An existing 36-inch diameter concrete gravity sewer installed on a slope of 0.25% currently conveys a...

An existing 36-inch diameter concrete gravity sewer installed on a slope of 0.25% currently conveys a peak flow rate of 12 cfs. A builder proposes to connect a new residential development to this existing sewer. Projected peak flow from this new development is 4 cfs.

a) Depth of flow in sewer before new development is connected

b) Depth of flow in sewer after new development is connected

c) Flow velocity in sewer after new development is connected

d) Flow type (critical, subcritical or supercritical) after new development is connected

e) Diameter of a sewer to convey combined peak flow of 16 cfs if maximum allowable D/d is 0.85 (i.e. assume you are designing new sewer on the same 0.25% slope)

Please show all work. Thank you so much in advance!

In: Civil Engineering

Sketch a 5 kg thin flat uniform homogeneous square plate of side 600 mm, with a...

Sketch a 5 kg thin flat uniform homogeneous square plate of side 600 mm, with a circular opening of radius 100 mm. Determine the area and the mass moments of inertia about the center of mass.

In: Civil Engineering

A concrete mix is required for reinforced concrete wave breaker at seashore where frequent mild freezing...

A concrete mix is required for reinforced concrete wave breaker at seashore where frequent mild freezing and thawing is dominant. A specified compressive strength of 25 MPa is required at the age of 28 days, and the size of the section and reinforcement dictate using a maximum aggregate size of 19 mm. The company had no history of testing concrete used. The coarse aggregate meets the ASTM grading requirements. It has absorption of 2%, a BSG (D) of 2.70 and a unit weight of 1550 kg/m3. The fine aggregates have absorption of 1%, a BSG (D) of 2.7 and a fineness modulus of 2.7. Both coarse and fine aggregates are used while dry. For each bag of cement (50 kg); calculate the number of containers of coarse and fine aggregate equivalent to required mass quantities. The volume of each container is 20 liters; and the loose density of the coarse and fine aggregates are 1250 and 1200 kg/m3, respectively.

In: Civil Engineering

What are building integrated micro wind turbines? explain how you will use them in a beach...

What are building integrated micro wind turbines? explain how you will use them in a beach resort (Hotel, ex- Millenium beach resort) project.

In: Civil Engineering

Discuss remediation verification storage.

Discuss remediation verification storage.

In: Civil Engineering

A small city is situated on the countryside. Upstream form the city is a dam that...

A small city is situated on the countryside. Upstream form the city is a dam that provides the city's water supply. If the dam was overtopped by water, then the dam would fail and all of the water would flood through the city. There is also a danger that the dam might collapse when it is full of water and cause it to fail, also flooding the city.

A) Draw a fault tree for the head event “Dam fails and floods the town” using the following basic events The possibility of dam collapse is (P=0.01)

There is a weakness in the dam that would allow collapse to cause the dam to fail (P=0.1).

Storm occurs that overtops the dam provided that it is mostly full (P=0.002)

Storm occurs that will overtop the dam no matter how full the dam is (P=0.0004)

Dam is mostly full (P=0.4).

B) Determine the probability that the dam will fail and flood the town. For the hours of daylight (assume 12 hours on average) there is someone working at the dam who could send a warning to the city if the dam failed.

There is an 80% probability that this person would be able to get the message to the city in time to evacuate. If the dam failed during the night no one would see it, but there is a 60% chance that the weather conditions would be such that the noise of the dam breaking could be heard by someone in the city and give them enough warning to evacuate everybody.

However, every Saturday night the city has a large party, and nobody would be able to hear if the dam failed anyway.

C) Draw an event tree that can be used to determine the conditional probability that the city will receive warning in time to evacuate.

D) Determine this conditional probability of receiving the warning on time.

E) What is the overall probability that the town will be flooded without an evacuation occurring? Hint: consider your answer for (b).

In: Civil Engineering

Why is precise stability analysis of slopes difficult to predict? What is the difference between the...

Why is precise stability analysis of slopes difficult to predict?

What is the difference between the Stability Number method and the Method of Slices?

In: Civil Engineering

A strip footing 2.5 m wide is loaded on the ground surface with a pressure equal...

A strip footing 2.5 m wide is loaded on the ground surface with a pressure equal to 175 kPa. Calculate the stress distribution at depths of 2.5, 7.5 and 12.5 m under the center of the footing. If the footing rested on a normally consolidated cohesive layer whose Cc was 0.612 and whose e0 was 1.35 , estimate the settlement of the footing. Assume S = 100%,γ’ = 7.5 kN/m3 , and the total clay layer thickness beneath the footing = 15 m.

In: Civil Engineering

Explain how the use of a shear key below a retaining wall foundation would provide resistance...

