a) The soil from a borrow pit is at a total density of 1.8 t/m3 and...

a) The soil from a borrow pit is at a total density of 1.8 t/m3 and a water content of 12%. It is desired to construct a road subgrade with a compacted total density of 2 t/m3 at a water content of 17%. Determine the quantity of soil (dry mass in tonnes) to be excavated from the barrow pit and the amount of water (in litres) to be added for every 1 m3 of compacted soil in the embankment. (Assume the specific gravity of soil is 2.65).

b) Explain the relative benefits of using stone mastic asphalt and open graded asphalt in pavement.

In: Civil Engineering

In a uniform open channel flow: The total energy remains constant along the channel The total...

  1. In a uniform open channel flow:
    1. The total energy remains constant along the channel
    2. The total energy line either rises or falls along the channel depending on the state of the flow
    3. The specific energy decreases along the channel
    4. The line representing the total energy is parallel to the bed of the channel

  1. In which of the following situations, the flow is uniform?
    1. Flow in channel contraction or expansion
    2. Flow in the vicinity of a bridge pier
    3. Flow at the middle of a long prismatic channel far away from the obstruction

  1. Uniform flow in an open channel exists when the flow is steady, and the channel is
    1. Prismatic
    2. Non-prismatic and the depth of the flow is constant along the channel
    3. Prismatic and the depth of the flow is constant along the channel
    4. Frictionless

  1. In uniform flow, there is a balance between:
    1. Gravity and frictional forces
    2. Gravity and inertial forces
    3. Inertial and frictional forces
    4. Inertial and viscous forces

  1. The water depth in a wide channel is equal to 1.2m (For a very wide channel R is approximately equal to y). If the Chezy coefficient is equal to 49 (metric), then Manning coefficient n (metric) is equal to:
    1. 0.024
    2. 0.021
    3. 0.026

In: Civil Engineering

a) Describe the two methods for calculating areas enclosed by irregular lines, and comment on the...

a) Describe the two methods for calculating areas enclosed by irregular lines, and comment on the use and limitations the methods. b) What is a planimeter and name the two types of planimeters. c) Describe how the volume of a reservoir can be calculated from contours.

In: Civil Engineering

when designing a rigid channel carrying low sediment water, what 2 requirements do you need to...

when designing a rigid channel carrying low sediment water, what 2 requirements do you need to meet and what are you trying to avoid in these requirement

In: Civil Engineering

a) Describe the procedure of using GNSS for setting out a horizontal alignment. (10 marks) b)...

a) Describe the procedure of using GNSS for setting out a horizontal alignment. b) Total station and GNSS can be used in setting out. Discuss and compare the total station method with the GNSS method in setting out.

In: Civil Engineering

a) State the 3 parameters needed for design a circular curve. (3 marks) b) Describe the...

a) State the 3 parameters needed for design a circular curve. b) Describe the possible traditional methods for setting out circular curves. c) Describe the two types of transition curves and comment on the use of them. d) Describe the two main requirements in the design and construction of vertical curves.

In: Civil Engineering

Under what circumstances might an owner decide to use wrap-up (owner controlled insurance program) insurance. What...

Under what circumstances might an owner decide to use wrap-up (owner controlled insurance program) insurance. What type of projects are suited for wrap-up insurance?

In: Civil Engineering

Which ASTM cement(Type 1-Type 5) is most appropriate for the following construction applications? What types of...

Which ASTM cement(Type 1-Type 5) is most appropriate for the following construction applications? What types of mineral and/or chemical admixtures could be used for each application? Give detailed reasons for your choices.

  • Construction of a bridge pier in the sea.

In: Civil Engineering

What causes thermal cracking of concrete in early day of concreting? Name 4 methods that can...

What causes thermal cracking of concrete in early day of concreting? Name 4 methods that can be used to control it and give reasons in details.   

In: Civil Engineering

Suppose an office building is constructed for an owner. The punch list items are addressed, and...

  1. Suppose an office building is constructed for an owner. The punch list items are addressed, and the project is accepted by the owner. Three months later during the winter season, the owner noticed that the roof developed a small leak and that the leaking water caused discoloration of several suspended ceiling tiles. The main cause of the leakage is an issue in the roof installation and structure that was not readialy observable during final inspection carried out by the owner’s representative. Suppose the owner then noticed that the space between the bottom of three doors and the surface of the floor was nearly ½ inch, exceeding the ¼ inch that was specified in the construction documents. (1) What type of defect is the roof issue? Should the roof repairs and the replacement of the ceiling tiles be covered by warranty? Explain your answer. (2) What type of defect is the extra space between the bottom of doors and the surface of the floor? Should the repaid of the space between the bottom of doors and the surface of the floor be covered by warranty? Explain your answer.    

In: Civil Engineering

In the design of a city water supply system, three reservoirs are connected by three pipes...

In the design of a city water supply system, three reservoirs are connected by three pipes which meet at the junction. Reservoir A needs to supply 0.0938 m3/s to lower reservoirs B (Elevation 150 m) and C (Elevation 140 m). Pipe 1 is 900 m long and 300 mm in diameter, pipe 2 is a 200 mm diameter pipe 387 m long, and pipe 3 is 200 mm in diameter and 700 m long. The roughness coefficient for all pipes is 0.011.
a. Determine the discharge in pipe 2.
b. Compute the discharge in pipe 3.
c. What is the elevation of the water surface of reservoir A?

In: Civil Engineering

A rectangular cross section beam (A) made of steel constructed in an industrial building between two...

A rectangular cross section beam (A) made of steel constructed in an industrial building between two columns which are “X” m apart. The beam is acting as a support for one end of a pair of crane wheel (B). The distance b/w wheels are “Y” m. The crane is used to lift max. of Z tonnes of load which is having hook at the centre of crane. Draw shear force and B.M diagram of the beam.
Case i) If the crane wheels are positioned at equal distances from centre of the beam.
Case ii) If one of the crane wheels is exactly at the centre.
Case iii) If one of the crane wheels comes exactly over a column.
Also find the max. bending stresses in the beam for the first case considering the depth (d) as twice the width of the beam.
Note: The values of X, Y, Z and d are to be taken from the following table.
where X(m)=4.8, Y(m)=1, Z(tonnes)=9, depth(d)(mm)=500.

In: Civil Engineering

A cubical tank has sides of 4.5m which contains three immiscible liquids at same depths. A...

A cubical tank has sides of 4.5m which contains three immiscible liquids at same depths. A water upto a height of 1.5m above the base, An immiscible liquid of specific gravity 0.9 is filled in between both liquids (mid-portion) upto 1.5m height, the upper remaining part is filled with oil of specific gravity 0.79. Calculate (i) The value of pressures at the top, at the interface points and at bottom on one side of the tank (ii) The position of center of pressure for one side of the tank. (iii) What suggestions would you give to your client on the basis of obtained results? (iv) Pressure distribution Diagram

In: Civil Engineering

According to Turkish Standards; How to calculate Shrinkage and Shrinkage of Concrete? (Can be viewed from...

According to Turkish Standards; How to calculate Shrinkage and Shrinkage of Concrete? (Can be viewed from TS500)
Please explain by solving one numerical sample.

In: Civil Engineering

 (a) What are the various classifications of mortar? (b) In accordance with ‘kind of binding...

 (a) What are the various classifications of mortar? (b) In accordance with ‘kind of binding material’, mortars are classified into five basic categories. List and explain

In: Civil Engineering