Examine the relationship between oxygen debt and muscle fatigue and an elevated respiratory rate after exercise.
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Explain Henry's law, and describe its importance to gas exchange in the lungs
In: Anatomy and Physiology
How does the difference between arterial and venous O2 content change during exercise compared to rest? What causes this change in the arterial-venous oxygen difference?
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Explain Henry's law, and describe its importance to gas exchange in the lungs.
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Please discuss (define and explain) cellular growth
and development
Discuss what makes each tissue unique and give three
specific examples
Discuss three specific tissue types. Give location and
function in the human body
Add reference
In: Anatomy and Physiology
1. What are the risks and benefits of using recombination to generate new receptors on the developing T and B cells?
2. There is a certain symmetry about B and T cell development. In each case there is a chain that undergoes VJ recombination and one that does V(D)J recombination. Do you have any thoughts about why this might be?
3. When antigen is recognized the system develops Effector and Memory cells. Why do you think we have immunological memory? What is it about human life history (and more generally vertebrates) that makes this important?
4. What are the tradeoffs in vaccine use? How do they change when the prevalence of disease changes?
In: Anatomy and Physiology
15. To improve cardiovascular fitness.
A) all the the choices listed are correct
B) aerobic activities should be done at least 3 days/week if vigorous intensity
C) individual can combine moderate and vigorous intensity aerobic activities 3-5days/week
D) aerobic activities should be done at least 5 days/week if moderate intensity.
This information can be found in ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription 10th Edition Direct Textbook.
In: Anatomy and Physiology
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Describe how oxygen and carbon dioxide are carried in the blood, and explain the role of hemoglobin.
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Highlight the movements at the; Radio Carpal Joint, Intercarpal joints, Carpometacarpal joint and Mid carpal joints. High light the muscles involved in bringing about the movements listed above. Make reference to their proximal and distal attachment sites (origins and insertion sites)
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Highlight the movements at the; Radio Carpal Joint, Intercarpal joints, Carpometacarpal joint and Mid carpal joints. High light the muscles involved in bringing about the movements listed above. Make reference to their proximal and distal attachment sites (origins and insertion sites)
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Highlight 5 different resistance training exercises that could be used to overload muscles of the hand and forearm contributing to differing types of grip strength Please justify why such exercises would be beneficial and put them into a practical scenario (training for sport, rehabilitation, bodybuilding, anti-aging..... etc). You may select exercises that primarily target other joints and muscle groups as long as they still provide sufficient enough stimulus to the forearm, wrist, and hand to improve grip strength
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Compare the movement thru a capillary (what is it called?) to that thru the aorta (surgy)and thru a small artery/arteriole (continuous) and explain what is responsible for those differences
In: Anatomy and Physiology
List the muscle(s) that pronate the forearm.
In: Anatomy and Physiology
In: Anatomy and Physiology