According to Michael Porter, to be effective, the organization’s goals, objectives, culture, and activities must be...

According to Michael Porter, to be effective, the organization’s goals, objectives, culture, and activities must be consistent with the organization’s strategy. Discuss and give two different examples.

In: Operations Management

Suppose that you are an owner of a Lenovo company. Design the Total Reward System in...

  1. Suppose that you are an owner of a Lenovo company. Design the Total Reward System in your company.

You must to specify what business market it operates at. Then you need to explain specifically, what is your choice of the factors of the Total Compensation system and why this is your choice.

  1. Design a Job Description for Elementary school teacher

Describe all items of Job Description, you need to state, duties and responsibilities; Education and Training required; Skills and Competencies this job requires.

In: Operations Management

In your opinion, in which quadrant within Porter's Four Competitive Strategies Mobili Top is? Why?

In your opinion, in which quadrant within Porter's Four Competitive Strategies Mobili Top is? Why?

In: Operations Management

in laws and public affairs , discuss the common characteristics of agency adjudication? write in one...

in laws and public affairs , discuss the common characteristics of agency adjudication? write in one double space page

In: Operations Management

Using the internet or our library for research, find three examples of product problems that companies...

Using the internet or our library for research, find three examples of product problems that companies have faced during marketing in global markets, then describe these problems and how these problems could have been avoided.

In: Operations Management

Campbell v. Carr 603 S.E.2d 625, Web 2004 S.C. App. Lexis 276 (2004) Court of Appeals...

Campbell v. Carr

603 S.E.2d 625, Web 2004 S.C. App. Lexis 276 (2004)

Court of Appeals of South Carolina

“This inadequate consideration combined with Carr’s weakness of mind, due to her schizophrenia and depression, makes it inequitable to order specific performance.”

—Anderson, Judge


Martha M. Carr suffered from schizophrenia and depression. Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder that is characterized by disturbances in perception, inferential thinking, delusions, hallucinations, and grossly disorganized behavior. Depression is characterized by altered moods and diminished ability to think or concentrate. Carr was taking prescription drugs for her mental diseases. Carr, a resident of New York, inherited from her mother a 108-acre tract of unimproved land in South Carolina. Carr contacted Raymond C. and Betty Campbell (Campbell), who had leased the property for 30 years, about selling the property to them. Carr asked Campbell how much the property was worth, and Campbell told Carr $54,000. Carr and Campbell entered into a written contract for $54,000. Campbell paid Carr earnest money. Carr subsequently missed the closing day for the sale of the property, returned the earnest money, and refused to sell the property to Campbell. Campbell sued Carr to obtain a court judgment ordering Carr to specifically perform the contract. At trial, evidence and expert witness testimony placed the value of the property at $162,000. Testimony showed that Campbell knew the value of the property exceeded $54,000. The court agreed with Campbell and ordered Carr to specifically perform the contract. Carr appealed.


Does Carr, because of her mental diseases of schizophrenia and depression, lack the mental capacity to enter into the contract with Campbell?

Language of the Court

This inadequate consideration combined with Carr’s weakness of mind, due to her schizophrenia and depression, makes it inequitable to order specific performance.


The court of appeals held that Carr’s mental diseases of schizophrenia and depression affected her ability to make an informed decision regarding the sale of the property. The court held that Carr did not have to sell her property to Campbell.

Ethics Questions

Should Carr have been relieved of her contracts? Did the Campbells act unethically in this case?

In: Operations Management

What are the specific examples of both CSAs and FSAs (so, what are the CSAs and...

What are the specific examples of both CSAs and FSAs (so, what are the CSAs and FSAs) that spurred The Coca-Cola Company's Internationalization process? (Internationalization process = licensing, exporting, local packaging/assembly, foreign direct investment (FDI))

Please talk about/elaborate on the CSAs and FSAs in detail. Feel free to cite any source used.

