As a retail marketer, it is essential to be able to create a shopper marketing experience...

As a retail marketer, it is essential to be able to create a shopper marketing experience for both cases: 1. when the shopper is the consumer; and 2. when the shopper is not the consumer. Failing to do so will limit your sales.

Using your own personal experiences, explain the shopper marketing strategy in each of these scenarios:

1. Describe two occasions when a retailer successfully sold you a product you were buying for yourself through an effective shopper marketing tactic.

a. First example is when you bought a product you were not planning on buying when you entered a store (or visited a web site)
b. Second example is when the shopper marketing tactic helped you make the final decision to buy a product that you intended to buy when entering a retailer. (ex. Lots of people bought coca-cola because they use a shopper marketing tactic of putting names on the labels. They knew they wanted a soda, but they decided to buy a coke because of the label)

2. Describe one occasion when a retailer sold you a product you were buying for someone else through an effective shopper marketing tactic.

In: Operations Management

Evaluate the strengths and weakness of the following authentication categories: passwords, access cards, and biometrics. Which...

Evaluate the strengths and weakness of the following authentication categories: passwords, access cards, and biometrics. Which do you think works best? Why? You should list strengths and weaknesses for each and explain your thoughts on what works best.

In: Operations Management

Who is the best listener you have ever known? Describe what that person does that makes...

Who is the best listener you have ever known? Describe what that person does that makes him or her so good at listening.

In: Operations Management

            TOPIC:   EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY IN THE ORGANIZATION Organization officials have a legal and moral...


Organization officials have a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that the workplace is free from unnecessary hazards. Employers hold responsibility for understanding what is necessary to keep workers safe from harm. Conditions surrounding the workplace must be secure for employee’s physical and mental health. As many organizations have implemented wellness program, that focus on smoking cessation, weight control, stress management, early diagnosis of health problems, prevention and education about life-style related and contagious illness. Wellness program can cut Employers health cost and lower absenteeism by preventing health related problems.

Reference: Textbook- DeCenzo, D. A., & Robbins, S. P. (2013). Human resource management , Chapter 13 Health and Safety.

Assignment Questions:

  1. Describe the role of HR in offering Healthy and safe work environment to the workers. Also write the ways that Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA assist employers in creating a safer workplace.

  1. Discuss the purpose and significance of Wellness Programs/Disease Management in the Organization. Support your answer with the example of two companies that provide these programs to their workers.  

  1. If you’re HR Manager, how can you support your employees during the Public Health Emergency/Outbreak? Present your HR planning to run the organization effectively along with employees’ safety.

Please i wants new answers are not copied from another.

In: Operations Management

Question 1 The following questions are based on the letter below. Dear Madam: Unfortunately, because you...

Question 1 The following questions are based on the letter below.
Dear Madam:
Unfortunately, because you have not paid your account for the last three months, we have absolutely NO CHOICE but to turn off your heat soon. We know that winter is upon us and it's a horrible time to be without heat, but you really brought this on yourself.
Next time, we recommend PAYING your bills ON TIME. If you get us your outstanding payments soon, you can keep your heat. As always, we appreciate your business and value you as our customer. Sincerely, Tcnaga Api Customer Service Team
(a) Evaluate THREE (3) effectiveness of the letter. You are expected to include aspects of you-attitude and positive emphasis in building goodwill.
(b) Rewrite the letter in a way that builds goodwill to the customer and at the same time, delivers the message.

In: Operations Management

ou are the project manager on a project that is critical to the ongoing success of...

ou are the project manager on a project that is critical to the ongoing success of ABC Co. While repairing the laptop being used by one of the key members of your project team, a technician has found a few files and a very large folder that has been encrypted. The files include:

(i) what might be illegal photographs of a person who appears to be a teenager; and

(ii) a pirated video game. The technician has not tried to unencrypt the large folder. ABC’s technology use policy:

(i) allows some personal use of company laptops; and

(ii) prohibits all illegal and unlawful content. The use policy does not expressly address searches. What steps should you take? Explain your reasoning for each step with reference to applicable statutes and cases.

