Question 3 a) A coil consist of 2000 turns of copper wire having a cross sectional...

Question 3
a) A coil consist of 2000 turns of copper wire having a cross sectional area of 0.8mm2. The mean length per turn is 80 cm and the resistivity of copper is 0.02μΩ-m. Find the resistance of the coil and power absorbed by the coil when connected across 110V D.C supply. AN [8marks]
b) A circuit consist of four 100W lamps connected in parallel across a 230V supply. Inadvertently, a voltmeter has been connected in series with the lamps. The resistance of the voltmeter is 1500Ω and that of the lamps under the conditions stated is six times their value when burning normally. What will be the reading of the voltmeter?
c) Explain why a capacitor has a high reactance for a direct current. EV[4marks]

In: Electrical Engineering

A conductive sphere with radius ? = 1 ? has been increased to the potential ?0...

A conductive sphere with radius ? = 1 ? has been increased to the potential ?0 = 1 ???? (constant). The environment outside the sphere is the void.

a) Find clear expression of potential function in the region outside the sphere

b) Find the clear expression of the electrostatic field vector.

c) Find the total load on the sphere.

d) Find the capacity of the sphere.

In: Electrical Engineering

Explain how system-level specification and modeling languages are selected for performance evaluation of system-on-chip (SoC) blocked-based...

Explain how system-level specification and modeling languages are selected for performance evaluation of system-on-chip (SoC) blocked-based designs

In: Electrical Engineering

What aspect of the materials used in nanotechnology differentiates it from the nanoscale devices that the...

What aspect of the materials used in nanotechnology differentiates it from the nanoscale devices that the semiconductor industry has been making for decades?

In: Electrical Engineering

Exam question 9: Noise You are responsible for running an experimental project in the hospital, which...

Exam question 9: Noise

You are responsible for running an experimental project in the hospital, which is about studying the nurse's motor function while doing some typical work. You have therefore built a wireless system for measuring EMG signals. The laboratory is located next to the hospital laundry room

9.a): Which external sources of noise might be in this place? (mention at least 5)

9.b): How do these noise sources connect to your system?

9.c): Explain your strategy to reduce the noise described in (9a).

In: Electrical Engineering

3. Draw and explain the working principle of successive approximatin DVM digital voltmeter approaches if used...

3. Draw and explain the working principle of successive approximatin DVM digital voltmeter approaches if used to measure dc voltages of 7.5 volts! Make a time diagram.

In: Electrical Engineering

This question concerns a synchronous sequential counter, which counts an arbitrary sequence. The properties of the...

This question concerns a synchronous sequential counter, which counts an arbitrary
sequence. The properties of the counter include the following:
1. The counter has two inputs, input X and CLK (Clock), and three outputs, A, B and
C. A is the most significant digit in the counting value, and C is the least
significant digit.
2. The counter counts under a POSITIVE clock edge.
3. When X is 0, the counting sequence is:
1, 6, 3, 2, 5, 1, 6, 3, 2, 5, 1, …
When X is 1, the counting sequence is:
1, 5, 7, 0, 3, 1, 5, 7, 0, 3, 1, …

(a) Write down the state table of your counter. You can assume that the states that do
not occur are don’t care conditions.
(b) Design the counter using positive-edged triggered JK flip-flops. Show your design
steps clearly in your work. As the final result, draw the logic circuit diagram of
your counter.

In: Electrical Engineering

BUCK FILTER TRANSFER FUNCTION (CCM) USING MATLAB I. State-space Modelling and Transfer Function of Ideal Buck...


I. State-space Modelling and Transfer Function of Ideal Buck Converter

1. Write the AC state-space for an ideal Buck Converter under CCM, given
the state-variables iL^(t) and vc^(t),
input variables d^(t) and vs^(t), and
output variables iL^(t) and vc^(t).