In: Operations Management

At the Enterprise level, how should we be choosing, implementing and managing information systems resources?explain

At the Enterprise level, how should we be choosing, implementing and managing information systems resources?explain

In: Operations Management

How to perform a celebratory toast for my classmates on the hard work accomplished over the...

How to perform a celebratory toast for my classmates on the hard work accomplished over the course. celebratory toast essay

In: Operations Management

Wilkerson case You may presume the following: Capacity for the plant is 180 production runs, 400...

Wilkerson case

You may presume the following:

Capacity for the plant is 180 production runs, 400 shipments, 12,000 machine hours. Actual and capacity engineering hours are the same at 1,250.

The number of batches is equal to the number of production runs.

Answer these questions (in this order):

1. What is the competitive situation faced by Wilkerson?

2. Given some of the apparent problems with Wilkerson’s cost system, should executives abandon overhead assignment to products entirely by adopting a contribution margin approach in which manufacturing overhead is treated as a period expense? Why or why not?

3. How does Wilkerson’s existing cost system operate? Develop a diagram to show how costs flow from factory expense accounts to products. In other words, how do machine expense, set-up labor, receiving/production control, engineering, and packaging/shipping costs get allocated to valves, pumps, and flow controllers?

In: Operations Management

Identify two possible areas of disagreement or differences that can lead to interpersonal conflict in the...

  1. Identify two possible areas of disagreement or differences that can lead to interpersonal conflict in the workplace of your dream company.
  2. Identify tactics that diffuse the situation and create a positive communication climate.
  3. Create a unifying message for your colleagues using your dream job’s values and/or mission.

In: Operations Management

How does concentration of certain diverse groups in a single geographic area create opportunities to be...

How does concentration of certain diverse groups in a single geographic area create opportunities to be effective with our marketing message?

In: Operations Management

It seems like every organization has more projects to complete than the amount of resources they...

It seems like every organization has more projects to complete than the amount of resources they have available to work on those projects. In this situation, how do companies prioritize which project to select first? There are a variety of thought processes and tools used to choose projects. Name a tool and explain how the tool is useful while adding to the class’s body of knowledge.

In: Operations Management

Going to post the question I have and then post the case study itself. QUESTION: Should...

Going to post the question I have and then post the case study itself.

QUESTION: Should DEP attempt to implement JIT and Lean again? State the rationale for your conclusion. Be convincing.

CASE STUDY: Integrated Logistics for DEP/GARD

Steve Clinton

Tom Lippet, sales representative for DuPont Engineering Polymers (DEP), felt uneasy as he drove to his appointment at Gard Automotive Manufacturing (GARD). In the past, sales deals with GARD had proceeded smoothly. Oftentimes competitors were not even invited to bid on the GARD business. Mike O’Leary, purchasing agent at GARD, claimed that was because no competitor could match DEP’s product quality.

But this contract negotiation was different. Several weeks before the contract renewal talks began, O’Leary had announced his plan to retire in 6 months. GARD management quickly promoted Richard Binish as O’Leary’s successor. Although Binish had been relatively quiet at the previous two meetings Lippet sensed that it would not be business as usual with Binish. While the contract decision ultimately depended upon O’Leary’s recommendation, Lippet felt Binish might pose a problem.

Binish, 35, had worked for a Fortune 500 firm following completion of his undergraduate degree in operations management. While with the Fortune 500 firm Binish had become extensively involved with JIT and quality programs. He had returned to school and earned an MBA with a concentration in purchasing and logistics. Eager to make his mark, Binish had rejected offers to return to large corporations and instead accepted GARD’s offer in inventory management.

GARD, an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for U.S. auto producers and aftermarket retailers, makes a wide variety of plastic products for automobiles and light trucks. Examples of GARD products are dashboards, door and window handles, and assorted control knobs. When Binish began working with GARD’s inventory management he applied the 80/20 rule, illustrating to management that 80 percent of GARD’s business was related to 20 percent of its product line. Over the next 3 years, as contracts expired with customers and suppliers, Binish trimmed GARD’s product line. GARD management was impressed with the positive impact on GARD’s profits as unprofitable contracts and products were discarded. A trimmer product line composed primarily of faster-moving products also resulted in higher inventory velocity.

