what is the fuction of these follwoing in Vector?
CMV promoter
SV 40 poly A
SV 40 origion
hGH poly A
f1 origion
gene X
T7 promter
ColE1 ori
M13 ori
In: Biology
Consider the principles you have been exposed to from the studies of Drosophila embryogenesis. This does NOT mean describe the stages of Drosophila embryogenesis. Another way to think of it is: taking into account what you’ve learned about Drosophila embryogenesis/development, what are some of the general rules or requirements of ALL development (not just Drosophila, but use Drosophila as an example in the supporting sentence.
an example would be Communication is essential. Could be between cells or between cells and the environment. This refers to the process of induction.
three principles that are simple and essential to Drosophila
In: Biology
using four good examples from different fields, discuss why a basic understanding of evolutionary biology has practical value for people who are not research biologists
In: Biology
A mutation replaces the original amino acid, leucine, with threonine in a large protein. The altered protein still functions, but less efficiently. What amino acid might replace leucine but with less effect on protein functions? What amino acid might replace leucine but with even a worse effect on the how the protein functions?
a) less effect if lysine; worse if alanine
b) less effect if methionine; worse if lysine
c) less effect if methionine; worse if alanine
d) less effect if glutamate; worse if lysine
e) less effect if lysine; worse if methionine
In: Biology
What is the purpose of 1% agarose gel electrophoresis? Why is TAE buffer used during this procedure?
In: Biology
The atmosphere acts as a reservoir
A Water cycle
B Carbon cycle
C Nitrogen cycle
D Phosphorus cycle
E None of them
F All cycles are correct.
In: Biology
I Have an assignment which is requiring to me to draw scientific correlations between 3-6 parameters of data collected.The data collected was in regards to BMI, height, weight, resting heart rates before and after exercise,Gender, wrist and waist circumference, postcode, air pollution and bushfires. For my scientific report and analysis I have decided to choose BMI and air pollution, but I don't know how to scatterplot or correlate the information valid for my investigation as there are so many variable to contribute to my correlation, for example BMI correlates with height, weight and gender and air pollution correlates with postcode, how do I collate all of this together to make clear correlations between BMI and Air pollution?
In: Biology
Outline (with words) the process of photosynthesis. Include the following forms of energy and molecules: sunlight; carbon dioxide; glucose (stored chemical energy); water; ATP; heat.
In: Biology
During Diabetic Ketosis when insulin is absent, fats are
released and processed by Beta-oxidation. Which of the following
statements are TRUE:
i) Acetyl-CoA reacts with oxaloacetate to create
alpha-ketoglutarate and processed by the TCA cycle;
ii) in the absence of insulin there is a depletion of oxaloacetate
and accumulation of Acetyl-CoA;
iii) Acetyl-CoA can feed into the formation ketone bodies and
excess ketone body production can lower blood pH in
In: Biology
In: Biology
Do every MHC class II molecule on a single dendritic cell present the same peptide fragment?
In: Biology
If steroids improve athletic performance and they occur naturally in our bodies, why is taking them any different from taking vitamin pills or other nutritional supplements? Consider the different roles that nutrients and hormones have in the human body and the systems they travel through? ( I will give 5 stars)
In: Biology
how sedentary lifestyle and loneliness affect the older people who are suffering from coronary heart disease and what are the solutions for getting out from it. and describe the policy which are suitable for older people for coronary heart disease. give a brief answer.
In: Biology
1. What are the Detection Methods for Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Protein?
In: Biology
Using the words below, explain this questions in a paragraph. According to the field of biology, what explains the variety of reproductive and survival strategies that have appeared and disappeared from living organisms (past and present) since the origin of life on earth? - Modern evolutionary synthesis - Natural selection - Adaptation - Fitness - Allele frequency - Mutation - Sexual selection - Gene pool - Scientific theory - Resources - Red Queen hypothesis - Non-random mating
In: Biology