Talk about Water Supply system and how it works and how its useful for use in...

Talk about Water Supply system and how it works and how its useful for use in 2 typed pages long in word.dox, you may provide pictures

In: Civil Engineering

Consider the contribution of the Romans to modern day water and wastewater engineering practice. Provide a...

Consider the contribution of the Romans to modern day water and wastewater engineering practice. Provide a summary of the key engineering concepts developed by the Roman public health engineers?

In: Civil Engineering

Explain various types of spikes with a neat sketchs.

Explain various types of spikes with a neat sketchs.

In: Civil Engineering

Q1- What is the difference between centric and eccentric footings? How would they be used? Q2-...

Q1- What is the difference between centric and eccentric footings? How would they be used?

Q2- In addition to isolated footings, what are some other types of footings, and how/where are they used?

include the Harvard style reference for each answer.

In: Civil Engineering

history of steel structures ?

history of steel structures ?

In: Civil Engineering

Circle the correct answer of the following (True/False) Groundwater flows faster that surface water (T/F) Water...

  1. Circle the correct answer of the following (True/False)
    1. Groundwater flows faster that surface water (T/F)
    2. Water table is the locus of points where water pressure is zero relative pressure (T/F)
    3. Aquiclude is a synonym to confining layer (T/F)
    4. Perched water table is a water table that forms below a restrictive layer near the soil surface (T/F)
    5. In confined aquifer, hydraulic gradient equals to the slope of the piezometric surface (T/F)
    6. In unconfined aquifer, hydraulic gradient is the water deriving force and equals to slope of water table surface (T/F)
    7. oceans lose more water by evaporation than they gain by precipitation (T/F)
    8. Land surfaces receive more water as precipitation than they lose by evapotranspiration (T/F)
    9. Residence time of lakes is lower than that in rivers (T/F)
    10. Residence time is the time required to replace a given ocean constituent by river supply (T/F)
    11. Residence time tells how quickly or slowly a river constituent can respond to a change in the constituent supply or removal rates (T/F)

In: Civil Engineering

Explain the necessity of gradients. Discuss all types of gradients giving their permissible values adopted on...

Explain the necessity of gradients. Discuss all types of gradients giving their permissible values adopted on Indian Railways.

In: Civil Engineering

For a closed- loop leveling measurement, if the misclosure error C is 9 mm, the travel...

For a closed- loop leveling measurement, if the misclosure error C is 9 mm, the travel distance ( the perimeter of the leveling loop) K is 2000 meters, please determine the order of leveling accuracy?

In: Civil Engineering

According to our book race and racism, Answer prompt in two paragraph each A) What is...

According to our book race and racism, Answer prompt in two paragraph each

A) What is “ Racial Formation “ and what are some examples of “ Racial project”?
B) Please describe the difference between Racial “democracy” and racial” dictatorship “?
C) How do you think Omi and Winant would describe the current racial climate of the united statess ? Why? please provide Example / evidence from the readings.

In: Civil Engineering

Identify the significance of the egg shaped ovoid sewer design and discuss the development of sewer...

Identify the significance of the egg shaped ovoid sewer design and discuss the development of sewer design and construction that led to the present day solutions?

In: Civil Engineering

Most of the time contractors bear most of the consequences in a project. What are some...

Most of the time contractors bear most of the consequences in a project. What are some consequences that clients have to face during projects that contractors do not face?

In: Civil Engineering

Figure Q1 shows a double-inclined plane supporting two blocks M1 and M2 which have masses 12...

Figure Q1 shows a double-inclined plane supporting two blocks M1 and M2 which have masses 12 kg and 70 kg respectively. The system is released from rest in the position shown and the kinetic coefficient of friction between block M2 and the rough plane is ?? = 0.4.

i) Compute the tension and acceleration of the blocks.

ii) Using impulse-momentum method, determine the time taken when M2 reaches a speed of 2 m/s.

In: Civil Engineering

Write about the solutions implemented for road safety and media reporting in Lebanon

Write about the solutions implemented for road safety and media reporting in Lebanon

In: Civil Engineering

1)The stress on the circular footing of 6 m diameter due to column load is 200...

1)The stress on the circular footing of 6 m diameter due to column load is 200 kPa at the level of the footing i.e., z = 0 m. Calculate the vertical stress at a depth of 2 m, 4 m and 6 m below the central line of the footing and at edge of the footing. Also, draw the pressure bulb for 10% intensity of the applied in conventional graph sheet .

2)There are two borrowing areas ‘A’ and ‘B’ which have soils with void ratios of 0.8 and 0.7 respectively. The inplace water content is 20% and 15% respectively. The fill at the end of the construction will have a total volume of 10,000 m3, bulk density of 2000 kg/m3 and a placement water content of 22%. Determine the volume of soil required to be excavated from both areas. Assume that the specific gravity of the soils at site ‘A’ and site ‘B’ is 2.65 If the cost of excavation of soil and its transportation from the borrow area to the construction site is Rs 200 per every 100 m3 of soil for Area A and Rs 220 per every 100 m3 of soil for area B, which of the borrow area is more economical and justify your answer with detailed calculations

In: Civil Engineering

a)A route within an urban setting has three signalized intersections in series and at maximum intervals...

a)A route within an urban setting has three signalized intersections in series and at maximum intervals of 50m from one intersection to the next. During peak periods, there is backflow of traffic from one intersection to the previous. As a Traffic Engineer, what cost effective measure will you propose to alleviate this problem and how will you achieve it? It should be noted that physical improvements such as relocation of intersection, lane widening, channelization, etc. cannot be considered as options.

b) Most of the traffic signal systems used in Ghana are pre-timed signals. There are instances where phases with high traffic volumes have green times lower than phases with low traffic volumes. What could account for this signal timing deficiency and what can be done to rectify it? (AN,5)

In: Civil Engineering