Show that the diffusion current of a forward-conduction pn junction is a strong function of temperature.

Show that the diffusion current of a forward-conduction pn junction is a strong function of temperature.

In: Electrical Engineering

What is AN4 pin on BAYSYS 3 board? i know there is AN0-AN3. I cannot locate...

What is AN4 pin on BAYSYS 3 board? i know there is AN0-AN3. I cannot locate the pin and function of AN4

In: Electrical Engineering

What are some typical applications for stepper motors and what do engineers do to make sure...

What are some typical applications for stepper motors and what do engineers do to make sure the rotating shaft is at a particular position even though it is operated in an open-loop system?

In: Electrical Engineering

Given the complementary solution and the differential equation, Give the particular and the total solution for...

Given the complementary solution and the differential equation, Give the particular and the total solution for the initial conditions.

Use C1 and C2 for the weights, where C1 is associated with the root with smaller magnitude. If the roots are complex, the complementary solution is the weighted sum of complex conjugate exponentials, which can be written as a constant times a decaying exponential times a cosine with phase. Use C1 for the constant and Phi for the phase. (Note: Some equations in the text give the constant multiplying the decaying exponential as 2C1. This was done for the derivation. The constant for this problem should be C1 alone.)

(basically anything with a sin function will be marked as wrong by me)

y(0)=7 y'(0)=2   

Given the differential equation y′′+8y′+25y=2cos(1t+1.0472)u(t).


In: Electrical Engineering

How to simulate the dynamics of an electric power system, why needed? On what basis is...

How to simulate the dynamics of an electric power system, why
needed? On what basis is the time step of the simulation selected? Give examples
phenomena to be simulated, quantities and numerical values ​​used for calculation

In: Electrical Engineering

1.Briefly describe the operation of the common mode LC filter of a power supply. 2. Describe...

1.Briefly describe the operation of the common mode LC filter of a power supply.

2. Describe briefly with the aid of a diagram, the thermal resistances involved in heat dissipation by a heat sink.

3. Describe briefly the EMI emission and susceptibility issues with Power supplies of medical electronic equipment.

In: Electrical Engineering

Describe the steady-state solution of Markov chains and the state probabilities: (Typed answer only .no hand...

Describe the steady-state solution of Markov chains and the state probabilities:

(Typed answer only .no hand written):

In: Electrical Engineering

Automotive charging systems, Automotive starting systems (Canvas). Draw and label a starting and charging circuit.

Automotive charging systems, Automotive starting systems (Canvas). Draw and label a starting and charging circuit.

In: Electrical Engineering

Given a system with the transfer function p(S)= (s+1)/(s(2s^2+4s+3)(2s+1)) Each section must specify the way of...

Given a system with the transfer function

p(S)= (s+1)/(s(2s^2+4s+3)(2s+1))

Each section must specify the way of solution / explanation / reasoning
A. 8 points (Is the system in an open circle asymptomatic or BIBO stable or unstable?
B. (8 pts) Closes a control circle with a proportional controller. What is the range of K values for which
The closed circle is stable?
third. 4 points (what is the constant state error of the system in the open circle for step entry
D. ) 4 points (what is the error of the constant state of the system in the closed circle with a controller held inside
The domain you found in section b) Select a value as you wish (for a single entry level?)

In: Electrical Engineering

ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS! A house has following information on bulb fixtures (Table I). The owner of...


  1. A house has following information on bulb fixtures (Table I). The owner of the house wanted to replace all the bulbs fixtures with CFL type. The efficiency information of a typical CFL is given in the Table II and the required CFL light output (in lumens) for each of the replaced bulbs is given in Table I.  

                        Table I: Bulb fixtures information

Given Data



Number of bulbs

Type of bulb

CFL light output (lumens)



Bare bulb




Bare bulb




Bare bulb




Bare bulb




Reflector type bulb




Reflector type bulb




Reflector type bulb


The bare bulbs and reflector type bulbs are being used for 8 hours and 6 hours respectively every day.    

                      Table II: Efficiency recommendation information

To Replace Incandescent Bulb Rated at

Necessary Light Output (Lumens)

Typical CFL Replacement Wattage

Recommended CFL Lumens per Watt (lpW)

Bare Bulbs

40 watts

495 or more

11 - 14 watts


60 watts

900 or more

15 - 19 watts


75 watts

1200 or more

20 - 25 watts


100 watts

1750 or more

>29 watts


Reflector Type Bulbs

50 watts

550 or more

17 - 19 watts


60 watts

675 or more

20 - 21 watts


75 watts

875 or more

>22 watts


The house owner requires answers for questions 1 to 4 before he/she takes a decision.

  1. Using the information given in Question 1, calculate the total annual energy consumption cost for the original fixtures if cost of energy per kWh is $0.08. (1 point)
  1. $326
  2. $510
  3. $894
  4. $900

2. Using the information given in Question 1, what is the difference in the annual energy consumption if all of the given bulb fixtures are replaced by typical CFL? The required CFL light output for the replaced bulbs is given in Table I and the CFL bulbs are used the same number of hours as replaced bulb types. (2 points)

  1. 1240 kWh
  2. 2840 kWh
  3. 2926 kWh

In: Electrical Engineering

Create a 4-bit Register This is very similar to your flip-flop design from lab task 1....

  1. Create a 4-bit Register
    1. This is very similar to your flip-flop design from lab task 1. Ensure that your 4-bit register has inputs “D” (dat, “CLK” (the clock), and “RST” (an asynchronous reset), and an output “Q”.
    1. [3 pts] Create a test bench and ensure that your 4-bit register operates correctly (test your reset signal and ensure that you can store a couple different values in the register). If your output behavior is correct, then copy your VHDL design code and simulation screenshot below:
    1. Place your 4-bit register’s VHDL design module code here (copy-paste as text, not an image):
    1. Place a screenshot of your simulation here (enlarge your waveform and do not crop the image (it should show the whole screen) or you will lose points):
    1. Explain why your circuit is (or is not) working correctly:

In: Electrical Engineering

(a)Discuss the classification of logic families and their characteristic parameters. (b) Design q mod -6 unit...

(a)Discuss the classification of logic families and their characteristic parameters.
(b) Design q mod -6 unit distance code counter using D flip flop.

In: Electrical Engineering

True or False The practice of engineering is regulated by the federal government   Some forms of...

True or False

The practice of engineering is regulated by the federal government  

Some forms of hearsay evidence are admissible.

A voidable contract is not a contract.

If there is unjust enrichment involved in a contract with a corporation the courts may establish a quasi-contract to effect a remedy.

The corporate veil affords complete protection for stockholders.

The offeror has the right to revoke the offer at any time

A false representation of a material fact is all that is needed to prove fraud

In general any preexisting duty is also sufficient consideration to support a contract.

In: Electrical Engineering

3. Draw and explain the working principle of successive approximatin DVM digital voltmeter approach if used...

3. Draw and explain the working principle of successive approximatin DVM digital voltmeter approach if used to measure dc voltage of 11.5 volts! Make a time diagram

In: Electrical Engineering

Write an assembly language program for 8085 microprocessor to read consecutive memory locations from 2000 to...

Write an assembly language program for 8085 microprocessor to read consecutive memory locations from 2000 to 2FFF & transfer to 4000 to 4FFF

In: Electrical Engineering