Write your thoughts on this discussion when it comes to the success of an organization or...

Write your thoughts on this discussion

when it comes to the success of an organization or firm its extremely important to be able to predict the product demand of the current market. This calculation, if determined correct, will help to grow the firm’s business, grow their experience, also it will help them set a price for their product, so they are competitive. The firm uses this calculation to determine if the ability of their production efforts will meet the markets demand. If their calculation is positive, the firm can produce a large amount of a product which will make them successful, if they are unable to produce a product to meet the market’s demand then this will hurt their chances of receiving a large enough profit. When it comes to this calculation or demand forecasting, this process of predicting the future sales of a product is derived from data collected over the years to help the decisionmakers make the best and informed decision about the inventory, planning, and warehousing needs to promote the item to the market and towards the customer demands (Lopienski, 2019). An example of a successful demand forecasting that took place was, when a successful vehicle producing company researched and investigated their current sales of a specific vehicle. They also looking at past data of that specific vehicle and the style, model, trim, engine type, and color. After looking at the data presented by the research department the vehicle production company was able to predict the expected growth of the vehicle, along with predictions of the short-term demand of the product over the next twelve months (Oti-Yeboah, 2018). The firm used in the example was able to successfully sell their vehicle to the demanding market and then profit from the research and investigation work that took place. When it comes to estimating the product demand there are a few different factors that contribute. Passive demand forecasting is normally conducted by a business that has a good business structure and conservative growth plans. An active demand forecasting can be conducted with the purpose of diversifying the firm with an aggressive plan to grow the firm quickly in the market. Also, short-term demand forecasting can be conducted within a three to twelve-month period, here the firm will look at the data presented during all four seasons to accurately adjust for the market. The vehicle corporation was able to utilize passive, active, and short-term demand forecasting to predict the markets outcome and contribute a product in which all consumers will gravitate towards (Oti-Yeboah, 2018).

In: Operations Management

Formulate workplace scenario dealing with the following topic; affirmative action. Recommend corrective action for each of...

Formulate workplace scenario dealing with the following topic; affirmative action. Recommend corrective action for each of these scenarios, so they fall in line with the current statutes and laws. Make sure to provide a scenario for topic and provide a recommendation. The scenario and recommendation should be a minimum of 300 words in length.

In: Operations Management

What are the strategically relevant components of the Macro-Environment of ''Man Türkiye(Turkey)''?

What are the strategically relevant components of the Macro-Environment of ''Man Türkiye(Turkey)''?

In: Operations Management

Write your thoughts on this discussion. Hypothesis testing is how one would be able to define...

Write your thoughts on this discussion.

Hypothesis testing is how one would be able to define a certain population. According to the text, Hypothesis testing involves drawing inferences about two different theory related to the population (Evans, 2013). Most healthcare uses hypothesis testing in medical packaging validation, to ensure that products reach consumers safely. Also, hypothesis testing is used to show that package creation will continue to produce the outcome they designed it for (Fotis,2008). The first step in hypothesis is to propose an educated guess, by utilizing the ‘IF’ and ‘AND’ within the statement. The null hypothesis represents an existing theory that is accepted, while the alternative hypothesis must be true if reject the null hypothesis (Evans,2013). Regarding the medical packaging validation, one would ask, are the sampling data misleading or do they support the decision to validate the production process?

  The next step in the process is data would then be collected and summarized. This is where you want to gather enough data to draw conclusions about whether there is enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Next, evidence is collected to assess the testing to help draw the conclusions. This is when one would show a statistical inference through charts, by finding the p-value to define the level of significance. The significance level usually provides a good guideline for drawing conclusions.

The difference between parametric and nonparametric hypothesis testing is parametric takes the form of a normal distribution, this typically rely on quantitative data being nearly distributed to display the population parameters. Nonparametric is used on nominal, ordinal, and quantitative data (Lecky, 2019). If any differences exist, this would be found using the parametric data. In other words, non-parametric can be used on any data versus parametric can only be used on normal distribution.

In: Operations Management

Use the 7 steps in an advertising campaign for one of your favorite product. Clearly label...

Use the 7 steps in an advertising campaign for one of your favorite product. Clearly label each step, and provide details for each.

In: Operations Management

Pick one of your favorite retail stores and describe the supply chain used to stock inventory...

Pick one of your favorite retail stores and describe the supply chain used to stock inventory in the store. (Hint: there is usually more than one intermediary)


1. Name and describe the retail store

2. Describe the supply chain intermediaries

3. Do you think this is the most effecient model? Why or why not?

In: Operations Management

How workflow assessment is used to develop Functional need assessment?in Electronic health records

How workflow assessment is used to develop Functional need assessment?in Electronic health records

In: Operations Management

Fabletics Changing Channels: According to Fabletics company official website “JustFab Inc. co-CEOs, Don Ressler and Adam...

