Can you do brief research on : - Separetely excited DC motor applications - Shunt DC...

Can you do brief research on :

- Separetely excited DC motor applications

- Shunt DC motor applications

- Series DC motor applications

In: Electrical Engineering

Using ONE APPLICATION EXAMPLE, write a case study report on how does the theory of signals...

Using ONE APPLICATION EXAMPLE, write a case study report on how does the theory of signals and systems benefit to the application in signal filtering, data modulation or others.

In: Electrical Engineering

1. A three-phase overhead line 200 km long has resistance= 0.16 Ω/km an conductor diameter of...

1. A three-phase overhead line 200 km long has resistance= 0.16 Ω/km an conductor diameter of 2 cm with spacing of 4 m. Find: (a) the ABCD constants (b) the Vs and Is. When the line is delivering full load of 50 MW at 132 kV and 0.8 lagging pf, (c) efficiency of transmission line.

2. A three-phase voltage of 11 kV is applied to a line having R = 10 Ω and X = 12 Ω per conductor. At the end of the line is a balanced load of P kW at a leading power factor. At what value of P is the voltage regulation zero when the power factor of the load is (a) 0.707, (b) 0.85?

3. The generalized circuit constants of a transmission line are A - 0.93+j0.0 1 6 B=20+ j14 0 The load at the receiving-end is 60 MVA, 50 Hz 0.8 power factor lagging. The voltage at the supply end is 22O kV. Calculate the load voltage.

In: Electrical Engineering

Draw a schematic for a DPDT switch and show how it can be wired to switch...

Draw a schematic for a DPDT switch and show how it can be wired to switch two separate circuits on and off.

: Why is it not possible to connect sensors such as thermocouples, strain gages, and accelerometers directly to a digital computer or microprocessor?

: What is successive Approximation, discuss them in detail.

In: Electrical Engineering

Find the charge q(t) on the capacitor and the current i(t) in the given LRC-series circuit....

Find the charge


on the capacitor and the current


in the given LRC-series circuit.

L = 1 h, R = 100 Ω, C = 0.0004 f, E(t) = 30 V, q(0) = 0 C, i(0) = 5 A



Find the maximum charge on the capacitor. (Round your answer to four decimal places.)

In: Electrical Engineering

1). Consider a transmission line made of a conductor with length l, the lines are made...

1). Consider a transmission line made of a conductor with length l, the lines are made of conductor with resistance per unit length R, inductance per unit length L, between the two lines is dielectric material with conductance per unit length Gand capacitance per unit length C. (a) Derive transmission line equations (telegrapher’s equations) for the phasors of the voltage difference and current in the transmission line. Explain the meaning of the spatial coordinate clearly. (b) Write down the general solution of the equation derived in (a). (c) Calculate the intrinsic impedance of the transmission line.

In: Electrical Engineering

Lab report on **series and parallel circuit** Should have Profile or definition and simple steps to...

Lab report on **series and parallel circuit**
Should have Profile or definition and simple steps to analyze the electrical circuit through the series and parallel circuit and example.
#Please write clearly or work on word.

In: Electrical Engineering

Logic is basically human reasoning that tells us if certain proposition or declarative statement is true....

Logic is basically human reasoning that tells us if certain proposition or declarative statement is true.

(a)There are five boards of directors (kojo, kofi, menash musah, and mawule) of a School. The board of director kojo owns 10% shares, kofi owns 30% shares, mensah owns 20% shares, musah owns 25% shares and mawule 15% shares of the total shares. For the adoption of the particular policy to be passed in the board’s meeting more than 66% should vote in favour of the policy. The weightage to the votes depend upon the percentage shares owned by the directors. In the board’s room each director has a switch which he turns ON if votes in favour of policy. Design a switching circuit to ring a bell if policy is accepted in the board’s meeting. Only the NAND gates should be used to realize the circuit.

(b) What is a universal gate? Give examples. Realize the basic gates with any one universal gate.

In: Electrical Engineering

Simulate the experiment of rolling two dices for 1000 times. Generate the probability mass distributionfunction(PMF) for...

Simulate the experiment of rolling two dices for 1000 times. Generate the probability mass distributionfunction(PMF) for the sum of the two dices and plot the result using histogramcommand. Use two different methods for your simulations: Using for loops Using vectors and matrices in MATLAB

In: Electrical Engineering

Microelectronic Circuits 7e Chapter 4 test, Diodes. Can anyone please give me all necessary formulas the...

Microelectronic Circuits 7e Chapter 4 test, Diodes. Can anyone please give me all necessary formulas

the test is over Diodes and i was just asking for any useful formulas revolving around Diodes and when to use them

In: Electrical Engineering

please select one type of devices from n-MOSFET, p-MOSFET, J-FET and MESFET, and work out the...

please select one type of devices from n-MOSFET, p-MOSFET, J-FET and MESFET, and work out the fabrication process flow. For each fabrication step, please draw a cross-section view with a short description of the process and material to be deposited/removed.

In: Electrical Engineering

Literature review on the different types of protective relays used for the protection of radial systems.

Literature review on the different types of protective relays used for the protection of radial systems.

In: Electrical Engineering

explain the operation of potentiometric transducer

explain the operation of potentiometric transducer

In: Electrical Engineering

1. May you expalin why induction motors are necessary and the difference if induction motors with...

1. May you expalin why induction motors are necessary and the difference if induction motors with the normal motors?
2. air circuit breakers how do they operate disadvantage and advantage
3. with a simple terminology may you explain cycloconverters?
4.expalin what is thyrestor, thermister?

it can be to drive a pump or induction generator

In: Electrical Engineering

8. A 100 W load is connected to a 50 W transmission line. Determine the value...

8. A 100 W load is connected to a 50 W transmission line. Determine the value of the reactance to put in series at the input to the line and the length in wavelengths of the shortest transmision line to match with a 50 W source.

In: Electrical Engineering