In: Operations Management

Create a detailed process flowchart that includes process inputs, process outputs, activities, activity times, processing and...

Create a detailed process flowchart that includes process inputs, process outputs, activities, activity times, processing and labor requirements for a fictional retail chain of coffee shops.

Capacity analysis of the process, including the strategies used to address expected customer demand.

Suggested metrics used to measure the process performance.

Identify the process problem and make suggestions on how the process can be improved

In: Operations Management

Huey McDuck has received $70,000 from his rich uncle and wants to determine how much to...

Huey McDuck has received $70,000 from his rich uncle and wants to determine how much to invest in each of four different investments: municipal bonds expected to return 8.5%, CDs expected to return 5%, T-bills expected to return 6.5% and a stock fund expected to return 13%.

The following guidelines have been established to ensure that the portfolio is diversified for reduced risk.

  1. No more than 20% of the total investment should be in municipal bonds
  2. At least 30% of the investment should be in T-bills

Write the LP formulation

Set the problem up in Excel and solve using Excel Solver

Report the optimal solution and total expected return

In: Operations Management

Scenario It is 2020, and General Foryota Company opens a plant in which to build a...

It is 2020, and General Foryota Company opens a plant in which to build a new mass-produced hover-craft. This hover-craft will work using E-85 Ethanol, will travel up to 200 mph, and will reduce pollution worldwide at a rate of 10 percent per year. It is likely that when all automobiles in the industrial world have been changed over to hovercrafts, emission of greenhouse gasses may be so reduced that global warming may end and air quality will become completely refreshed.

However, the downside is that during the transition time, GFC's Hover-Vee (only available in red or black), will most likely put all transportation as we know it in major dissaray. Roadways will no longer be necessary, but new methods of controlling traffic will be required. Further, while the old version of cars are still being used, Hover-vee's will cause accidents, parking issues, and most likely class envy and warfare. The sticker price on the first two models will be about four times that of the average SUV (to about $200,000.) Even so, GFC's marketing futurists have let them know that they will be able to pre-sell their first three years of expected production, with a potential waiting list which will take between 15 and 20 years to fill.

The Chief Engineer (CE) of GFC commissions a study on potential liabilities for the Hover-vees. The preliminary result is that Hover-vees will likely kill or maim humans at an increased rate of double to triple over automobile travel because of collisions and crashes at high speeds -- projected annual death rates of 100,000 to 200,000. However, global warming will end, and the environment will flourish.

The U. S. Government gets wind of the plans. Congress begins to discuss the rules on who can own and operate Hover-vees. GFC's stock skyrockets. The Chief Engineer takes the results of the study to the Chief Legal Counsel (CLC), and together they agree to bury the study, going forward with the production plans. The Chief Project Manager (CPM), who has read the study and agreed to bury it, goes ahead and plans out the project for the company, with target dates and production deadlines.

Our class is a team of young lawyers, project managers, engineers, and congressional aides who are all part of the process of helping get this project off the ground. In fact, according to the first letter of your last name, you are the following team:

  • A-G: Attorney on the GFC team
  • H-N: Project Manager on the GFC team
  • 0-S: Engineer on the GFC team
  • T-Z: Congressional Aide

Somebody sent a secret copy of the report to you at your home address. It has no information in it at all, except for the report showing the proof of the increase in accidents and deaths. The report shows, on its face, that the CE, CLC, CPM, and your Congressional Representative have seen copies of this report. On the front there are these words typed in red: They knew — they buried this. Please save the world!

Each of you feel a very loyal tie to your boss and your company/country. You all have mortgages, and families to feed. It is likely if you blow the whistle on this report, you will lose your job and your livelihood. You're not even sure who wrote the study in your envelope or who actually sent it to you.

Upon studying the issue, you determine the source of the message that set you on the trail! The Source is Trace Velvet, a worker on the project that was fired for gross incompetence. As near as you can tell, the firing was deserved. This could be an act of revenge, or a demonstration of said incompetence. But you have no evidence that the information you have received was false. It may well point out a real problem. How does this change your responses?

In: Operations Management

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of sex, race,...

