Describe smooth transitions and the learnings available to children during transitions.

Describe smooth transitions and the learnings available to children during transitions.

In: Psychology

Define punishment and offer a convincing argument against its use with children.

Define punishment and offer a convincing argument against its use with children.

In: Psychology

What are important differences between hunger and sexual arousal, and in what ways do thes differences...

What are important differences between hunger and sexual arousal, and in what ways do thes differences reflect the biological needs that hunger and sexual arousal have been evolved to address?

In: Psychology

1. What is intelligence? Describe the WISC-IV intelligence test. Write 1 paragraph. Describe Howard Gardner’s multiple...

1. What is intelligence? Describe the WISC-IV intelligence test. Write 1 paragraph. Describe Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences. Describe Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence. Compare and contrast these 3 different ways of examining intelligence. Write 1 paragraph.

2.   Self-esteem decreases for girls and boys in Middle Childhood. Why?

3. Describe different educational experiences for adolescents across cultures. How are educational experiences different in different countries for adolescents?

4.   Describe adolescent egocentrism. How does the “imaginary audience” and “the personal fable” influence the adolescent’s self-esteem? Demonstrate your understanding of these concepts in your explanation.

5. Describe Lev Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development. Include a description of the zone of proximal development and scaffolding.

6. Describe Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. How is this different from the Worldview Theory?

7. Apply Erik Erikson's stages to each of the following developmental stages: Toddlerhood, Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, and Adolescence.?

In: Psychology

please,... Por qué los grupos a menudo no logran alcanzar su potencial? ¿Cuáles son algunas estrategias...


Por qué los grupos a menudo no logran alcanzar su potencial?

¿Cuáles son algunas estrategias para mejorar la efectividad y el rendimiento del grupo?

300 words minimum.

Why do groups often fail to achieve their potential?

What are some strategies for improving group effectiveness and performance

In: Psychology

What is the difference between Intrinstic and Extrinsic motivation? What do both refer to? How are...

What is the difference between Intrinstic and Extrinsic motivation? What do both refer to? How are they similar and different?

In: Psychology

Some of the properties of sexual arousal vary across maies and females. Can you think of...

Some of the properties of sexual arousal vary across maies and females. Can you think of other drive states that affect males and females differently? Are there drive states that might vary with other differences in humans(e.g.,age)?

In: Psychology

Why does midlife health predict health through the rest of the lifespan? Consider all of the...

Why does midlife health predict health through the rest of the lifespan? Consider all of the factors that contribute to health in midlife. Which are likely to continue? Are there some generalizations we can make about healthy people in midlife that distinguish them from unhealthy people? Given what you've learned about human evolution and human origins, why would midlife health matter so much?

In: Psychology

Explain what is meant by formal operational thinking. How does it differ from operational thinking? How...

Explain what is meant by formal operational thinking. How does it differ from operational thinking? How does the educational system require and perpetuate this mode of thinking? What, in your opinion, are strengths and weaknesses of formal operational thought?

In: Psychology

1) Do you believe that physician-assisted suicide should be legalized nationally? Why or why not? Response...

1) Do you believe that physician-assisted suicide should be legalized nationally? Why or why not? Response

needs to be a minimum of 100 words.

2) A "bucket list" includes experiences or accomplishments that an individual hopes to have or achieve by the end of life. What are at least three things you want to have or do before the end of your life? Response needs to be a minimum of 100 words.

In: Psychology

Define the difference between afrocentric leadership and eurocentric leadership

Define the difference between afrocentric leadership and eurocentric leadership

In: Psychology

What is one thing about copyright law that people should be more aware of as they...

What is one thing about copyright law that people should be more aware of as they proceed into a career and why it's important.

In: Psychology

Which perspective on how to decide matters of sexual morality is most convincing to you: Utilitarianism,...

  1. Which perspective on how to decide matters of sexual morality is most convincing to you: Utilitarianism, Kantianism, or Natural Law? Why? If you believe that more than one of these three (or any other perspective) ought to be used to judge sexual behavior, which do you consider most important? Why?
  2. Is there such a thing as sexual perversion? What would you mean by that?

In: Psychology

What are the steps in the Juvenile Justice process?

What are the steps in the Juvenile Justice process?

In: Psychology

what significant challenges exist with crime reporting and how can these challenges be overcome?

what significant challenges exist with crime reporting and how can these challenges be overcome?

In: Psychology