To what extent, if any, can extrinsic motivations be
internalized? If extrinsic motivation is internalized, is...
To what extent, if any, can extrinsic motivations be
internalized? If extrinsic motivation is internalized, is it as
effective as intrinsic motivation? Why or why not?
Expert Solution
Extrinsic motivation is defined as performing a behavior or
engaging in an activity that prompts a reward or avoids reprimands
and/or punishments. Intrinsic motivation is defined as engrossed in
a behavior because it brings you satisfaction or is personally
rewarding (Chandler & Connell, 1987).
Chandler et al. (1987) posit that extrinsic behaviors can
internalized inherently because the behavior is a behavior that has
been taught and is expected. An example is like brushing your
teeth. There is no extrinsic or intrinsic motivation, but it is a
behavior that has been instilled in you.
Self-determination is synonymous to describing extrinsic and
intrinsic motivation. Self-determination is defined as a theory of
motivation that humans possess the desire to
Self-determination theory proposes that extrinsic motivation
varies in the degree to which it is autonomous depending on the
degree to which it has been internalized.
Activities that are not interesting (i.e., that are not
intrinsically motivating) require extrinsic motivation, so their
initial enactment depends on the perception of a contingency
between the behavior and a consequence such as the manager’s
approval or a tangible reward.
When so motivated, the activity is said to be externally
regulated that is, initiated and maintained by contingencies
external to the person (e.g., I work hard because I will be
rewarded for doing so).
This is the classic type of extrinsic motivation that was found
to undermine intrinsic motivation, and it is the prototype of being
controlled,that is, of being pressured to behave, think, or feel a
particular way.enhance and master their newly acquired
People are more likely to internalize extrinsic motivations
when authorities are autonomy-supportive, that is, when they take
subordinates’ perspectives, provide choice, and provide a
meaningful rationale when choice has to be limited.
Due to time limit,any remaining questions can be asked
as another qustion,they will be answered,thankyou for your
2. What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation? .Give your viewpoint on using extrinsic rewards.
3. Explain and give examples of needs theories.
4. Explain and give examples of the expectancy theory of
5. What are – based on Goal Setting Theory – the best kind of
What activities make you intrinsically motivated? Compare an
intrinsic motivation to an extrinsic motivation in your life. How
does engaging in intrinsic and extrinsic activities impact your
overall sense of well-being differently?
Research an example of an individual whom is intrinsically
motivated. Offer your peers a brief exploration of why you consider
their actions to be intrinsic in nature.
*Please include a link to the article you explored for your
Motivation is a force that energizes action. That force can be
internal (intrinsic), external (extrinsic), or both.
List and explain two intrinsic and two extrinsic motivators that
motivate you to be successful in school or your current
career/future career. Why do these things motivate you?
1. Describe intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. What are they? How
are they similar? How are they different?
2. Describe an example of each from your own life.
3. Assess which type of motivation you think is more important in
your daily activities. Why?
Our educational system is reducing the intrinsic motivation to
learn and replacing it with extrinsic motivation. Make an argument
for or against the statement above using examples from theories
learned in class and your everyday experience to support your
Research the terms Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation. Which
motivation method is preferred and should be best practice?
Identify one standard training topic and create a best practice
training plan for optimal motivation.
What is intrinsic and extrinsic motivation? when should you give
reward and praises to children and when should you not? should you
give reward or praises to encourage intrinsic motivation? why?