So, when O’Leary announced his retirement plans, management immediately offered Binish the position. After taking a few days to review GARD’s purchasing practices Binish felt he could make an impact. He accepted management’s offer. As he learned his way around the purchasing department Binish tried to stay in the background, but he soon found himself questioning many of O’Leary’s practices. He particularly disdained O’Leary’s frequent “business lunches” with long-time associates from GARD suppliers. Despite these feelings Binish made an effort to not be openly critical of O’Leary. Such efforts did not, however, prevent him from asking more and more questions about GARD’s purchasing process.

O’Leary, for his part, felt his style had served GARD well. Prices were kept low and quality was generally within established parameters. Although O’Leary typically maintained a wide network of suppliers, critical materials were sourced from a limited number of them. In those cases contract bids were a ritual, with the winner known well in advance.

DEP was one such winner. Its polymers were a critical feedstock material in GARD’s manufacturing process. When O’Leary began sourcing from DEP nearly 15 years ago, there was no question that DEP polymers were the best on the market. GARD’s production managers rarely complained about production problems caused by substandard polymers. O’Leary reasoned that the fewer complaints from manufacturing, the better.

“Hi, Tom! Come on in! Good to see you. You remember Richard Binish, don’t you?” Lippet’s spirits were buoyed by O’Leary’s cheery greeting.

“Absolutely! How are you, Richard? Coming out from the old horse’s shadow a bit now?”

Binish politely smiled and nodded affirmatively. Light banter continued as the three moved down the hallway to a small conference room.

“Well, great news, Tom! DEP has the contract again!” O’Leary paused, then continued, “But there’s going to be a slight modification. Instead of the traditional 2-year contract we’re only going to offer a 1-year deal. Nothing personal, just that management feels it’s only fair to Richard that these last contracts I negotiate be limited to a year. That way he doesn’t get locked into any deals that might make him look bad!” O’Leary roared with laughter at his last comment.

“It is certainly no reflection on DEP,” Richard interjected. “It simply gives me a chance to evaluate suppliers in the coming year without being locked into a long-term contract. If my evaluation concurs with what Mr. O’Leary has told me about DEP I see no reason that our successful relationship won’t continue.”

“Entirely understandable,” replied Tom as his mind pondered the meaning of Binish’s evaluation. “I’m confident you’ll find DEP’s service and product every bit as good as Mike has told you.”

Following the meeting O’Leary invited Lippet to join him for a cup of coffee in GARD’s lunchroom. Binish excused himself, saying he had other matters to attend to.

As they enjoyed their coffee, O’Leary sighed. “You’ll be seeing some changes coming, Tom. The best I could do was get you a year.”

“I’m not sure I understand. As far as I know GARD’s never had a major problem with DEP’s products.”

“We haven’t,” O’Leary replied. “At least not under the guidelines I hammered out with management. But there will be some changes by next year.”

“Such as?”

“Well, you remember when I started buying from DEP? You were the leaders, no question about it. Now I knew some other suppliers had moved up since then but I figured, hey, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it! As long as DEP’s price was in line, I knew I wouldn’t have any troubles with manufacturing. Less headaches for me. Now it turns out that Binish has some other ideas about purchasing. I can tell you for a fact that he’s sampled several lots of DEP feedstock. He’s also invited other potential suppliers to submit samples. The long and short of it is that there’s not much difference between DEP and the competition in terms of product.”

“I still don’t clearly understand the problem, Mike.”

“In Binish’s terms, product merely becomes a ‘qualifying criterion.’ If everyone’s product is comparable, especially in something such as polymer feedstock, how do you distinguish yourself? Binish claims companies will need to demonstrate something called ‘order winning criteria’ to get our business in the future.”

“I still don’t see a problem. We have our reviews with GARD every year. Our service performance has always been found to be acceptable.”

