1) Who is Zeus' mother and father in Hesiod's Theogony? 2) What does Kronos swallow instead...

1) Who is Zeus' mother and father in Hesiod's Theogony?

2) What does Kronos swallow instead of Zeus? That is, what object do they use to trick Kronos?

3) In 2-3 sentences, what does Prometheus do to anger Zeus in Hesiod's Theogony?

4) As best as you can tell, what is the familial relationship between Zeus and Prometheus? Like, what kind of relatives are they?

In: Psychology

What is the meaning of mill’s sociological theory?

What is the meaning of mill’s sociological theory?

In: Psychology

What are the 7 criteria for evaluating resources ? Explain each and how will use each...

What are the 7 criteria for evaluating resources ?

Explain each and how will use each when doing research?

In: Psychology

The first Jamestown settlers were wealthy gentlemen and soldiers looking for profit in the Americas. Who...

The first Jamestown settlers were wealthy gentlemen and soldiers looking for profit in the Americas. Who were indentured servants, what was their life like, and what were they promised?

In: Psychology

Assignment: Happiness Across the Life Span Purpose: Personalizing the shifting basis of happiness across the life...

Assignment: Happiness Across the Life Span

Purpose: Personalizing the shifting basis of happiness across the life span by connecting research/theory to experience.

Research concludes that no age or stage of life is happier than any other. The only thing that changes is the basis of happiness. For example what makes teens and the elderly happy are very different.  

1. If you compare yourself to your grandparents (or parents) would you agree with this general rule? Compare and contrast the basis of your own happiness with that of your grandparents or parents. What is similar? What is different?

2. Write a brief summary of

a) the difference between a pleasant affect-hedonic lifestyle of the young and a positive involvement-growth-related lifestyle of older adults, as described in the study by Kunzman and colleagues,

b) the major assumptions of socioemotional selectivity theory.  

3. To what extent do the two lifestyles described by Kunzman study “fit” and help explain the differences between you and your grandparents? Do you fit a hedonic and do your grandparents fit a growth-related lifestyle? Discuss and offer explanations and examples concerning of what fits and what does not.

4. To what extent does socioemotional selectivity theory “fit” and help explain the differences between you and your grandparents? Discuss and offer explanations and examples concerning what fits and what does not.

In: Psychology

A specific test that a researcher could perform in order to determine if a child is...

A specific test that a researcher could perform in order to determine if a child is egocentric would be to

In: Psychology

Topic: Art Is there a specific time period and artist you prefer? What is the reason...

Topic: Art Is there a specific time period and artist you prefer? What is the reason for your decision?

In: Psychology

"Purchasing animal products requires unnecessary participation in the systematic exploitation and cruelty of sentient beings. Therefore,...

"Purchasing animal products requires unnecessary participation in the systematic exploitation and cruelty of sentient beings. Therefore, we should never purchase animal products."

Choose the unstated premise that best completes the argument in quotes.

Question 21 options:

Cows, pigs, sheep, and chickens are all capable of suffering

Sentient beings are living things that not only feel pain but can suffer

We should never participate in the systematic exploitation and cruelty of sentient beings

Hunting animals would avoid exploitation and cruelty

In: Psychology

Based on Chabris’ findings, would you say that genetics or environment is more important in the...

Based on Chabris’ findings, would you say that genetics or environment is more important in the determination of IQ?

In: Psychology

For this assignment, first provide a detailed description for each of the following topics. Topics Group...

For this assignment, first provide a detailed description for each of the following topics.


Group behavior

Organizational behavior

Attraction or intimacy



Prejudice and stereotypes


Applied social psychology

In: Psychology

We say we live in a world where we don't talk about sex -- but Foucault...

We say we live in a world where we don't talk about sex -- but Foucault disagrees, Is sexuality a social construction? What evidence is there either way?

In: Psychology

English As many have discussed how each of the poems you have read is subject to...


As many have discussed how each of the poems you have read is subject to the relationship of Rising Action, Climax and Falling Action. Please explain how the climactic moment in each of the epic poems you have read (Gilgamesh, Odyssey) leads to a reversal and the so-called falling action of the poems. To answer this, you need to explain when the Climax occurs in each poem, how it reverses actions and events and eventually shapes the main characters’ fate in the falling action of the poem. Write separately for each poem. Start with Gilgamesh, then The Odyssey. About 100-200 words for each case.

In: Psychology

Define the term attachment, how are the topics and what is their importance for the stage...

Define the term attachment, how are the topics and what is their importance for the stage of the stage childhood.

In: Psychology

Calvinists had a disproportionate influence in shaping the future culture of the United States. What are...

Calvinists had a disproportionate influence in shaping the future culture of the United States. What are the two of the key features of Calvinism and briefly describe and discuss two specific ways in which Calvinism influenced the development of American religion, politics, and culture.

In: Psychology

explain and discuss Glasser's Choice Theory with examples

explain and discuss Glasser's Choice Theory with examples

In: Psychology