Fabletics Changing Channels: According to Fabletics company official website “JustFab Inc. co-CEOs, Don Ressler and Adam Goldenberg, launched Fabletics with Kate Hudson after they saw a gap in the activewear marketplace. There were plenty of luxury brands, but none that offered stylish and high-quality gear at an accessible price point. These three unstoppable innovators joined forces to create the Fabletics brand in 2013.” Fabletics, a division of Just- Fab, offers affordable, high-quality, and stylish workout clothes including yoga pants, leggings, joggers, tops, tees, and more for women and men at every fitness level. After being in business just a few short years, the company ranked number 98 in the Internet Retailer 2015 Top 500 Guide with revenues of $150 million. Although initially internet-based, Fabletics moved into brick-and-mortar retailing in 2015. It plans to open 75 to 100 stores by 2020.

a) Conduct your own research to learn more about Fabletics. Discuss how Fabletics is meeting customer needs through its value delivery network. What controversy surrounds the company?

b) What type of marketing channel is Fabletics using? What is its distribution strategy? Does opening brick- and-mortar stores make sense for Fabletics? Explain.

In: Operations Management

Please choose any company You are to decide on an organization that you want to evaluate....

Please choose any company

You are to decide on an organization that you want to evaluate. It is important that you have some knowledge of the inner workings of the company-- its struggles, its strengths, its culture, and so forth -- or have access to the organization to conduct interviews to collect the needed information. You will produce a written report. The paper should include the following sections:

1. Organization Background - Provide just enough details on the company for me to be able to understand the problem that will be described. Resist the urge to provide irrelevant details and feel free to omit or disguise any details that might be sensitive in nature.

2. Organizational Culture – Provide a brief description of the elements of the company’s culture in terms of artifacts, shared values, and shared assumptions.

3. Problem - Describe, specifically, number of problems that the company is struggling with that will serve as the focus of the paper. Resist the urge to discuss multiple problems (focus on one specific issue with which the organization is struggling). Be sure to focus on a problem that within the scope of this course.

4. Theoretical Lens - Choose one topic from the list below, and apply that topic to the problem. Describe very specifically how the concepts, principles, and findings represented in the topic matter to the problem, and how they can be leveraged to articulate a solution.

• Globalization

• Diversity

• Ethics

• Design and Culture

• Reward System

• Work Motivation Model

• influences

• Model of Emotions, Attitudes, and Behavior

• Decision making procedure

5. Recommendation – Provide a list (at least three) of very specific recommendations/action steps that flow out of the discussion of the topic and that can help solve the problem. In thinking about how to craft the topic into those recommendations, strike a balance between being practical and being bold. Every organization has key constraints (culture, organizational stakeholders, and competitive environment) that need to be taken into account when designing interventions. Although those should be considered, resist the urge to “play it safe”, as that tendency often leads to modest interventions that are ultimately ineffective.

In: Operations Management

Discuss the intangibility problem that facing by Maxis 2020(generality, abstractness,non-searchability, mental impalpability) and recommend a promotional...

Discuss the intangibility problem that facing by Maxis 2020(generality, abstractness,non-searchability, mental impalpability) and recommend a promotional method that can increase their sales. (and why u think it will work?, how u do it?) you can support by illustrating a storyboard.

min 500 words

In: Operations Management

In the Food Products Industry, what is the degree ( low, medium, high) for Porter’s Five...

  1. In the Food Products Industry, what is the degree ( low, medium, high) for Porter’s Five Forces Model?

What methodology was used to collect and analyze the data? (2) Did the source collect the data? (3) When was the data collected? (4) Why was the data originally collected?   (5) How dependable is the data's source?

In: Operations Management

Case Study: Uber Eats -Just in time Uber Eats is an online food-ordering app that was...

Case Study: Uber Eats -Just in time

Uber Eats is an online food-ordering app that was launched first in Los Angeles, USA in the year 2014. The company originally started as Uber Fresh and later changed its name to Uber Eats. Uber, which is a well-known ride-sharing app, based company decided to try their hand in delivering food as well because they believed it would be a good opportunity for them to diversify the brand into a different venture. Uber did not want to restrict itself in the terms of only mobilizing humans with its fleet of cabs but it also wanted to go ahead with the idea of mobilizing fresh food. Initially, Uber Eats started with delivering meals only during the lunchtime but with time they decided to change it as an app that delivers fresh food both during lunch and dinner times. When a customer orders food through Uber Eats, a well-trained Uber driver will deliver the ordered food in special lunch bags which keeps the food items as either very hot or very cold depending upon the food item. The customers can conveniently track the progress of their order on their mobile screen (Carson, 2016).