“True. But acceptable according to my guidelines. Let me throw a number at you. On average GARD schedules delivery 10 days from date of order. I count on-time delivery as plus or minus 2 days from scheduled delivery date. That’s a 5-day service window. GARD’s minimum service threshold within this 5-day window is 95 percent. DEP had a 96.2 percent record last year using my window. Do you know what Binish is talking?”

“Probably 3?”

“Exactly. And do you know what DEP’s performance is if we use a 3-day service window?”

“No, Mike, I really don’t.”

“Well, Tom. Sorry to tell you it’s 89.7 percent. Worse yet, with Binish not only will the window decline but also the threshold level will be bumped up to 96 percent. And, that’s only going to be for the first 3 years after I retire. After that Binish is shooting for exact-day delivery only with 96.5 percent service capability. Right now using exact day DEP only has 80 percent flat. You aren’t even close to being in the game.”

“So we’ve got a 1-year contract essentially to demonstrate that we can deliver service as well as product?”

“You understand the problem now.”

Polymer feedback production requires a mixture of chemical compounds. DEP’s manufacturing process relies heavily on six principal compounds (A–F). DEP’s current procurement policy is to source each of these compounds from three sources determined through an annual bidding process. Typically the firm with the lowest price is considered the best bid. The top bid receives 60 percent of DEP’s business while the other two firms receive 25 percent and 15 percent, respectively. Management feels this policy protects DEP from material shortages and unreasonable price increases. Table 1 indicates the current compound suppliers and their performance statistics (percentage of business, delivery time from order date, fill rate).

DEP currently uses the following performance criteria:

1. Delivery of A: On-time considered 4 days from date of order ± 2 days.

2. Delivery of B: On-time considered 4 days from date of order ± 2 days.

3. Delivery of C: On-time considered 4 days from date of order ± 2 days.

4. Delivery of D: On-time considered 5 days from date of order ± 2 days.

5. Delivery of E: On-time considered 6 days from date of order ± 2 days.

6. Delivery of F: On-time considered 6 days from date of order ± 2 days.

7. Minimum acceptable fill rate on all compounds is 92 percent.

The manufacture of polymer feedstock is highly standardized. DEP has continually invested in technologically advanced manufacturing equipment. As a result, DEP can quickly change processes to manufacture different polymers.

To avoid material shortages and thereby maximize production, DEP normally maintains a 7-day supply of each compound. An earlier attempt at JIT manufacturing was abandoned after DEP experienced material shortages and production shutdowns. As a result, the manufacturing department is opposed to any reimplementation of JIT-type concepts.

The manufacturing department is electronically linked to the procurement and marketing/sales departments. Marketing/sales receives customer orders by phone or facsimile. The orders are then entered into the information system. This allows manufacturing to monitor incoming materials shipments as well as schedule production runs. Under this system most customer orders are produced within 6 to 8 days of order.

Following production, orders are immediately sent to a warehouse a short distance from DEP. At the warehouse shipping personnel verify manufacturing tickets, match the manufacturing ticket with the purchase order, and prepare shipping documents. Once the shipping documents are completed, the order is prepared for shipment (e.g., palletized, shrink-wrapped, etc.) and labeled. Once a shipment is labeled, delivery is scheduled. Three to 6 days normally elapse from the time an order leaves manufacturing until it is shipped from the warehouse.

Market distribution is divided between the private DEP truck fleet and common carriers. The majority of DEP’s customers are within a 200-mile radius. DEP trucks service these customers via twice-a-week delivery routes. Customers beyond this delivery zone are serviced through common carriers; delivery time fluctuates according to location and distance but rarely exceeds 6 days from time of shipment.

In: Operations Management

2. Risk and threats can be divided into four different categories; Natural, Material, Human or Organizational,...

2. Risk and threats can be divided into four different categories; Natural, Material, Human or Organizational, and Human-caused or made. In a 500-word response, summarize each of these categories and give examples of risks and threats for each category. Then detail methods and measures security services can reduce the impact or effect of each of the provided examples.

In: Operations Management