach? Do you think it is logical given the nature of the firm?
  4. Research Australian hiring guidelines and discuss how they differ from U.S. guidelines and how they are similar.

In: Operations Management

I need unique answers with the source mentioned academically TOPIC:   EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY IN THE ORGANIZATION...

I need unique answers with the source mentioned academically


Organization officials have a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that the workplace is free from unnecessary hazards. Employers hold responsibility for understanding what is necessary to keep workers safe from harm. Conditions surrounding the workplace must be secure for employee’s physical and mental health. As many organizations have implemented wellness program, that focus on smoking cessation, weight control, stress management, early diagnosis of health problems, prevention and education about life-style related and contagious illness. Wellness program can cut Employers health cost and lower absenteeism by preventing health related problems.

Reference: Textbook- DeCenzo, D. A., & Robbins, S. P. (2013). Human resource management , Chapter 13 Health and Safety.

Assignment Questions:

  1. Describe the role of HR in offering Healthy and safe work environment to the workers. Also write the ways that Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA assist employers in creating a safer workplace. ( Marks:4)

  1. Discuss the purpose and significance of Wellness Programs/Disease Management in the Organization. Support your answer with the example of two companies that provide these programs to their workers.  (Marks 2.5)

  1. If you’re HR Manager, how can you support your employees during the Public Health Emergency/Outbreak? Present your HR planning to run the organization effectively along with employees’ safety.(Marks: 3.5)

In: Operations Management

starbucks corporation 1. Explain key factors in building a clientele 2. Explain the role of customer...

starbucks corporation

1. Explain key factors in building a clientele

2. Explain the role of customer service as a component of selling relationships

3. Discuss motivational theories that impact buying behavior

4. Implement techniques to increase customer’s product exposure

5. Analyze competitors’ offerings

In: Operations Management

Part I: Create an Organizational Chart for the department of health care management. Part II: Write...

Part I: Create an Organizational Chart for the department of health care management.

Part II: Write a Job Description for TWO of the following:

  • HIM Director
  • Chart Analyst

In: Operations Management

Why are many MNCs reluctant to produce or sell their goods in China? What role can...

Why are many MNCs reluctant to produce or sell their goods in China? What role can the Chinese government play in helping to resolve this problem?

In: Operations Management