A series of consolidated, undrained triaxial tests were carried out on specimens of a saturated clay...

A series of consolidated, undrained triaxial tests were carried out on specimens of a saturated clay under no back pressure. The test data at failure are summarized:

Confining pressure kPa          Deviator stress kPa    Pore water pressure kpa

150                                                    192                                     80

300                                                    341                                     154

450                                                    504                                     222

  1. Draw the mohr circles and find the cohesion and friction angle in terms of effective stresses.
  2. Compute Skempton’s A-Parameter at failure for all three specimens
  3. Is the soil normally consolidated or overconsolidated? Why?
  4. Another specimen of the same clay that was consolidated under a cell pressure of 250kPa was to a consolidated , drained trial drained triaxial test. What would be the deviator stress at failure.


A series of consolidated, undrained triaxial tests were carried out on specimens of a saturated clay under no back pressure. The test data at failure are summarized:

Confining pressure kPa          Deviator stress kPa    Pore water pressure kpa

150                                                    192                                     80

300                                                    341                                     154

450                                                    504                                     222

  1. Draw the mohr circles and find the cohesion and friction angle in terms of effective stresses.
  2. Compute Skempton’s A-Parameter at failure for all three specimens
  3. Is the soil normally consolidated or overconsolidated? Why?
  4. Another specimen of the same clay that was consolidated under a cell pressure of 250kPa was to a consolidated , drained trial drained triaxial test. What would be the deviator stress at failure.


In: Civil Engineering

500 mm thick square footing is to be placed at a depth of 0.5 m in...

  1. 500 mm thick square footing is to be placed at a depth of 0.5 m in a clayey sand where c¢ = 10 kPa, f¢ = 34°, g = 19.0 kN/m3. The column load to be applied on the footing is 2000 kN. What should be the width of the footing?

In: Civil Engineering

What will be the length (L in meter) of a rectangular footing to support rectangular column...

What will be the length (L in meter) of a rectangular footing to support rectangular column 20x70 cm and carries a dead load of 625 kN and live load of 426 kN. The net allowable bearing pressure is 155 kPa. The design should be according to (ACI) code with the following parameters: fc’ = 28 MPa, fy = 420 MPa.

In: Civil Engineering

The parameter most often used to characterize the response of a catchment to a rainfall event...

The parameter most often used to characterize the response of a catchment to a rainfall event is the time of concentration.

1 . What are the two commonly accepted definitions of the time of concentration?

2. Describe the various methods used to estimate the time of concentration.

In: Civil Engineering

Enumerate different types of stresses and differentiate them.

Enumerate different types of stresses and differentiate them.

In: Civil Engineering

A simply supported beam 10-m long is acted upon by a uniformly distributed dead load of...

A simply supported beam 10-m long is acted upon by a uniformly distributed dead load of 20 kN/m and a uniformly distributed live load of 48 kN/m throughout its span.

Design the footings of each columns located at the supports using the following data

  • Depth of Footing (Df)                                                   =             1.20 meters
  • Allowable Soil Pressure (qall)                                      =             210 kPa
  • Unit Weight of Soil (γs)                                                =             17 kN/m3
  • Unit Weight of Concrete (γc)                                      =             24 kN/m3
  • Design Compressive Strength of Concrete (f’c)     =             27.6 MPa
  • Yield Strength of Reinforcing Steel (fy)                    =             276 MPa
  • Use 16 mm diameter reinforcing bars for both footing and column.

Assume that:

  • A square column with a dimension of 450 mm is located on the left support.
  • A circular concrete column of 500 mm in diameter is located on the right support.
  • Property line is located 0.50 meters from the left support and 2.0 meters from the right support.

Determine the following for the designed footings on the left and the right side of the beam:

  1. Approximate thickness
  2. Effective allowable bearing capacity
  3. Dimension of the footing
  4. Ultimate soil bearing capacity.
  5. Minimum depth against One – Way Shear
  6. Minimum depth against Two – Way Shear
  7. Design and detail of reinforcement
  8. Development length adequacy
  9. Concrete bearing stress adequacy
  10. Draw the footing in detail.


  1. Minimum depth against Moment
  2. Steel Ratio
  3. Coefficient of Resistance

In: Civil Engineering

Questions about pipr flow experiment 1. What causes dynamic head loss 2. Should the values for...

Questions about pipr flow experiment
1. What causes dynamic head loss
2. Should the values for expcted f similar to theoretical f? Justify your answer
3. What assumptions did you make in determining the theoretical friction factor?
4. How severe are minor losses compared to major losses
5. Is pipe bend or pipe angle preferred as a fitting? Why?
6. Briefly write your observations regarding minor losses

In: Civil Engineering

a) List four steps employed in Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis (DSHA) method b) How is Probabilistic...

a) List four steps employed in Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis (DSHA) method

b) How is Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) different from Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis (DSHA)

In: Civil Engineering

a) Give reasons why moment magnitude Mw is the most common used method to define the...

a) Give reasons why moment magnitude Mw is the most common used method to define the size of an earthquake.

Data on a major earthquake are as follows:

· Depth of fault rupture is 25 km

· Length of the surface faulting is 800 km

· Average slip along the fault is 5 m

· Shear modulus of material along the fault plane is 2x1010 N/m2

b) Calculate the seismic moment, Mo

c) Compute the moment magnitude of the earthquake (note, Mo in dyne-cm; one Newton-m = 107 dyne-cm)

In: Civil Engineering

Could you please list 5 risks for the Anderson dam in the next 5 years? Every...

Could you please list 5 risks for the Anderson dam in the next 5 years? Every risk must have trigger and an impact.

For examplE

(Trigger) hairline cracks in main spillway May cause (risk) failure of lower portion of main spillway just rebuilt resulting in (impact) erosion below main spillway, repeating damage seen in 2017.

In: Civil Engineering

2) A circular sewer is to carry a flow rate of 0.07m3 /s when flowing full....

2) A circular sewer is to carry a flow rate of 0.07m3
/s when flowing full. The sewer is
to be laid on a slope of 0.006. With n = 0.013, calculate the pipe size and velocity
of flow. Compare the nomogram and theoretical values.

In: Civil Engineering

Risk management is a key part of project management. List five key features of a road...

Risk management is a key part of project management. List five key features of a road infrastructure risk management plan. Name three significant risks usually involved in a road project and briefly describe them. (Target length to answer this question is approximately 300 words)

In: Civil Engineering

List four major components of asphalt and describe their contributions to the overall performance of a...

List four major components of asphalt and describe their contributions to the overall performance of a road pavement.

In: Civil Engineering

what is the junction low (i need traffic flow not current), plees i also need a...

what is the junction low (i need traffic flow not current),

plees i also need a reference

. thank you

In: Civil Engineering

Distinguish between hot mix asphalt patching and crack seal used for the maintenance treatment for flexible...

Distinguish between hot mix asphalt patching and crack seal used for the maintenance treatment for flexible pavements.

In: Civil Engineering