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin and religion. There are two cases currently pending before the U.S. Supreme Court asking the court to interpret the meaning of "sex" in the context of employment discrimination. In R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Links to an external site.), the Court is asked to decide if discrimination based on a person's transgender status is addressed in the Act as discrimination based on "sex" as the law is intended to operate. Meanwhile, in Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia (Links to an external site.), the Court is asked to decide whether sexual orientation is included under "sex" according to Title VII. In two or three paragraphs (minimum four sentences each), please give your opinion on the following: 1. Whether Congress could have intended the term "sex" to include sexual orientation and/or transgender status when the law was written; and 2. Whether the courts should now interpret the term "sex" to include sexual orientation and/or transgender status.

In: Operations Management

An IT project requires 6 activities. The table below displays the expected time and budgeted cost...

  1. An IT project requires 6 activities. The table below displays the expected time and budgeted cost for each activity.


Expected time (weeks)



Immediate Predecessors

























Develop a budget for the 15 weeks of the project using ES times.

  1. The following represents a project with four activities. All times are in weeks.































The critical path is BàD. The expected completion time is 19 days.   Assume the normal distribution is appropriate to use to determine the probability of finishing by a particular time. What is the probability that the project is finished in 22 weeks or more? (Round to two decimals.)

In: Operations Management

Making reference to an organisation that you are familiar with: QUESTION 1.1 Provide a detailed explanation...

Making reference to an organisation that you are familiar with:

QUESTION 1.1 Provide a detailed explanation with examples of the market/task environment of the organisation you selected.

QUESTION 1.2 Identify and detail the activities and initiatives of the following functional areas of management in the organisation you chose.

 The Human Resources Function

 The Marketing Function

 Purchasing Function

 Operations function

QUESTION 1.3 Provide a detailed discussion of FIVE (5) management challenges faced by the selected organisation.

it must not exceed 3500 words The length of your answers to each question should be in line with the mark allocation. Your assignment must include a Table of Contents page. All text must be justified at each margin. References- At least 8 academic sources of reference must be used. (These include textbooks, journal articles and internet sources that are relevant to your field of study. Academic sources do not include Wikipedia and blogs). You must include Reference list at the end of your assignment. Information quoted/paraphrased from sources listed in your Reference list must be referenced in-text. The Harvard system of referencing must be used.

Please note that this is 1 assignment made up of 3 questions. So i cannot ask the questions separately.

In: Operations Management

You just won the $100 million Ultimate Lotto jackpot. Your winnings will be paid as $4,000,000...

You just won the $100 million Ultimate Lotto jackpot. Your winnings will be paid as $4,000,000 per year for the next 25 years. If the appropriate interest rate is 7.3 percent, what is the value of your windfall?

In: Operations Management

CASE STUDY Financial incentives play a key role in improving employee performance, so the company manager...


Financial incentives play a key role in improving employee performance, so the company manager must be committed to developing appropriate incentive plans that will encourage employees to be more targeted and improve their performance. Managers should also pay full attention to their employees and their work process. It must motivate its employees towards tasks. Financial incentives are highly effective in changing short-term behavior but are much less effective in changing longer-term behavior. In Australia Government is committed to assisting women and their families to make well informed choices about work. Women’s economic participation has a positive effect on economic growth which is good for all Australians.

Direction: Read the below questions and answers accordingly
a.    Managements compensation plan can motivate and retain their employees. Explain on the various compensation policies that has to be followed by the organization to motivate the employees. Give examples.
b.    As Women’s economic participation has a positive effect on economic growth , point out the justified factors on why the women employees get lower paid in organizations with examples.  
c.    Do you agree the financial incentives motivate the employees more than the non- financial incentive? Examine with reasons types of incentive that could motivate on the employees.
d.    If an organization in Bahrain recruit a candidate from Australia, what are the factors should the managment consider in fixing the compensation package for the employee.
e. If the employees from Australia is being relocated, list the current trends in having expatriate training for the candidate to fit with the organization work culture.

In: Operations Management

What are the negative impacts of globalization on Dell company?

What are the negative impacts of globalization on Dell company?

In: Operations Management