Success stories of the adoption in the construction industry The explanation should be on based on...

Success stories of the adoption in the construction industry
The explanation should be on based on the following innovation:
a)   Building Information Modelling (BIM)
b)   3D Printing
c)   Robotics
d)   Augmented reality
e)   Drone

In: Civil Engineering

INNOVATION IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY The construction industry has been criticized because of its low productivity...

The construction industry has been criticized because of its low productivity and quality in comparison with other industries. One of the main reasons is the industry suffers from a lack of innovation. Thanks to digitalization, innovative technologies and new construction techniques had been introduced recently. This is reflected with the rapid emergence of augmented reality, drones, 3D scanning and printing, Building Information Modelling (BIM), autonomous equipment and advanced building materials. By adopting and exploiting these innovations, companies will boost productivity, streamline their project management and procedures, and enhance quality and safety. However, the adoption rate of innovation in the Malaysian construction industry is still low. One of the reasons is due to the lack of awareness. For this, the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) has taken initiative by inviting everyone to participate in the Innovation in Construction Industry Awareness Campaign 2020. Your company is taking part in this campaign with the purpose to create awareness among the construction industry players on the available innovation that can be used in the construction industry to increase their productivity.
For this, your company are required to prepare a report that contains information on the innovation available in the construction industry in terms of:

a)   The definition
b)   The purpose
c)   The benefits

In: Civil Engineering

Arrive at the size of the rectangular RCC footing for a column of size 300 mm...

Arrive at the size of the rectangular RCC footing for a column of size 300 mm × 450 mm supporting an axial service load of 1200 kN. The SBC of soil is 200 kN/m2. Take M30 grade concrete, Fe415 steel, the angle of internal friction of soil is 300 and unit weight of soil is 19 kN/m3.


In: Civil Engineering

Problem One (33%) – water usage calculation in a confined aquifer A confined aquifer with a...

Problem One (33%) – water usage calculation in a confined aquifer

A confined aquifer with a storativity of 7.8 x 10-5 extends over an area of 50 km2. During the wet season the aquifer has been recharged and the storage in that area has been increased by 8 ML.

  1.      How much has the potentiometric surface raised?
  1.      If the aquifer was unconfined with a specific yield of 18%, what would be the volume recharged (in ML) for the same amount of raise in the water table if we consider that the specific retention is effectively 0%?

In: Civil Engineering

1) Go over the derivation of the equilibrium equations for fluids and explain in detail all...

1) Go over the derivation of the equilibrium equations for fluids and explain in detail all concepts, steps necessary to derive

A) p= p0 + gamma * z ( equilibrium of a vertical fluid column)


B) dp/dx = 0 and dp/dz + gamma = 0 ( equilibrium of an infinitesimal element of fluid )

show that one can derive 1) A from B and 2) B from A .. so A and B are equivalent forms of the equilibrium equations for fluids

In: Civil Engineering

2.What do you mean by hydraulically smooth and rough channels? What is the criterion used to...

2.What do you mean by hydraulically smooth and rough channels? What is the criterion used to determine whether a surface is hydraulically smooth or rough?

In: Civil Engineering

What are the major prohibitions provided by the Code of Ethics of Engineers? What is the...

What are the major prohibitions provided by the Code of Ethics of Engineers?

What is the purpose of imposing on the engineer and the surveyor the obligation to participate in courses, talks, conferences and workshops?

Under what circumstances can the engineer and surveyor make public statements?

Under what circumstances is an engineer who does not meet all the necessary qualifications allowed to accept a job assignment?

In: Civil Engineering

A siphon having 50 mm diameter draws Oil with γoil = 8.03 kN/m3 from a tank....

A siphon having 50 mm diameter draws Oil with γoil = 8.03 kN/m3 from a tank. Calculate the discharge and pressure at point B, assuming that head loss from section A to section B is 1.50 m, and section B to section C is 2.40 m. End of the pipe is open to the atmosphere.

In: Civil Engineering

Explain the process of “validation”, which is used when developing a model of an engineering system?

Explain the process of “validation”, which is used when developing a model of an engineering system?

In: Civil Engineering

The back wall of the shed of Lab. 12a is to be supported by a reinforced...

  1. The back wall of the shed of Lab. 12a is to be supported by a reinforced concrete spread foundation. The distributed load on the wall is 316 lb/ft and a 10% self-weight allowance should be made for the wall. The studs inside the wall are spaced at 24” and the top of the footing is 12” below ground level. The concrete is to be made from 3 ksi concrete grade and reinforced with steel bar of 36ksi yield strength. Design the foundation for the wall. Take the soil bearing pressure capability as 2 ksf and the weight density of steel concrete as 150 lb/ft3 and that of the soil as 100 lb/ft3. The weight of steel reinforcement is considered negligible.

In: Civil Engineering

I'm looking for a excercise of these topic. If any one have one of these topic...

I'm looking for a excercise of these topic. If any one have one of these topic example please comment

Chapter 6
1) Pump Specific Speed and Similarity
2) Cavitation in Water Pump
3) Selection of Pump
4) Pump in Parallel or in Series
5) Power of Reaction Turbine, relate to equation 6.36 to 6.39
6) Turbine Laws and Specific Speed
7) Cavitation in Turbine
8) Selection of Turbine
Chapter 7
1) Surface Drainage
2) Highway Drainage
3) Subsurface Drainage
Best regard
Thank you

In: Civil Engineering

A short reinforced concrete column is subjected to a 1000 kN axial compressive load. The moduli...

  1. A short reinforced concrete column is subjected to a 1000 kN axial compressive load. The moduli of elasticity of plain concrete and steel are 25 GPa and 207 GPa, respectively, and the cross-sectional area of steel is 2% of that of the reinforced concrete. Considering the column as a structural member made of a composite material and subjected to load parallel to the steel rebars, calculate the following:

a. the modulus of elasticity of the reinforced concrete

b. the load carried by each of the steel and plain concrete

c. the minimum required cross-sectional area of the column given that the allowable compressive stress of plain concrete is 20 MPa and that the allowable compressive stress of plain concrete will be reached before that of steel.

d. Plot the stress-strain behavior for the steel fiber, concrete and composite on the same plot.

In: Civil Engineering

Which of the following statement is an incorrect observation from the Moody’s diagram? For a given...

Which of the following statement is an incorrect observation from the Moody’s diagram?

For a given relative roughness, the friction factor increases with increasing Reynolds number until the zone of complete turbulence is reached.

As the relative roughness increases, the value of the Reynolds number at which the zone of complete turbulence begins also increases.

Within the zone of complete turbulence, the Reynolds number has no effect on the friction factor.

For a given Reynolds number of flow, as the relative roughness is increased, the friction factor decreases.

In: Civil Engineering

A piston–cylinder device contains steam that undergoes a reversible thermodynamic cycle. Initially the steam is at...

A piston–cylinder device contains steam that undergoes a reversible thermodynamic cycle. Initially the steam is at 400 kPa and 350oC with a volume of 0.3 m3. The steam is first expanded isothermally to 150 kPa, then compressed adiabatically to the initial pressure, and finally compressed at the constant pressure to the initial state. Determine (a) the net work and heat transfer for the cycle after you calculate the work and heat interaction for each process and (b) show the cyclic process on a PV diagram

In: Civil Engineering

How to assemble an Acceleration Response Spectra according to design code ASCE-7

How to assemble an Acceleration Response Spectra according to design code ASCE-7

In: Civil Engineering