Identify the sustainable development principles applicable to sustainable construction. Explain how construction industry is impacting the...

Identify the sustainable development principles applicable to sustainable construction. Explain how construction industry is impacting the environment?

In: Civil Engineering

A 100-mL water sample is collected from the activated sludge process of municipal wastewater treatment. The...

A 100-mL water sample is collected from the activated sludge process of municipal wastewater treatment. The sample is placed in a drying dish (weight = 0.5000 g before the sample is added), and then placed in an oven at 104°C until all the moisture is evaporated. The weight of the dried dish is recorded as 0.5625 g. A similar 100-mL sample is filtered and the 100-mL liquid sample that passes through the filter is collected and placed in another drying dish (weight of dish before sample is added is also 0.5000 g). This sample is dried at 104°C and the dried dish’s weight is recorded as 0.5325 g. Determine the concentration (in mg/L) of:

(a) total solids,

(b) total dissolved solids,

(c) total suspended solids, and

(d) volatile suspended solids, (Assume that VSS = 0.7 x TSS.)

In: Civil Engineering

A power plant release a grey smog plume that contains high concentration of sulphur dioxide into...

A power plant release a grey smog plume that contains high concentration of sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere around 8am in the morning.

The plume spread out horizontally but do not mix vertically.

From the observation, the plume does not reach the ground level and extend downwind from the source for long-distance.

(a)   Using an illustration, identify the type of plume produced

(b)   Explain the factor that contributes to the formation of this plume?

In: Civil Engineering

A cantilever beam AB is 4 m long and is fully restrained at the left support...

A cantilever beam AB is 4 m long and is fully restrained at the left support A. The beam is loaded with a uniform load of 600 N/m over a length of 2 m from the free end together with a clockwise couple of magnitude 4800 N-m at the tip B. Determine the maximum moment.

a. 3600 N-m

b. 8400 N-m

c. 1200 N-m

d. 5200 N-m

In: Civil Engineering

Illustrate your opinion related to the number of subcontracts that are required to construct residential buildings...

Illustrate your opinion related to the number of subcontracts that are required to construct residential buildings as opposed to the number of subcontracts that are required for heavy construction projects

In: Civil Engineering

A sound source, from the nearby construction site, repeatedly makes a sound for 5 minutes, at...

A sound source, from the nearby construction site, repeatedly makes a sound for 5 minutes, at the frequency of 125 Hz, and then stops for 10 minutes. The noise source is emitting noise in the evening hours during the working days. The source is located in the corner of two flat surfaces perpendicular to each other, as shown in figure below. The recorded sound level 100 m away from the point source is 56 dB. The sound level was recorded using Z-weighting network. 1000 m away from the point source, there is a village as noise sensitive receiver (NSR). The noise level at the NSR is noticeable, but not dominant feature of the noise climate (indirectly affected).
Will the Leq (20 min) received by the NSR during the evening exceed 65dB?

In: Civil Engineering

Derive the different relationships among the properties of the soil. I have good knowledge but I...

Derive the different relationships among the properties of the soil.

I have good knowledge but I want to see the derivations at once.

Note: Please don't write the names of the properties. Symbolic representation is enough.

If I like the answer I will give a like(thumbsup) for sure. Otherwise ready for dislike.

In: Civil Engineering

The creation of the US Interstate Highway System was the single action that most changed the...

The creation of the US Interstate Highway System was the single action that most changed the face of America after the World War II.

T or F

In: Civil Engineering

Your firm has been asked to evaluate the "risk" of removing drums of acid from a...

Your firm has been asked to evaluate the "risk" of removing drums of acid from a waste lagoon that contains cyanide. The following data have been provided to you: Volume of air in which occupants live = 1 X 108 m3 Wind speed = calm Number of drums = 10 Volume of each drum = 0.02m3 Contents of drums: HCl at a concentration of 10% by mass Anticipated reaction : HCl + NaCN --> HCN(g) + NaCl RfC for HCN = C X 10 -3 mg . m-3 Assuming 100% of the HCl will react from HCN, estimate the hazard index and indicate whether or not the residents should be evacuated while the drums are being removed.

In: Civil Engineering

what are the consideration and the requirements of the environmental part that should be taken when...

what are the consideration and the requirements of the environmental part that should be taken when designing a bridge over a river in regards to the feasibility study.

As I am required to write a feasibility study about the environmental when designing the bridge over a river connecting two residential areas.

In: Civil Engineering

What are the subjects (field and laboratory data) that would go as enclosure with the geotechnical...

What are the subjects (field and laboratory data) that would go as enclosure with the geotechnical report for assisting design purposes?

In: Civil Engineering

Find the required rectangular cross-sectional area for a tied reinforced concrete column which should support a...

Find the required rectangular cross-sectional area for a tied reinforced concrete column which should support a load of 300 tons. Use 4000 psi concrete, ultimate steel stress of 60,000 psi and 4% steel.

In: Civil Engineering

Contractor performed considerable work on a project. Owner then became insolvent, leaving Contractor unpaid. Contractor tried...

Contractor performed considerable work on a project. Owner then became insolvent, leaving Contractor unpaid. Contractor tried to recover payment from the undisbursed construction loan proceeds being held by Owner's bank. Contractractor argued that it was a beneficiary of the loan agreement between bank and Owner. Bank refused to make payment.


Do you agree with the Contractor's argument? Does the bank have any contractual obligation to disburse the unused loan to the contractor? How would you prevent this kind of financial risk?

In: Civil Engineering

A horizontal curve has a deflection angle delta equal to 7° 01’ 24” a degree of...

A horizontal curve has a deflection angle delta equal to 7° 01’ 24” a degree of curvature equal to 2° 00’ , and a PI station of 57 + 36.56. Using conventional U.S. units, compute the curve data and the PC and PT stations. Using conventional U.S. units, compute the deflection angles (in degrees, minutes, and seconds) at even 100 ft stations for the curve.

Please explain how you calculate the deflection angle with details.

In: Civil Engineering

Estimate the total cost for furnishing and installing standard size brick (6.75 bricks/SF) in a running...

Estimate the total cost for furnishing and installing standard size brick (6.75 bricks/SF) in a running bond pattern for the above referenced building 300 feet long, 200 feet wide and 12 feet high. Calculate only the brick units and the mortar required.

a. Total area of wall openings: 650 SF

b. Brick waste factor: 5%

c. Mortar required per 100 SF: 7.2CF/CSF

d. Mortar waste factor: 40% e. Productivity Rates: 12.0 Mason-hours/1000 brick and 13.0 Laborer-hours/1000 brick

f. Wage Rates: Masons – $28.00/hr and Laborers - $22.00/hr

g. Material Costs: Brick - $615/M and Mortar - $140/CY








In: Civil Engineering