
In: Computer Science

Part 3 Write a C++ program that prompts the user for an Account Number(a whole number)....

Part 3

Write a C++ program that prompts the user for an Account Number(a whole number). It will then prompt the user for the initial account balance (a double). The user will then enter either w, d, or z to indicate the desire to withdraw an amount from the bank, deposit an amount or end the transactions for that account((accept either uppercase or lowercase). You must use a nested if statements instead of a Switch construct.

Test Run:

Enter the account number: 1

Enter the initial balance: 5000




(Z) to end account transaction

Enter first letter of transaction type (W, D or Z): w

Amount: $1000

Balance for this account is now: $4000.00




(Z) to end account transaction

Enter first letter of transaction type (W, D or Z): d

Amount: $500

Balance for this account is now: $4500.00




(Z) to end account transaction

Enter first letter of transaction type (W, D or Z): z

No more changes.

Balance for this account is now: $4500.00

Press any key to continue . . .


Expert Solution


using namespace std;

int main()
    int an; //account number
    cout << "Enter the account number: ";
    double ib;
    double bal=0;
    cout<<"Enter the initial balance: ";
    double amount;
    char ch;
        cout<<"\n(W)ithdrawal\n(D)eposit\n(Z) to end account transaction\nEnter first letter of transaction type (W, D or Z):";
        if(ch=='z' || ch=='Z') //if z entered print messages and exit
            cout<<"No more changes.\n";
            printf("Balance for this account is now: %.2f",bal);
            cout<<"\nPress any key to continue . . .";
        cout<<"Amount: $";
        if(ch=='w' || ch=='W')
            else // low balance 
                cout<<"balance is less than withdrawal amount";
        if(ch=='d' || ch=='D')
        printf("Balance for this account is now: $%.2lf",bal);
    return 0;

Terminal Work


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