2. Create the state-space model in Matlab using R=5/3 ohms, L=10 uH, C=242 uF, Vs=Vin= 20 V, Vo = 5 V, D=5/20

3. Extract the transfer functions from the state-space model.

4. Write the expressions for the transfer functions.

5. Plot the pole-zero maps, step-responses, and Bode plots of the transfer functions.

II. State-space Modelling and Transfer Function of Buck Converter with Parasitics

1. Write the AC state-space for an ideal Buck Converter under CCM, given
the state-variables iL^(t) and vc^(t),
input variables d^(t) and vs^(t), and
output variables iL^(t) and vo^(t).

2. Create the state-space model in Matlab using R=5/3 ohms, L=10 uH, C=242 uF, Vs=Vin = 20 V, Vo = 5 V, D=5/20, rL=25mohm, rC=25mohm

3. Extract the transfer functions from the state-space model.

4. Write the expressions for the transfer functions.

5. Plot the pole-zero maps, step-responses, and Bode plots of the transfer functions.

In: Electrical Engineering

Write a VHDL code for a 8x8 bit multiplier. use structural approach. write the design code...

Write a VHDL code for a 8x8 bit multiplier. use structural approach. write the design code and testbench. Use for-generate if possible

In: Electrical Engineering

***** PLEASE solve using MATHCAD, I am unsure on how to solve properly with this application....

***** PLEASE solve using MATHCAD, I am unsure on how to solve properly with this application. Thank you so much!

Problem 7:

Design a Silicon diode that has a breakdown voltage =20V and has a junction capacitance of 1 pF at no biasing.

In: Electrical Engineering

Exam question 8: Instrumentation amplifier - Input coupling 8.a): What is the purpose of implementation of...

Exam question 8: Instrumentation amplifier - Input coupling

8.a): What is the purpose of implementation of an input coupling on an instrumentation amplifier to measure the electrophysiological signals?

(Hint: This is the first component of our electronic system; i.e. the component to which the electrodes are connected. This means that it is necessary to consider safety aspects and that it is the part of the instrumentation system that is most sensitive to noise.)

8.b): Draw an example of an AC-coupled instrumentation amplifier and explain the diagram.

(Hint: What does AC coupling mean when translated into filter terminology (high-pass, low-pass, band-pass, etc.))

8.c): Which type of noise can you reduce by an implementation of the things you described in 8.b)?

(Hint: What noise typically occurs in this frequency range? (according to the answer to 8b))

In: Electrical Engineering

*** Please solve Problem 3 using MATHCAD I am unsure how to properly use MATHCAD so...

*** Please solve Problem 3 using MATHCAD I am unsure how to properly use MATHCAD so this would be a tremendous help. Thank you


A Si diode doped with ND=2x1016 cm-3 and NA=2x1017 cm-3. The area of the diode is 5m x5 m. If the voltage across the diode is zero:

a) Calculate the majority and minority carrier concentrations for the n-side, nn0 and pn0.

b) Calculate the majority and minority carrier concentrations for the p-side, pp0 and np0.

c) Calculate Vbi.

d) Calculate W for the above diode.

e) Calculate xn0 and xpo for the diode above.

f) Calculate Em for the device above.

g) Calculate CJ for the above diode.

Problem 2:


Problem 3:

Repeat (a) to (g) of problem 1, if a reverse bias voltage VR = ̶ 10V is applied.

In: Electrical Engineering

Find and Sketch the Step response of following RLC circuit. 1) Series RLC circuit 2)Parallel RLC...

Find and Sketch the Step response of following RLC circuit.
1) Series RLC circuit
2)Parallel RLC circuit
simulate these on Multisim software and Also show overdamped,critical damped,underdamped Graph in Transient analysis.
note: Circuit should be any and simple of your choice.

In: Electrical Engineering

modern control

modern control

In: Electrical Engineering

Briefly explain the working of different types of Linear Induction Motor and its applications

Briefly explain the working of different types of Linear Induction Motor and its applications

In: Electrical Engineering