Identify at least one personal trouble that is commonly associated with city living, explain how and...

Identify at least one personal trouble that is commonly associated with city living, explain how and why this personal trouble might become a public issue and offer a solution to address this problem.

In: Psychology

What were the major social groups within southern white society? Why was each group committed to...

What were the major social groups within southern white society? Why was each group committed to the continuation and expansion of slavery?

In: Psychology

In general, do you think personality indicators are good or poor predictors of an individual’s behavior?...

In general, do you think personality indicators are good or poor predictors of an individual’s behavior? In the case of conformity, who conforms? Identify two personal characteristics that are important to understanding who conforms.

In: Psychology

In Chapter 1, our text addresses five psychological perspectives or schools of thought: psychodynamic or psychoanalytic,...

In Chapter 1, our text addresses five psychological perspectives or schools of thought: psychodynamic or psychoanalytic, behaviorism, humanistic, neuroscience, and cognitive. These perspectives greatly influence how psychologists approach their work and interpret their research findings. Which perspective(s) do you agree with and why or which do think would be most effective? Be sure to include the issue of human behavior in your discussion and provide a real life application of your viewpoint.

In: Psychology

When we are making a claim, we must support that position with sufficient evidence. We can...

When we are making a claim, we must support that position with sufficient evidence. We can find that evidence in journals, articles, experiments, experiences, and more. What is the reason for having sufficient evidence? You want to sway the reader to see the topic from your point of view. In order to do this, you must have convincing, reliable, and credible evidence. Why should your evidence be convincing, reliable, and credible? What might happen if your evidence does not come across as reliable or credible? Why would this matter to your audience? Please aim for min. 100 words long post.

In: Psychology

Whether or not there is a direct link, who should be responsible for determining the safety...

Whether or not there is a direct link, who should be responsible for determining the safety of the public? Is this the scientific community’s issue, the business’s (such as the cell phone manufacturers) responsibility, or the government's concern? And what type of proof do we need before justifying spending large sums of money on research??

In: Psychology

Can you imagine a future in the United States where members of our society would be...

Can you imagine a future in the United States where members of our society would be truly color blind; that is accepting people based on their personality and character instead of their race or ethnicity and the preconceived stereotypes associated with them? Explain how this might become possible (please be clear and detailed)

In: Psychology

Sigmund Freud was the first to theorize about ego defense mechanisms. Many defense mechanisms are self-deceptive...

Sigmund Freud was the first to theorize about ego defense mechanisms. Many defense mechanisms are self-deceptive strategies utilized to ward off anxiety that is deemed too threatening to confront. Below is a list of some defense mechanisms.

- denial

- rationalization

- reaction formation

- displacement

- regression

- projection

- repression

- suppression

- rationalization

- compensation

- conversion

- avoidance

- acting out

- acceptance

- dissociation

- fantasy

- humility

- humor

- passive aggression

- idealisation

- identification

Select one from the list above, or, the list on the link below. Define and exemplify it. Is it conscious, or, unconscious? Explain why it is an effective, or, ineffective way of dealing with anxiety. Is its effective value different for long-term vs. short-term coping?

In: Psychology

Can you think of other rituals in society that reflect an affinity or longing for more...

Can you think of other rituals in society that reflect an affinity or longing for more tribal times?(Hint: Have you ever pledged a fraternity or sorority, gone to a wedding, or attended a football game?) Do TV shows like Survivor show a longing for more tribal times? After all, they even use tribal names for the competing teams.

In: Psychology

List and give an example of 5 of the 6 indicators of abnormality

List and give an example of 5 of the 6 indicators of abnormality

In: Psychology

In approximately 350 words, please answer the following question(s): What is the primary difference between a...

In approximately 350 words, please answer the following question(s):

What is the primary difference between a moral theory and a moral code? Have your personal, everyday ethical decisions been based upon a particular moral code or moral theory? If so, what code or theory? And finally, what reasons/factors led to your adoption of that particular moral code or moral theory?


In approximately 350 words, please answer the following question(s):

Would you describe your personal approach to morality as primarily consequentialist, nonconsequentialist, or some combination of both? What reasons do you have for adopting this particular approach? Please explain.

In: Psychology

Can a terrorist also be a criminal? Can a criminal be a terrorist Why or why...

Can a terrorist also be a criminal? Can a criminal be a terrorist Why or why not?

In: Psychology

Many theorists highlight the importance of perception (or how one thinks about the self and others)...

Many theorists highlight the importance of perception (or how one thinks about the self and others) when considering the adjustment of adolescents. Using the ideas of Bowlby, Garbarino, and Selman, describe how immature or skewed perceptions can explain difficulties that many adolescents experience. Your answer should highlight each theorist’s ideas about why immature or skewed perceptions can lead to problematic behavior and/or relationships.

In: Psychology

How important are factors such as age, education, race, ethnicity, social class, gender, and religion in...

How important are factors such as age, education, race, ethnicity, social class, gender, and religion in your choice of someone for a serious relationship? To what extent are (were) you conscious of such influences when you pick (picked) someone to date? Minimum length is 200 words

In: Psychology

what are the goal or outcome when using paraphrasing in therapy and give an example.

what are the goal or outcome when using paraphrasing in therapy and give an example.

In: Psychology