1) What are the three types of plagiarism discussed in the textbook? Please explain each of...

1) What are the three types of plagiarism discussed in the textbook? Please explain each of them. Then, give a hypothetical example of each type of plagiarism – how a student might commit them while preparing a speech.

In: Psychology

Revise this paragraph, which I’d call a “rough draft” Clean it up. It should be 3rd...

Revise this paragraph, which I’d call a “rough draft” Clean it up. It should be 3rd person.      

Growing up my favorite vacations would always be to go camping. Because Camping is one of my all-time favorite things to do and still is to this day and I don’t think that will ever change. While camping, I love going on walks and seeing the beauty of the world around us that you normal don’t see in the everyday world. I really love the fresh air and smell of the pine trees and campfires. I love sitting around the campfire at night, smelling the burning wood, staring at the bright fire, looking up and being able to see all the bright stars in the dark sky, the stars you can’t seem to see and really enjoy in the city with all the different lights. I love the sounds you hear, the fire, people laughing and enjoying their families or just the complete silence away from the everyday world we live in. Camping is a very relaxing and peaceful. It can get you away from most things like technology. I also give you time to get physical activity in the fresh air. I love all the activities you can do while camping like swimming, fishing, canoeing, boating, boating was always some much fun and my favorite part was tubing. Having the water hit your face while spending through the water. Also, you can play board games and watching movies or just have family time when it’s raining outside. Vacations to the lake are like an escape from the outside world, and a chance to see nature and still have fun. My vacations to the lake will always remain memorable and special. I hope that one day I will be able to continue the tradition with my own family.

In: Psychology

Question 1 (1 point) Persons associated with the concept of free-will were: Question 1 options: all...

Question 1 (1 point)

Persons associated with the concept of free-will were:

Question 1 options:

all of the above

Jakobus Arminius

Hugo Grotius

John Wesley

Question 2 (1 point)

The idea that we cannot help but will and act the way we do is called:

Question 2 options:





Question 3 (1 point)

Ancient philosophers who believed in determinism were called:

Question 3 options:





Question 4 (1 point)

Calvinism includes which concept?

Question 4 options:



total depravity

all of the above

Question 5 (1 point)

Calvinism includes all points except:

Question 5 options:

unconditional election

irresistible grace

perseverance of the saints

unlimited atonement

Question 6 (1 point)

According to Molina, which was not included in the three kinds of knowledge God has?

Question 6 options:

knowledge of what could happen depending on how He acts

knowledge of what is logically true

knowledge of what must be true

knowledge of what must happen

Question 7 (1 point)

Open theism is defined as:

Question 7 options:

a clear way to critique the existence of God

God intentionally suspending his foreknowledge of what we will choose, so we are free

God being open to our suggestions about ethics

God’s prior determination of the future, as if we will be saved from his judgment or not

Question 8 (1 point)

The different approaches to the study of ethics include all but:

Question 8 options:





Question 9 (1 point)

Utilitariansim is a type of ethics based on:

Question 9 options:

excessive resources in the justice system

consequences and the greater good

publicly held power companies

Question 10 (1 point)

‘Moderation in all things’ is the explanation of what principle?

Question 10 options:

the golden arches

the golden rule

the gold standard

the golden mean

In: Psychology

You work in an organization that focuses on wine sales and marketing. Recently, there have been...

You work in an organization that focuses on wine sales and marketing. Recently,
there have been a number of complaints about a particular customer service
representative in terms of accuracy of wine knowledge shared with customers and
timeliness of work orders. Complete the four steps in the systems approach to
training and development. Specifically, consider these questions: (1) How will you
determine whether training is the answer? (2) What is a possible learning or training
objective you could identify? (3) What methods would you use to implement
training? (4) How would you evaluate if the training was effective?

In: Psychology

1. Describe one of the theories presented (such as the law of effect, conditioned reflexes, reinforcement,...

1. Describe one of the theories presented (such as the law of effect, conditioned reflexes, reinforcement, associated reflexes) to use in an experiment that you will design.

2. How does your chosen theory show roots in mechanism?

3. Take on the role of a behaviorist and pretend that you want to train a behavior into a dog or rabbit, such as laying down when they hear a buzzer, or coming to you when you wear a red shirt. Describe the desired behavior. Design an experiment in which you use this theory to train the behavior into your subject. Try to think more creatively than simply rewarding the animal for engaging in the behavior.

In: Psychology

Suppose that you know several women who earn lower salaries than comparable men in the same...

Suppose that you know several women who earn lower salaries than comparable men in the same company, yet they don’t seem very upset by the discrepancy. How would you explain why they are not angry? What similar process operates when a woman considers the gap in the amount of housework and child care that she and her husband perform?

Imagine that you are a 25-year-old woman and that you have decided to return to your former job after the birth of your first baby. Suppose that a neighbor tells you that your child will probably develop psychological problems if you work outside the home. Cite evidence to defend your decision.

In: Psychology

How relevant is the Maslow Theory to people in today’s society?

How relevant is the Maslow Theory to people in today’s society?

In: Psychology

1.      Which of the following is NOT an achieved status? a. Banker b. Student c. Father...

1.      Which of the following is NOT an achieved status?










Club President

In: Psychology

Explain why the sickle-cell gene does not benefit anyone in the United States, but if may...

Explain why the sickle-cell gene does not benefit anyone in the United States, but if may be very advantageous to someone living in rural Zambia, Africa.

In: Psychology

1. Why are all addiction counseling useful? (100 words at least.) 2. Why is National institute...

1. Why are all addiction counseling useful? (100 words at least.)

2. Why is National institute on drug Abuse is an effective assessment for counseling? (100 words at least)

In: Psychology

World literature... can a modern reader relate to Gilgamesh, Odysseus, Oedipus, Beowulf, Socrates or others.. any...

World literature...
can a modern reader relate to Gilgamesh, Odysseus, Oedipus, Beowulf, Socrates or others.. any relevant to a modern reader..

In: Psychology

Define/distinguish the difference concepts of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism. Provide and discuss an example of each...

Define/distinguish the difference concepts of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism. Provide and discuss an example of each concept.

In: Psychology

One way to reduce the agency problem is to understand what motivates the agents (managers)”. Discuss...

One way to reduce the agency problem is to understand what motivates the agents (managers)”. Discuss this statement using the Agency theory and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model.

In: Psychology

Religious Studies...not listed In appropriate depth and detail, and utilizing scholarly references, describe the basic characteristics...

Religious Studies...not listed

In appropriate depth and detail, and utilizing scholarly references, describe the basic characteristics of the Japanese religion known as Shinto, including but not limited to: its history, its primary beliefs, its criticisms, its practices, and its organization.

In: Psychology

What are the similarities between Friedman’s and Anderson’s accounts of freedom and markets? What are the...

What are the similarities between Friedman’s and Anderson’s accounts of freedom and markets? What are the central differences? Which account is most compelling? Defend your conclusion.

In: Psychology