Reference: Consumption of online food app services: An exploratory study among college students in Dubai Karishma Sharma (1) Kareem Abdul Waheed (2) (1) MBA student at Institute of Management Technology, Dubai, UAE (2) Professor of Marketing at Institute of Management Technology, Dubai, UAE MIDDLE EAST JOURNAL OF BUSINESS - VOLUME 13, ISSUE 4 OCTOBER 2018

  1. Explain in detail how just in time approach works in Uber eats ( Food Delivery App).
  2. Do you agree that just in time will enhance the services of Uber eats? Justify your answer.
  3. How just in time approach will benefit the various stakeholders of app based food delivery system. Justify your answer.

In: Operations Management

What is the social dilemma for the service industry during a pandemic (Hair and Nail salons,...

What is the social dilemma for the service industry during a pandemic (Hair and Nail salons, Personal training, massage therapy)? replay to these two people , did you agree with them or not

this is a discussion question write your opinion.

1. For Employees

Probably the biggest social dilemma for service industry employees is just; do we keep serving the public even though it might be bad for everyone involved? This type of industry revolves around employees doing things for customers that involves touching them or being close to them; you can't really give a massage without touching them, getting your nails done involves being very close to another individual, etc.. Unfortunately, this pandemic is commonly spread through people touching each other, and being close together, and every news article and medical professional has spoken about the need and importance of social distancing.  So for workers in this industry the dilemma becomes, do I keep providing services because it is my job and how I get my paycheck, or do I stop providing services and lose revenue but I may be better able to protect myself and others? Many from the service industry are struggling to find the right answer, and many places have shut down, or suspended services for the time being. Unfortunately, if this pandemic continues in the long term, this will not be a solution and many places may have to shut their doors.

2. Customer/Consumer

Don't forget about the consumers. I typically get my hair cut this time of year. I personally want my hairstylist to be available. But I have to remember that:

1) There are lots of other people who normally get their hair cut, who haven't because she's closed so she may not be available for awhile after she is officially back open

2) My stylist has children and wants to protect them, plus her kids are home from school so she may not be able to leave them home alone

3) She will most likely have to sanitize everything in-between customers which adds time and might cause her to raise her prices. which could make me consider going to someone cheaper as I consider my expectations

As a consumer, I still have my expectations. (You really don't want me to cut my own hair) So I fight with myself about the fact COVID-19 isn't the plague but it also isn't the common cold. Being patient and letting my hair grow a little longer won't be the end of me.

This will end up being a time of going without creature comforts for awhile.

In: Operations Management

Do our personal ethics change with the anonymities we use online?

Do our personal ethics change with the anonymities we use online?

In: Operations Management

Applicants to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police must pass a written examination, an interview, and a...

Applicants to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police must pass a written examination, an interview, and a physical ability test before being accepted for basic training at the RCMP’s training center in Regina. As a federally regulated agency, the RCPM falls under the jurisdiction of the Employment Equity Act. Designed to further the employment of women, visible minorities, and other designated groups. The RCMP has had difficulty meeting recruiting targets of 20% women, 4.5% Aboriginal people, and 8.3% visible minorities that were set in compliance with the objectives of the Act. A review of testing data showed that Aboriginal peoples and visible minorities scored slightly lower than other groups ion the written tests and that 40-50% of women applicants fail the physical ability test, a rate considerably higher than that for men. In response to concerns over failing to meet its recruiting objectives, the RCMP undertook a revision of the examination, which assesses cognitive ability. The new test retains, “academic’ items related to composition and computation, but it also has new items in the form of scenarios that are directed at problem solving. The new questions are more job directed and operational in nature. The test items were rewritten to minimize the impact of different regional language styles to ensure that the questions are fair and equitable for all applicants. With respect to the physical ability test, women had particular difficulty with the upper body strength requirements. To deal with this problem, the RCMP instituted a six-week training pretraining in fitness program to help women prepare for the fitness test. It also revised the evaluation procedure. The following document provides information on the new physical ability requirement and provides information on how to prepare for the test.

que 1 . Design and describe a recruiting campaign to attract more women and visible-minority applicants to the RCMP.

oue 2 looks at another method that can be used to improve the number of minority applicants: banding. This procedure is also controversial. You may want to read that section now and discuss this as an option. How would the public likely react to using banding?

In: Operations Management