Explain how the use of a shear key below a retaining wall foundation would provide resistance against sliding. How would you as a designer account and quantify the resistance developed by the use of a shear key? Finally, why is the contribution of the shear key so significant for such a small addition?

In: Civil Engineering

The following data are obtained from the current meter gauging of a stream, at a gauging...

  1. The following data are obtained from the current meter gauging of a stream, at a gauging station. Compute the stream discharge using mean section method.

Distance from one end of water surface (m)

depth of water(d) , (m)

Immersion of current meter below water surface (m)

depth (m)

























































Rating equation of current meter: v = 0.2 N + 0.04, where N = rev./sec, v = velocity (m/sec).                                                                              

In: Civil Engineering

The following are average operating data from a secondary activated sludge: Wastewater flow = 29160 m3/d...

The following are average operating data from a secondary activated sludge:

Wastewater flow = 29160 m3/d

Vol. of aeration tanks = 8400 m3

Influent SS = 120 mg/L Influent BOD5 = 170 mg/L

Effluent SS = 22 mg/L Effluent BOD5 = 20 mg/L

Volatile fraction of mixed liquor and effluent suspended solids is 0.65.

Mixed liquor suspended solids = 2500 mg/L

Waste sludge flow = 200 m3/d SS in Waste sludge = 9800 mg/L

Determine the following:

Aeration period, Food to micro-organisms in kg BOD/kg MLVSS /d, Volumetric BOD Loading ,Sludge age ,Observed yield in gVSS/g BOD5 ,True yield in gVSS/g BOD5 assuming a kd of 0.05 d-1 ,Daily oxygen demand

In: Civil Engineering

Please determine the dimensions and air flowrate required for a 3m deep aerated grit chamber designed...

Please determine the dimensions and air flowrate required for a 3m deep aerated grit chamber designed to remove 70% of 0.02 cm diameter sand [specific gravity = 2.65] at 20ºC. Assume that only particles of 0.001 cm will be scoured away. The wastewater flow rate is 10000 m3/d. Use a b of 0.04 and f of 0.03 for calculations.

In: Civil Engineering

Consider   a   vapour   compression   refrigeration   cycle   that   uses   R-134a   as   refrigerant.   The   R-134a   enter

Consider   a   vapour   compression   refrigeration   cycle   that   uses   R-134a   as   refrigerant.   The   R-134a   enters   the   compressor   as   a   saturated   vapour   at   200   kPa,   and   exits   the   condenser   as   a   saturated   liquid   at   900   kPa.   The   rate   of   refrigeration   of   the   cycle   is   to   be   6.0   tons   of   refrigeration   (1   ton   of   refrigeration   =   3.517   kW).   The   compressor   isentropic   efficiency   is   80%.   Determine:   a) The   temperature   of   evaporation   and   condensation   of   the   refrigerant;   b) Mass   flow   of   the   refrigerant   R-134a,   in   kg/min;   c) Coefficient   of   Performance   (COP)   of   the   refrigeration   cycle.   Typical   vapour   compression   refrigeration   systems   use   a   throttling   valve   (or   an   orifice   tube,   or   a   capillary   tube)   to   reduce   the   liquid   refrigerant’s   pressure.   This   is   a   highly   irreversible   process.   If   the   cycle   efficiency   is   to   be   improved   by   replacing   the   throttle   with   a   rotary   expander   with   70%   isentropic   efficiency,       d) What   is   the   new   COP?   The   expander   delivers   its   work   developed   to   the   compressor.  

In: Civil Engineering

Plan and write a 4-or 5-paragraph problem/solution essay, including A clear outline with emphasis on a...

  • Plan and write a 4-or 5-paragraph problem/solution essay, including
  • A clear outline with emphasis on a focused and specific thesis statement and a topic sentence for each paragraph
  • Describe a problem and suggest 2 solutions (in 2 paragraphs) to overcome it
  • it is an assignment for general English It is better if the subject is outside of engineering. I asked for help in the wrong field because I want to get the full degree and I have a study for the test and I do not have time to do it myself

In: Civil Engineering

A field test is conducted in a confined aquifer by pumping a constant discharge of 14.9...

A field test is conducted in a confined aquifer by pumping a constant discharge of 14.9 m3/hr from 20-cm-diameter well. After an approximate steady state is reached, a drawdown of 0.98 m is measured in the pumped well. Also measured are drawdowns of 0.73 m, 0.65 m, 0.60 m, and0.57 m, respectively, at 8.0 m, 30.0 m, 80.0 m, and 132 m from the pumped well. Determine the transmissivity of this aquifer. Also, determine how far away from the well you must be before the drawdown becomes less than 0.45 m.

In: Civil Engineering